Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 178 Below one person is above ten thousand. . . . . .

Through Wang Xian's diary recorded on the computer, Xu Che seems to have followed Wang Xian's life.

Wang Xian was born in a wealthy family in Shang Country. His father is an official and his mother is one of the top scientists in Shang Country. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, when he grows up, Wang Xian also follows the steps of his mother. , Became a scientist.

However, he is still young, although he has worked hard to study, but has not achieved much, and he has no reputation in the scientific community, and is not as good as one ten thousandth of his mother's.

Until a certain day, the Galaxy Fleet of Shang Kingdom brought back a huge creature from a certain galaxy. This creature was several kilometers long, with a mighty aura and a mysterious aura. Just looking at this creature, As if watching the entire universe.

This creature is enough to make all humans fascinated by it, and soon people will call this cosmic creature ``dragon.

After the dragon was transported back to the earth, it was naturally used for anatomical research.

The person who led the team in charge of dissecting the dragon corpse was Wang Xian's mother, the top scientist in the Shang country at the time.

As a son, Wang Xian is also fortunate to join this analysis and dissection of the dragon.

Soon, the scientists of the Shang Dynasty discovered powerful abilities from the dragon corpse. The scientists were ecstatic, but at the same time puzzled. Fortunately, they could use the dragon's corpse to invent various powerful abilities. The use of scientific tools is confusing that they are completely unable to study how the dragon corpse produces these abilities.

And at this time, by dissecting the dragon corpse, Wang Xian also felt more and more insignificant, no, not just himself, but the insignificance of the entire human race. For the first time in his life, he gave birth to a cosmic creature like the dragon. Yearning.

Because of the emergence of the dragon corpse, the technology of the Shang country has once again made a qualitative leap. This is also the most prosperous period of the country's national strength. Galaxy.

As for Wang Xian himself, he didn't care much about the development of Shang Kingdom.What he cared most was the dragon corpse itself.He had a crazy interest in cosmic creatures.

So for the next few decades, he was basically obsessed with studying cosmic biology, and he didn't care about everything else.

It's just that Wang Xian's efforts did not return any rewards. In these decades of research, he has not made any progress in this field. He has gradually been completely forgotten by the scientific community. This son's paranoid approach, his girlfriend broke up with him, and his family gradually distanced himself from him for decades of inaction. Wang Xian also felt that he had gone astray, just when he was hesitant to change his career. , One day, a person suddenly found him.

That is a dark skin.

The body is tall and thin.

The man with a hearty smile, he did not introduce himself, only claimed that he knew Wang Xian's painstaking research over the years, and he brought something that could help Wang Xian to open up new areas in this regard.

Wang Xian was curious about what he had brought, so Yu Zi handed a package he had brought to Wang Xian, and then left without saying goodbye.

Wang Xian quickly opened the package, and there was a picture inside, one with a number of eyeballs.


Therefore, Wang Xian's life has completely changed at this moment. Wang Xian found that by looking at this painting, he can get a lot of inspiration. It's completely different from the past, making him think more and more weird, and making him smart.

More than that, when looking at the eyeball painting for a long time, he can often see an illusory figure in a pile of eyeballs.

That figure is indescribable, sometimes wriggling in his eyes, sometimes whispering in his ears. With a feeling of reverence, he accepted the existence of this figure.

And during this period, it happened to be in the period of the outbreak of the disease'ghougong', so Wang Xian, who had been silent for decades, was born. He was full of inspiration and thought that the ghougong was caused by parasites, and made experiments. , Successfully proved this.

Then, he invented the drug Adam, which successfully prevented the development of the ‘shougong’! For a time, Wang Xian became famous, and instantly he changed from an unknown scientist to a well-known chief scientist.

The king of Shang Dynasty personally awarded him a medal. At this moment, he is one person below ten thousand people! This paragraph sounds like a story in a web novel where the protagonist pretends to be forced to attack his face, but the good times do not last long. As Yadan was developed, the Shang people no longer had any scruples, and the blood therapy that had been stopped was reactivated.Anyway, there was the drug Yadan, and they no longer worried about the side effects of blood therapy.

After all, the temptation to greatly enhance the body and prolong life is too great.If the price is only to take medicine forever, then they are willing to do so.

For a while, after Yadan was developed, the number of people receiving blood therapy rose instead of falling.Almost all Shang Dynasty people received blood therapy.

This is human greed, and no one can avoid it.

However, human beings' selfishness and short-sightedness made them quickly realize that they had made another mistake, that is, Yadan was not enough to use the drug.

Originally, the raw materials needed for this drug were not scarce, and the patients before the supply were still sufficient, but with the continuous abuse of blood therapy, a large number of patients have been added to the human population, and the demand for Yadan has also soared. Under such circumstances, Yadan finally became a scarce item.

For a time, medicine Yadan is only eligible for the upper-class powerful and can be bought with money, and the people at the bottom can only become irrational lizardmen in the inflated desire and collapsed despair, and then Strangled by the official army:

But this situation cannot last too long.Wang Xian is very clear that the amount of Yadan consumed by humans will be a bottomless pit.If this development continues, Yadan will be used up one day, and the entire human race will be slow. Slowly reduced to the lair of the lizardmen, human beings will no longer exist. Instead, the lizardmen will be replaced by the lizardmen. When Wang Xian is thinking hard about how to solve the current predicament, that...has been haunting him like a ghost, interacting with him through paintings. The connected high-dimensional creatures brought him a solution and hope to solve the dilemma.

In the mysterious whisper of Gaowei Biology, Wang Xian quickly formulated an experimental plan: the agent plan

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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