Seeing Su Ze roared and jumped into the river.

Netizens were dumbfounded.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm going to laugh to death for Old Su!"

"If you can't catch any fish, just jump into the river to catch them!"

"The problem is, Lao Su has already caught more than a dozen!"

"Besides, this only takes half an hour!"

"If I were to get such a fish, I would laugh to death!"

"He was not satisfied with the result?"

“Jump into the river to catch fish???”

At this time, Su Ze was swimming wildly in the water.

His water quality is already good.

Coupled with the bonus of advanced swimming skills, it is really comparable to a small speedboat.

That speed, the splash of water created by the legs, directly connected into a piece.

If I didn’t know, I really thought it was a small speedboat.

Others may swim very fast, but Su Ze can't swim as fast as Su Ze.

With Su Ze swimming hard with his eyes red, in just one minute, he caught up with the bright light that had been moving.

At this time, Su Ze had already seen what the bright light was.

a fish.

Really a fish.

It looks very ordinary.

that is...

Too damn fat!

How good is the food in this river?

Can a fish turn into a pig? ? ?

However, now is not the time to think about this.

Su Ze gritted his teeth and dove into the water.

The speed increased again and he pointed directly at the fish.

And it seemed that it had discovered Su Ze's approach, and the fish swam frantically, trying to escape Su Ze's clutches.

Su Ze was also angry when he saw it.

Still want to run? ? ?

Mad, you’ve tricked me and you still want to run away? ? ?

If you weren't worth some money, I would have stewed you today!


Thinking of this, Su Ze's speed increased again.

The figure that was already very fast was even faster this time.

At this time, the live broadcast drone has been following Su Ze and broadcasting Su Ze's movements in real time.

Netizens were stunned when they saw the fish-like figure in the water.

"Holy shit!"

"Lao Su, your speed is so damn fast!"

"Those who didn't know better thought it was a speedboat!"

"This speed is amazing!"

"But Lao Su... really wants to catch fish???"

"That fish in front is so fat!"

"My mother lied to me and said swimming can help me lose weight. I still believed it before!"

"Now that I see this fish that is as fat as a pig, I know that I am still too young!"

Seeing Su Ze approaching, the fat fish was obviously stunned.

Holy shit!

Is this a human being? ? ?

Why the hell can you swim faster than a fish? ? ?

Before the fish could think too much, Su Ze stretched out his claws.

The fat fish is doomed!


There was a huge sound of water breaking!

Su Ze raised his head with the fish in his hand.

"Tamade, you're kidding me!"

"Let me catch you now!"

"Still want to run???"

"Have you asked your uncle about me???"

Seeing that Su Ze actually caught a fish, netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned for about ten seconds.

Su Ze went into the water to catch fish.

Netizens did not take it seriously.

I just thought he was adjusting the live broadcast effect.

After all, ever since Su Ze entered the water to catch fish, the popularity of the entire live broadcast room has risen like a rocket.

The original number of viewers was only 50,000, but now it has reached over 100,000.

There was a steady stream of people running in from behind.


Did you really catch a fish in the water?

Comparing speed with fish, you actually won? ? ? ?

Netizens thought they were in a dream for a while.

Only in dreams can such a situation occur!

At this time, Su Ze had already landed.

He threw the fat fish into the bucket.

Only then did he remember that the system had given him a prompt just after he successfully caught the fish.

[Koi Loulan] Value: 9.8 million!

Holy shit!

Su Ze was stunned on the spot!

He turned around and glanced at the fat fish jumping happily in the water.

Su Ze was dumbfounded for a moment.

This fish...

Actually worth 9.8 million? ? ? ?

What the hell is this?

Is it a dragon? ? ?

At this time, in the live broadcast room, due to the rise in popularity, there were all kinds of people.

It’s normal to have a few people who understand fish.

"Lao Su, you've lost your temper!"

“This fish is not simple!”

"Look at the colors!"

"Pure red, pure white!"

"The red one is thorough, the white one is radiant!"

"Not simple, definitely not simple!"

As soon as these fish-savvy comments came out, other netizens were dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

"This expensive???"

"Lao Su... made money again???"

They seemed in disbelief.

what's the situation?

Go down to the river and catch a fish.

What’s more, it’s a top-notch fish?

Otherwise, how could we use the word "fa"? ? ?

At this time, Su Ze was no longer as angry as before.

9.8 million!

This fish is worth 9.8 million!

2 million more than the previous Yinchen Mu.

Not to mention that this fish was angry with him, even if he went to pee on his bed, he wouldn't be angry at all.

After all, who has trouble with money? ? ?

At this moment, Su Ze's phone rang.

He took out his phone and saw a familiar contact.

He Yanqing.

After picking up the phone, Su Ze was stunned for a moment after communicating with her.

He Yanqing actually wants to buy his fish?

You still need 10 million to buy it? ? ?


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