Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 136 This is a terrifying watchdog! ! !

"It turns out that this is the leader of the electric eel group, but it turned out to be specially modified"

Xu Che's heart was startled. The content of the last paragraph of the system made him suddenly notice that something was wrong. The ability of electronic pulses seemed to control all modern equipment. "Get out of here quickly!"

Xu Che's heart moved, and he immediately turned on the supersonic function again.

"Warning, the engine temperature hasn't completely lowered. Turn on the supersonic speed again, I'm afraid there is a danger of burning the engine!"

There was a reminder from the Cyclops, but Xu Che couldn't take care of so much, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't talk so much nonsense, open it for me!"

"Yes, opening now"

Almost at the same time, the electric eel queen also moved. It curled up, and the current entangled around it began to gather quickly toward its head. The bony spike on its head that resembled an antenna gave out a dazzling light. For a while, it turned out that the entire space was shining clearly! The next moment, just listening to the boom, the dazzling light suddenly poured out, forming a huge electronic shock wave by the electric eel queen. It quickly spread to the surroundings! The Cyclops has already turned on the supersonic speed, and less than half a second after it sprinted out, it was hit by this invisible electronic shock wave.

The engine of Boom Cyclops stopped working in an instant. Not only that, but the lights, the energy shield system, and the sonar system were all disconnected!"

Oops Xu Che frowned. He didn't expect to be a step late, but he was still recruited! "What's the matter, why is the cabin suddenly darkened"

"Yes, what about the lights"

"My day, what is the situation? The control panel of the Cyclops is also completely black!"

"This is stopped"

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was also a little confused and didn't know what happened.

"Um... the giant electric eel is the leader of this group of electric eels, called the queen of electric eels, capable of emitting electronic pulses and powering off all electronic devices" Xu Che explained, but his live broadcast room was not affected. It affects that the black technology gifted by the system seems to be immune to this kind of electronic pulse. However, it is useless for a mobile phone to be immune to this kind of electronic pulse. Xu Che took out the flashlight from his backpack again and pressed the switch. There was no bright light, and indeed even the flashlight was disturbed by this electronic pulse and could not be used.

"Electronic pulses still have this ability"

I'll go, it's too strong. Yeah, I just paralyzed the Cyclops! ""

What should I do now? The audience couldn't help worrying. Li had to say, it was abnormal and deadly! Maybe the electronic pulse is useless for other creatures, but for Xu Che, it is simply nothing. Nightmare! He can live to the present, basically relying on the high-tech equipment in his hand, and once hit by the electronic pulse, these equipment will become the inertia brought by the scrap iron Cyclops through supersonic driving. Moving forward, but the speed is getting slower and slower, and behind the Cyclops, the electric eel queen is swimming quickly toward the Cyclops!"

The system, when will my devices recover?" Xu Che frowned and asked the system calmly. The more you are at this time, the less you can panic."

Ding, about three minutes. ""Three minutes, I hope the Cyclops can survive these three minutes of attack" Xu Che clenched his fists. In this case, even if the Cyclops was powered off, it was his only shield. .

He definitely can't

Going out to face the Queen of the Electric Eel alone, he can't use any equipment now, and he is definitely not the opponent of the Queen of the Electric Eel.

A few seconds later, the Queen of the Electric Eel had already swam behind the Cyclops and slammed into the Cyclops! Bang! Xu Che heard a violent crash from the outside of the Cyclops, the impact of the electric eels. It is not strong for the Cyclops, even the Queen of Electric Eels.

But the power of the electric eel is not in the impact, but in its powerful current. Now that there is no energy shield, the current is simply a huge devastation to the Cyclops engine! Xu Che hurried to the engine room, At the same time, I asked the system: "Can the system detect the current situation of the Cyclops?"

The Cyclops itself has been powered off, and he can only turn to the system for detection.

"Ding scan, the Cyclops' engine was not damaged, and the hull was damaged by 5%%."

A prompt came from the system."

No damage "Xu Che was a little surprised:"

Why is the engine not damaged ""

Ding, after the Queen of the Electric Eel sends out an electronic pulse, the current in her body can only be regenerated for at least five minutes, during which time she cannot deliver an electric shock.


That's how it turns out" Xu Che came to understand.

"That is not bad"

He just breathed a sigh of relief, so that he should be able to hold on for three minutes.

As soon as three minutes arrive, immediately.

Turn on the engine, send a biological bait torpedo, to divert the electric eel queen away, and then escape! "But the anchor, how is this possible? The electric eel is obviously just a natural creature, how could it have evolved the ability of electronic pulses to come to this. It is for the ability of electronic equipment.When the Queen of Electric Eels usually hunts, it is not used at all!'' At this time, physicist Christopher couldn't help typing.

"You are right, this is not the ability of the Queen of Electric Eels, it has been modified to have this ability.

"Xu Che replied: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the pioneer who transformed it."

"This place is only a hundred meters away from the disease research center. I think it was the pioneer who transformed this electric eel queen to become the watchdog of the disease research center. Any creature that passes here will be attacked by the electric eel queen. The attack, and the electronic pulse is the best means to target all civilized invaders.”

Hearing Xu Che's words, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized: "That's it."

"It feels like this,"

"Use electric eel as a watchdog? The pioneers are also very good at playing."

But why didn’t the pioneers directly transform the ghost Leviathan? Wouldn’t it be more fierce"

Yes, what I said upstairs makes sense, the ghost Leviathan is stronger. ""Although the ghost Leviathan has a stronger combat power than the electric eel queen, it does not have the ability to discharge the electric eel, so even Being a pioneer, I can't give the ghost Leviathan the ability to emit electron pulses."

Xu Che explained: "Moreover, there is a group of electric eels behind the Queen of Electric Eels. If you control it, you control the whole."

When talking about this, Xu Che suddenly reacted: "Oops!".

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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