Live Broadcast To Dig For Treasure In The Mountains, Start With A Million Times Profit!

Chapter 79 Enter The Hole! The Corridors Have Been Collected For You!

Looking at the corridor in front of him, Su Ze looked suspicious.

Netizens were puzzled when they saw Su Ze standing there without moving.

"What's wrong with Lao Su?"

"This is an ancient tomb, hurry up and explore for the treasure!"

"Come out with some good stuff and let the brothers open their eyes -!"

Su Ze saw the barrage and said: "Brothers, this corridor is very large. If this is an ancient tomb, it would be at least an emperor's level.

"Everyone, please don't forget that where we are now is in the desert!"

Su Ze's words directly gave netizens a blow, and netizens suddenly woke up.

"Fuck, yes!"

"This is a desert. Which emperor would build a tomb in the desert?"

"This is unreasonable!"

"Then what's going on in this corridor???"

Netizens were also extremely confused at this time.

There is a big corridor, but this is in the desert!

A tomb passage with imperial specifications. Did that emperor really build a tomb in the desert?

Su Ze didn't think much and said directly: "Let's not think too much about these details.

"Just use the drone to explore the situation, and everything will be clear by then."

As Su Ze said this, he started to control the drone and headed towards the corridor.

Such a corridor, even if it is not an ancient tomb, is still dangerous.

Su Ze had always been careful, so he did not move forward rashly.

Instead, I chose to use a drone to explore the path first to see what was ahead.

Accompanied by the "buzzing" sound of fan blades breaking through the air.

The drone flew slowly towards the corridor.

The nearly 100 meters of corridor passed by in an instant.

At this time, there is a winding path half a meter wide at the end of the corridor.

Su Ze steered the drone towards the path.

After flying no more than ten meters along the path, the drone passed through a small door.

suddenly see the light!

In front of the drone is a huge cave with an area of ​​approximately more than two hundred square meters.

It was like daylight inside the cave.

Looking for the light source, I saw that it was nine night pearls on the cave wall.

These nine luminous pearls are as big as a human head, and the light emitted by each luminous pearl is particularly dazzling.

Just nine of them reflected every detail of this huge cave!

"Fuck! Night Pearl!!!"

"Lao Su, what's wrong with you, such a big luminous pearl!!!"

"Lao Su, don't hesitate, hurry up and set off, there is no danger in this corridor, these are all treasures!!!"

Su Ze was also a little stunned when she saw the nine luminous pearls in the camera.

I didn't expect there to be such a treasure underground.

Each one is as big as a human head, and only nine of them illuminate this huge cave.

Without thinking much, Su Ze set off directly.

He walked straight towards the cave.

Netizens were very excited when they saw Su Ze setting off.

When I think about getting the night-light pearl in the cave, I am very excited.

Even more excited than Su Ze.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Don't leave any one behind, take it all under your palm!"

"These nine night-light pearls are definitely worth my money!"

"It's done, it's done, Lao Su, you've done it!"

A hundred meters of corridor passed by in an instant.

Su Ze stepped directly from the corridor into the winding path.

But the moment he stepped into this trail.

The whole underground suddenly shook.

Then, the stone walls on both sides were like two big clamps, clamping directly towards Su Ze.

"Fuck! Trap!!!"

"Made, there is actually a trap!"

"Lao Su, run away, this is too dangerous!"

Netizens woke up instantly when they saw Shibi's sudden movement.

Su Ze had no time to be stunned.

Although the distance of this trail is not long, it is still more than ten meters away.

And the path is only half a meter wide.

I definitely can't rush.

Without thinking much, Su Ze jumped back into the corridor like a green onion on a dry land.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The two stone walls of the trail suddenly closed together.

The stone walls of this path close together with such force that they can even crush a tank.

Looking at the stone wall closing in front of him, a little sweat broke out on Su Ze's forehead.

"Holy shit, luckily Lao Su can run fast. If he were just a little slower...the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Made, I'm scared to death."

"Old Su, let's go. It's too dangerous ahead."

"Don't end up not getting the treasure, but losing your life instead!"

Netizens were also frightened by this stone wall.

At this moment, the stone wall that closed in front of him opened and closed again with a "rumbling" sound.

Looking at the reappearance of the trail, Su Ze was slightly stunned.

This... is actually a trap that can be reused!!

At the end of the path, the cave entrance is still scattering the dazzling light of night pearls.

It's like a terrifying beast opening its mouth, tempting greedy people.

It's only a dozen meters of trail.

Now it’s like a natural chasm!

The treasure is right in front of you, but you can't get it.

Su Ze couldn't help but admire the designer of this trap.

Deliberately place treasures in front and then set traps.

When the tomb robbers are overjoyed and think they can get the treasure, they will pinch you to death!

This is so similar to that mouse trap!

However, Su Ze did not intend to give up.

"Brothers, are you willing to just leave like this?"

"The treasure is just ahead. It's just a trail. What's so scary about it?"

As soon as Su Ze finished speaking, netizens immediately exclaimed.


"Lao Su, why are you still rushing to do this???"

"The path ahead is only about half a meter wide, so there is no chance of running!"

"Lao Su, right?"

"You can keep the green hills and you won't have to worry about running out of firewood!"

Netizens urged Su Ze to stop rushing.

Su Ze ignored the barrage and took two steps back, planning to charge.

But he just took two steps back.


There was a "click" sound.

Su Ze stood stunned on the spot!

Is there a trap????



The entire corridor trembled violently in an instant.


The eight-meter-wide corridor has actually begun to close!!!

This is actually a mousetrap???

"Damn it, this damn thing doesn't leave a way to survive, damn it!"

"The trail ahead is also a trap, but this corridor is actually something special!"

"It's over, Old Su is gone!"

"There was a small mousetrap before, and now it's a big mousetrap!"

"Wait, it seems there is still life!"

"Old Su, run back!"

"Go to the cave entrance, the cave entrance we came from before!"

When netizens exclaimed, they suddenly discovered that the corridor was not closing quickly.

And this is only a hundred meters away, if you run backwards, you still have a chance!

But the moment the netizen’s suggestion appeared.

At the entrance of the corridor, a large pool of gravel suddenly fell.

The vibrations in the corridor were so great that the sand on the entrance of the cave was shaken down.

There was so much gravel that the entrance to the cave was completely blocked!

Now Su Ze has no retreat, only forward!

But the trail ahead is also a narrow escape.

When such a crisis came, Su Ze calmed down.

In just a moment, he understood the intention of the trap designer.

There are traps on the path ahead.

After taking a few steps back, there is another trap in the corridor.

The purpose of all this is to hope that the tomb robbers will fight to the death and head to the trail!

The purpose of this design was also clear to Ze.

As long as you come down, I will kill you!

What a great design!

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh.

The designer of this trap really has a thorough understanding of human nature.

However, do you really think that there is nothing he can do?

Su Ze looked at the path in front of him, and then at the slowly closing corridor.

You have a good plan, I have a ladder to cross the bridge!

Su Ze took out a bottle of mountain spring water with his backhand.

Drink it in one go.

Then Su Ze picked up the cyclone shovel and started digging directly!

The place he dug was not a corridor or a trail.

But the underground of this corridor!

Netizens were stunned when they saw Su Ze's actions.



"Damn it! Old Su, you are trying to... dig a way out!"

"I won't take your corridors, nor will I take your paths. I'll dig my own way!"

"Lao Su is awesome!"

“But can this be dug out???”

"Although the closing speed of this corridor is slow, how long will it take to dig a deep hole that people can avoid???"

"Besides, after the tunnel is closed, who knows whether it will open again?"

"If we go in and the tunnel is closed, then Old Su won't be able to suffocate to death?"

Netizens are talking a lot about the feasibility of Su Ze's method.

But Su Ze didn't think so much and started digging directly with the tornado shovel.

Feel the energy in your body.

Su Ze was very confident that he would be able to dig out a place to hide before the tunnel closed.




As the cyclone shovel continued to be swung, soil continued to splash.

In just a short while, Su Ze dug a pit half a meter deep.

At this time, the corridor has only closed one-third of the distance.

According to the current speed, Su Ze can just dig a deep hole that can be entered before the corridor closes.

"Damn it, Lao Su is a bit fast!"

"It's only been a while, but it's already half done!"

"Then if this is true, Lao Su can dig it out???"

Netizens were a little surprised when they saw Su Ze's speed.

You know, this is a mud pit, not a sand pit.

But it only took Su Ze more than ten seconds to dig out the half-meter deep pit.

This speed is really amazing.

Unlike netizens who were surprised, Su Ze was a little anxious at this time.

It is no problem for him to dig a deep hole to hide people.

But this corridor will close!

What's the meaning?

Even the soil he dug out would eventually be pushed back by the tunnel!

…………Please give me flowers…………

Then if he hid in there, he wouldn't be buried in the soil???

Thinking of this, Su Ze swung the shovel a little faster.

Even when digging, the soil that was swung out with shovel after shovel was still connected into a line.

Just like Su Ze dug sand on it before.

The speed is amazing.

Time passed quietly.

Half a minute later.

Accompanied by a loud "bang"!

The stone walls of the corridor suddenly closed together.

The force was so strong that the ground shook several times.

At this time, the live broadcast drone was floating steadily above the trail, and the camera was pointed directly at the closed corridor.

"Damn it, where is Lao Su???"

"I just saw him jump into the hole!"

" come this soil was pushed back!!!"

"Old Su will not be buried!!!"

"Nah, I thought I dug a way out for Old Su... but in the end, Old Su dug a grave for himself, damn!"

"Stop talking like a crow. Old Su will not die so easily!"

"It's all like this, Old Su is probably gone..."

While netizens were talking a lot, the Helong corridor was opened again.

The corridor eight meters wide and one hundred meters long was revealed.

At the end of the corridor, there is an obvious trace of digging, which is very obvious.

Netizens looked at the scene in front of them with sad expressions.

They all know that Su Ze is there.

But they were unable to lend a helping hand.

Although they have called the police for help.

The nearest police have also sent personnel.

But it's a long way to go, and we still have at least seven or eight hours to get there.

By the time these police officers arrive, Ze's grave will be two or three meters high.

But even so, these netizens still haven't left.

They were all in the live broadcast room, waiting quietly.

It seems like waiting for a miracle to happen.

But this miracle is so slim!

An hour passed.

There was no movement in the corridor.

Netizens are still waiting quietly.

Two hours passed.

The corridor is still quiet.

Three hours passed.

Still no movement.

Netizens have given up and are ready to leave and experience strange things on the Internet.

But right now!

The live broadcast drone that had been stationary in the air suddenly started to move.

The change in the picture shocked all netizens.

"What the hell...what's going on???"

“Why is the drone moving???”

"Who controlled the remote control?? Lao Su?? It's impossible, damn!"

While netizens were shocked, the drone turned around and headed towards the cave.

It is still a cave like daylight.

The nine night pearls are still emitting endless light.

At this time, in the cave, he stood for a while.

The man was 1.85 meters tall and handsome. He held a cyclone shovel in his left hand and was patting the dust all over his body with his right hand.

Netizens were stunned when they saw this man.

"Damn it, Lao Su!"

"Damn it, Lao Su!"

"Damn it, the picture shows you, Jingmiao, actually alive???"

"And...and why are you here???"

"What's going on???"

"Lao Su, you...are so awesome, damn it!"

Patted the dirt all over his body.

Su Ze took out a bottle of mountain spring water and took a swig.

Three hours of time.

With the cyclone shovel, he really dug a path for him.

Dig all the way from the bottom of the corridor.

After digging through the path, we dug directly into the cave.

He didn't just come over.

He also used a shovel to paralyze the mechanisms on the paths and corridors on the road.

Seeing the shock of the barrage in the live broadcast room, Su Ze laughed.

"Why are you so shocked?"

"I just dug a road to get here."

"It took just that long, do you really think I'm dead???"

"You, old Su, are so unlucky?"

Netizens were stunned when they heard what Su Ze said.

"You call this a little too long? Damn it, three hours, damn!"

"If you were a little later, the police would be here!"

"You just dug a road. Are you really an excavator?"

"You actually dug this ten-meter road, and it's in the right direction?"

"Are you kidding us? You must know that this magnetic field is chaotic!"

Su Ze smiled slightly when he saw the barrage, pointed to his head and said: "The magnetic field is mixed, and the compass cannot be used."

"But I still have a brain!"

"No more, no more."

“It’s the pearl of the night!”

Su Ze said, walking to the cave wall.

Looking at the luminous pearl the size of a human head in front of her, Su Ze beamed.

[Night Pearl] Value: 54.5 million.

One piece is worth more than 50 million!


Isn’t it just 500 million???


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