Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 204 Huadie, so you are the daughter of the universe? ! !

And just as Xu Che closed the live broadcast room, his mobile phone rang, and it was Xu Rou's call.

However, even if it was his own sister's phone call, Xu Che did not get through, but turned off the phone directly with his backhand.

He has made a decision, and no one can shake his determination, even his sister.

Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

Whether it’s dead depends on this time "Di Rou, stay away from me"

Xu Che said to Di Rou again: "I'm afraid I will hurt you if there is a problem later."

"All right"

Di Rou nodded and stepped back symbolically.

Xu Che shook his head.

"Remember, if I go crazy after swallowing the jade pendant, completely distorted, or return to zero, you will drop me, don't hesitate, understand?"

Xu Che told Di Rou again.

"Okay, I will do this, Brother Xu Che, I won't make you a monster"

Di Rou also nodded firmly, and held the Pioneer rifle in his hand tightly.

"Okay, I'll start"

Xu Che said that although she was nervous at this moment, she did not flinch.

Once you have reached this point, you can only bite the bullet and go on.

"Come on, let me see if I can crawl out of hell and become a demon."

Xu Che growled in his heart, and there was only one kind of madness in his eyes to gamble with fate.

He opened his mouth and ate the jade pendant into his mouth.

A feeling of coldness suddenly spread in the mouth. The jade pendant is about five or six centimeters long. It is not easy to swallow it directly. It is very likely that it will directly block the trachea and cause suffocation, but Xu Che can't manage it now. Many, he drank a lot of water again, and wanted to use the water to swallow the jade.

Xu Che succeeded.After he swallowed forcibly, although he scratched his throat, he still abruptly swallowed the jade pendant.

There was a pain in the throat, and Yu Pei passed through the throat, entered the stomach, and almost at the same time, the abnormality occurred.

Xu Che felt a sharp pain suddenly came from his chest, and then spread to his whole body in an instant! "Grass"

Xu Che was so painful that he bent his body and couldn't help but yelled: "It hurts so much."

"Brother Xu Che, are you all right"

Seeing this, Di Rou ran over quickly "Don't come over"

And Xu Che was so painful that he couldn't speak, and these three words popped out of his mouth intermittently, squeezing his fists, and his body was twitching slightly. Hearing Xu Che saying this, Di Rou had to stand still. , His eyes were eager and worried.

However, the matter is far from over. Under the intense pain, Xu Che suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation, as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling his neck desperately, and he wanted to directly treat his neck. Lively strangled, generally dizzy, and his eyes are almost black.

"Huh, cluck!"

He can only make a gurgling painful sound, which feels like hanging himself while being in an incinerator.

"I'm not going to fucking die, forget it, let me die"

Such a thought flashed in Xu Che's mind, and he even wanted to die just like that.

Without him, this feeling is too painful now, it's not as good as death. "Brother Xu Che, hold on."

Di Rou, who was not far away, was already in tears.

But she still remembered Xu's instructions, holding the gun and did not approach Xu Che.

at the same time.

There is confusion in Xu Che's Consciousness Sutra.

I can't see clearly in front of me.

Because of the severe pain, Xu Che feels that his brain becomes more difficult to think at this moment.

Already dying for ten seconds 1, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, two minutes of painful time felt very, very painful.

As time passed slowly, Xu Che slowly felt less painful again, and his consciousness quickly lost.

With a bang, he fell to the ground feebly.

I couldn't help closing my eyes, all the sensations on the body were moving away from him, or it was like he was moving away from his body as if his soul was out of his body, but at this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in front of Xu, and after the white light , He saw a brilliant and colorful universe again, the universe is extremely wide, dotted with stars, full of mystery and weirdness, before Xu Che has any reaction, his consciousness is quickly reclaiming, as if he had recovered from the colorful In the universe, he returned to his tiny body, Xu Che suddenly opened his eyes again.At this moment, the pain in his body had completely disappeared, but his head was extremely dizzy.He saw that the whole world had been turned upside down, constantly shake.

Then Xu Che suddenly discovered that in the constant shaking, the ceiling, floor, glass cabin and even all the objects in the hall he was in had turned into a weird piece of unidentified meat tissue. These unidentified fleshy pieces of creatures are still there: they are jumping up and down, and there seems to be a large number of dense worm-like worms crawling on him as if he is in hell in hell.

"Fuck, fuck!"

This extremely terrifying scene almost scared Xu Che's soul. The worms on the meat on the floor kept crawling towards him. Xu Che was terrified.

The numbers on the detection ring that I brought with me are also falling frantically, dropping directly from forty to a dozen. "Brother Xu Che, what's the matter with you, are you okay?"

Seeing Xu Che's crazy appearance, Di Rou asked nervously.At this time, Xu Che's body did not appear to be further deformed, but her mental condition seemed to have deteriorated completely.She also keenly noticed that Xu Che's was going crazy. "Di Rou"

Hearing Di Rou's voice, Xu Che turned his gaze on Di Rou again. At this time, he discovered that Di Rou's whole body was actually covered with eyeballs, just like Wang Xian, but something more terrifying than Wang Xian. Di Rou's eyeballs are denser, it's completely an unknown creature with eyeballs, Di Rou cracked his mouth and gave a weird smile.

"Oh my God"

Che Lian backed away, pointing at Di Rou and shouting loudly: "Unexpectedly, Di Rou, you turned out to be the daughter of the universe."

"What Brother Xu Che, what are you talking about?"

Di Rou looked inexplicable.

"Don't pretend, you are the daughter of the universe, I want to kill you now, I want to kill you"

Xu Che roared and rushed directly towards Di Rou. At the same time, the number on the detection bracelet on his arm was only in the single digits. "Brother Xu Che don't want it."

Seeing that Xu Che seemed to be completely insane, Di Rou did not use the rifle in his hand to fight back.Instead, he took out the impact cannon and knocked Xu Che into the air.

And Xu Che, who was already in madness, was flew out by this blow and fell heavily to the ground.At the same time, it seemed that because he swallowed the jade pendant and consumed a lot of Xu Che's energy and physical strength, he turned out to be He fell directly into a faint and completely lost consciousness. In the process of fainting, Xu Che had many dreams. He became a monster, slaughtering his own kind madly.

Finally, he dreamed that Di Rou was the daughter of the universe. The daughter of the universe had been lurking by his side, pretending to get the jade pendant. The real Di Rou had already died. The dreams overlapped and lasted for a long, long time, so long that Xu Che had no idea of ​​time and finally did not know when, Xu Che opened his eyes in a daze and woke up again.

"Am I still alive?"

As soon as he regained his consciousness, Xu Che had this thought in his mind.As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a golden ceiling.It seemed that he was still in the lobby of the Sea Emperor Incubation Center.

But is it an illusion that all the fleshy walls and worms disappeared before? Xu Che was thinking, he suddenly turned his head and saw Di Rou who was right next to him.At this moment Di Rou squatted on the ground with her hands around her knees, buried her head in the middle of her knees, motionless, as if she had fallen asleep. When she seemed to be in a coma, Di Rou had been watching him by the side. Xu Che's body was still covered. Wearing a quilt was naturally what Di Rou did.He lifted the quilt and sat up.

At the same time, Xu Che was also surprised to find that his hands had been restored to their original state! Yes, they were no longer dragon claws, but real human hands! Is this restored? He immediately opened his clothes and took a look. As if looking at his upper body, there was no trace of half a golden scale.

It seemed that Xu Che was completely restored to his excitement, and immediately shouted in his mind: "System.

Check my body quickly"

"In inspection"

There was also a voice immediately from the system.

"Ding, I found that the host's genes have completely changed, and the level of life has also taken a qualitative leap. It seems that it is slowly metamorphosing to high-dimensional creatures, just like the pupa state of insects. It is a process. It may take a long time, you can call this process a butterfly."

"Does the butterfly come to be like this? It seems that what Sea Emperor Leviathan said is indeed correct. After swallowing the dragon walking jade pendant, I am slowly evolving into a high-dimensional creature."

Looking at his hands, Xu Che murmured, "The system, is this change good or bad?"

"Whether it is good or bad depends on the wishes of the host."

The system explained: "If the host desires to be a high-dimensional creature, then this is definitely a good thing, but if the value just wants to be a human, then this is definitely a bad thing."

"Is that right"

Xu Che sighed: "Forget it, it's not for me to decide. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. It is not easy to be able to do this step. I just want to know that now, my mental condition will still have problems. "

"If there is no external influence, it shouldn't be."

The system replied: "However, in the process of the host transforming the butterfly, your body and even the perception of the external world should undergo a series of changes. You have to be psychologically prepared."


Xu Che tried to move his body, and found that there didn't seem to be any changes.

Is it because Huadie has only just begun, so there is nothing wrong with Xu Che's attempt. His actions also awakened Di Rou who was on the side. Di Rou opened his eyes and raised his head to see Xu Che who was awake. , Immediately shouted in surprise, Brother Xu Che, you finally woke up, did you know that you have slept here for three days!"

"Great, Brother Xu Che, your previous performance really shocked me. I thought you were dead."

Di Rou rushed over while talking, hugging Xu Che tightly

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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