Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 144 Sea Dragon Leviathan and Sea King Leviathan! ! ! !

You must know that the way this pioneer saves specimens is different from that of humans. Humans are preserved corpses, and the pioneers just put the specimens into dormancy, and there may be all kinds of suspicions and uneasiness in his heart when he wakes up, Xu Che again Forcibly put aside this worry, forget it, don't think about it, after all, he is already in the wolf den, and there are a lot of deep dives sleeping around, there is no other thing in the mind.

Hold your breath and continue to look at the list.Next, a large number of creatures died due to genetic collapse in the experiment.It seems that except for the death of Leviathan, no other creatures can survive the disease.

No, that's not right, he found another creature in the same condition as the death god Leviathan:"

Sea Dragon Leviathan, after 10 days of forced infection, everything was normal. After 10, the original back grew green scales. After 23 days, the front grew sharp claws. After 35 days, the tail tentacles also grew. One by one weird flippers, analysis found that the sea dragon Leviathan changed from a fish to an amphibian reptile"

"Assessment: The situation is exactly the same as that of the god of death Leviathan, which completely changed the species. Studies have shown that the sea dragon Leviathan does not have the hope of curing the disease. After the mutation, the sea dragon Leviathan has become extremely threatening. The secretions in the virus have also mutated. It is recommended that they be directly obliterated to completely eliminate the threat."

"Hailong Leviathan hasn't seen this thing until now"

Seeing this passage, Xu Che thought silently in his heart, and the information above is realistic, the mutated sea dragon Leviathan seems to be more terrifying than the death god Leviathan, so that the mutant death god Leviathan is carefully preserved. Observe carefully, and this mutated sea dragon Leviathan, the pioneer actually chose to be put to death. Xu Che also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. But I don't want the pioneers to make a big show.

Xu Che continued to read, with some worries in his heart, not all the creatures on this planet would have been killed by the pioneers in this way. Fortunately, he still retained a glimmer of hope in the end, when he saw the last row of data at the end of the list. Suddenly my eyes lit up! I saw the last line that read: "Unidentified Leviathan creature, the closest translation is Sea Emperor Leviathan. After this creature is forcibly infected, everything is normal for 10 days, and everything depends on everything for 10 days. It's normal. After close observation, until now, the physical signs that Sea Emperor Leviathan has shown are all normal."

"Assessed, the creature seems to be naturally immune to Kara's disease, and a special project needs to be established to study Leviathan in detail. This may be the only way to solve the disease."

After reading this passage, Xu Che was breathing fast, found it, and finally found it! Finally found a way to cure Kara’s disease! Although he did not find it, the pioneer found a way, this is called Sea Emperor Leviathan The creature is the key! "System, in the downloaded data record, is there any content about the Sea Emperor Leviathan?" Xu Che asked.

"not at all."

The system replied: "The data terminal here records all the data of all organisms infected with Kara disease. The host needs to find the next data that may record the special content of the sea king Leviathan."

"Are you still looking for the next one? Well, I feel a little uncomfortable. He really wants to immediately.

Leave here, but there is no way, this time Leviathan's data must be

It's just a short shot, it's impossible to abandon it here."

Everyone, I have studied the data of this person, and now I have a good idea of ​​the solution to the disease.

"Xu Che whispered to the audience in the live broadcast room."

Really so awesome! ""

Sure enough, the pioneer's research has yielded results! ""

The anchor talked in detail, what kind of eyebrows ""

Don't talk about it here, all the people around are deep divers, and I'm so flustered when I see it, "Yes, yes, yes."

Xu Che naturally knew this.After just saying a word to the audience, he continued to act, carefully avoiding the surrounding deep divers, and proceeded with difficulty.

Some roads were completely blocked by deep divers, and it was really hard to get through. Xu Che simply used the space to jump and jumped directly.

In this case, although the progress was very slow, everything went smoothly. Xu Che did not wake up any deep divers.

"Ding, a data terminal has been detected nearby."

At this time, the sound of the system sounded.

Xu Che also saw it. The data terminal was five meters to his left, but the problem was that there was a deep diver lying on it."

Why is it not good for you to lie down here? "Xu Che feels a pain in his head."

The host needs to transfer this deep dive before the system can download it.

"An alert came from the system."

You don’t need to remind "Xu Che clenched his fists:"

System, if I kill this deep diver directly in a deep sleep, will the surrounding deep divers know ""

Not sure.

"The system replied:"

This system is temporarily unable to analyze the specific structure of the deep dive, and the communication mechanism is still a mystery.Unless the host dissected it, the system can fully analyze it.


Is this really troublesome? I knew that when I was on the Bi Fang, I should get the body of the deep diver to study it." Xu Che thought a little depressed.

So what should we do now, this deep dive must be dealt with."

This step is reached, let's take a gamble." Xu Che took a deep breath and moved his right hand, and the power dagger had already popped out of the armguard.

I hope to kill a deep diver in this way, and the other deep divers will not be awakened.

He aimed at the head of the deep dive and was about to chop it down.

After a while Xu Che reacted violently, he was stupid, using the stagnation gun: Ah! It is still possible to be found by the deep dive after such a stab, but with the stagnation gun: it is completely different!"

Damn it, pig brain!" Xu Che scolded himself, he took out his stagnation gun, and aimed at the deep dive in front of him.

Xu Che didn't charge up, but directly pressed the trigger.Because the charge would make a sound, it might awaken these deep dives. A ball of light suddenly flew out of the muzzle and hit the deep dive head.

Because there is no charge, the energy field formed by the light ball is less than half a meter in size, and it only covers the upper half of the deep dive.

But this was enough.Xu Che stabs a dagger directly into the head of the deep dive, and stirs in its brain to ensure that he is completely dead.

All of this was carried out when time was stagnant.This deep dive didn't even know that he was dead, and it was impossible for other deep dives to know the news.

After killing the deep dive, Xu Che carefully moved his body away to reveal the data terminal behind.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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