Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 230 Flurry of demons! ! !

At this moment, the earth, about 1 billion kilometers away from the spacecraft, in the unfathomable trench, the weird octopus monster slowly opened his eyes.

And as the octopus monster awakened, Xu Che could clearly feel that there were still a group of murloc creatures in the trench.

Those murloc creatures Xu Che are so familiar with them, just take a look at it, and immediately.

Recognizing what they are: the deep diver is surrounded by the deep diver, the octopus monster stands up from a huge coffin, it leaves the city where it is, and swims toward the sea. With the movement of the octopus monster, the originally calm sea suddenly set off huge waves, and the waves more than 100 meters high hit the landing place, and the waves surged for a while, and the mainland burst.

Everything is like a doomsday scene!!! This octopus monster has had an extremely significant impact on the earth before it came to land. However, this has not yet ended. There are also various weird things happening in other corners of the earth. In the seemingly abandoned dry well, a large swath of colorful light gushes out. This kind of light appears as if bad luck is coming. When this invisible torrent of unrecognizable colors leaves the well, it seems to be directly It flowed to the sky and began to spread disasters. Immediately afterwards, more monsters began to appear with many tentacles and huge meaty monsters with large mouths. They appeared in a forest in the southern part of the earth with countless tentacles.

It has unusually long feet like rough sheep's hooves.

Ugly creatures resembling a bunch of bubbles appeared in the heart of the earth a thousand miles below.These weird and bizarre arms and legs were awakened from various places on the earth under the singing of the Death Star.

These creatures are undoubtedly high-dimensional existences. Their awakening will cause huge disasters and blows to the earth and all ordinary creatures on the earth, and even wipe them out completely! However, these are only the ones on the earth. For performance, Xu Che's consciousness was uncontrollably retracted from the earth, and then spread out throughout the solar system.

At this moment, at the same moment, Xu Che saw more weird existences.He saw a mirror palace on Mars. A hidden palace was covered with tentacles, and the creatures that looked like black holes did not wake up. It's just that on Mars, Mercury, Venus, and other planets in the solar system have all kinds of indescribable and unreasonable creatures, and they woke up under the singing of the death star.

Among them, there are even how many creatures on the moon are awakened by the strange sound of the death star. Xu Che is already a little unclear, and he already feels a little dazzled.

The appearance of these creatures is completely contrary to human aesthetics.No, it is not just a violation, it should be from one extreme to another. Subverted human cognition.

Just a creature is enough to make humans feel nauseous and bring serious negative infections. Now there are so many monsters. They are caring, angry, and howling happens in the solar system. Xu Che only It can be described in one word: the dance of demons!!! "Oh my God, how many monsters are there in this solar system"

Xu Che felt that his soul was trembling.The existence of these monsters was like a huge body of information, madly instilling endless information into his brain. His brain has reached its limit, and it seems to be at any time. Be overwhelmed by this information.


Xu Che let out a wild roar, brought the tranquilizer he had prepared in his hand to his mouth, and drank it.

That's right, he drank a bottle of tranquilizer directly this time! His predictions for the future showed that just a small sip is not enough, and it cannot calm the horror and brain failure in his heart. In a sense, only by drinking a bottle of tranquilizers in one breath can he stabilize his spirit. After all, he has seen so many high-dimensional creatures at once! It is no longer the time to worry about the negative effects of tranquilizers. After he completely drank a bottle of tranquilizer, Xu Che's mood finally stabilized, and he was not directly driven crazy by this huge amount of information.


Xu Che panted violently, healed the huge trauma caused by the spirit.He now somewhat understands the role of the death omen. These monsters are undoubtedly high-dimensional creatures, and the singing of the death omen can sing in the solar system. All the high-dimensional creatures are fully awakened, and what will be the ending of these high-risk creatures' Su connect to the solar system? Xu Che's heart is shocked and frightened, and then, his consciousness is drawn out again and descends. Arriving in a corner of the solar system, this dark corner that no one is watching, a lot of things are hiding in it.

There is a long tentacle on the head of this human creature, and it is the humanoid creature that led the death star to the solar system! He saw the scene of the demons dancing in the solar system, like a carnival after the end, the head like a tentacled hand Suddenly there was an opening, and that was his mouth.

He was laughing wildly and excitedly. All this was given by him. He was very proud and very happy. "He is the initiator of all his solar system goods!"

Xu Che frowned. It was this humanoid creature who brought the Death Omen Star to this place, and what he wanted the Death Omen to do was now obvious. He wanted to make the solar system restless, and he wanted to make this place. Why did this humanoid being reduced to hell do this, but no one can give Xu Che an answer. After seeing this scene, Xu Che's free consciousness has been completely recovered, and the death star is let to do it.

The vomiting singing continued, but Xu Che seemed to have fully developed immunity to it, and the feeling of dizziness began to fade slowly.

"I have to leave here quickly and stay here, it's just a dead end"

Xu Che who talks to himself is very worried.

In any case, the solar system must not be able to stay now. There are too many terrifying high-dimensional creatures in this place. This group of high-risk creatures trembles under the cracks, and if they are accidentally affected, it is the abyss "system, how long will it be from the wormhole"

Xu Che asked the system.

"It will take another hour."

The system replied.

"Can't it be accelerated in an hour?"

Xu Che asked, he can't wait to leave the solar system directly, the farther he goes, the better.

"To reach the maximum speed."

The system replied.

"It's really troublesome"

Xu Che frowned. When he thought of staying in this hell for an hour, he felt his scalp tingling. As various monsters awakened, even the planet itself began to produce various abnormalities. At that time, he saw the situation of Saturn ahead, as if a hydrogen bomb exploded on Saturn. Saturn set off a large amount of dust and sandstorms, spreading toward the universe, and part of this sandstorm turned toward the spacecraft. The location is surging and vigorous, and the terrifying heat and all kinds of harmful sand and gas carried in it directly engulfed the spacecraft completely, even if there is no wreck left!!!! Xu Che's eyes widened suddenly, these pictures only But what happened in his mind was his foreseeing the future! And Xu Che also found that the time he foreseeing the future has become longer. In the past, he could only foresee the situation in the next 5 seconds, but now he has already. It can be predicted that the situation will be about three minutes in the future!!! Upgrade from the time of 5 to three minutes, the predicted time can be said to have doubled, and all this is due to the singing of the death star.

Perhaps because the power in Xu Che's body is also related to the power of high-dimensional creatures, the Omen of Death can not only wake up high-dimensional creatures, but also wake up the power in Xu Che! "Goddess, come on, switch to manual driving!"

Xu Che immediately ordered the goddess.

"It has been switched to manual driving."

The voice of the goddess came soon.

Xu Che didn't hesitate anymore, he held the steering wheel of the spaceship tightly with both hands, directly driving the spaceship, and walked in the opposite direction of Saturn.

Three minutes later, the image that Xu Che had envisioned in his mind became reality, and the surface of Saturn exploded, setting off dust in the sky and yellow-brown harmful gas visible to the naked eye.

Because it is in the universe, all of this is silent, as if watching a silent movie, the sandstorm is spreading wildly around Saturn, but because Xu Che completely sailed away from Saturn three minutes in advance, these The dust storm did not catch up with the spaceship Xu Che was in, and escaped "What happened on Saturn?"

Seeing this scene from an external camera, Xu Che couldn't help but guess that it was because there were also high-dimensional creatures on Saturn. Shouldn't it be that the star is just a gaseous planet. How could there be high-dimensional creatures on it and his consciousness was roaming before? In the solar system, no high-dimensional creatures appeared on Saturn.

No, you can't think of it this way.High-dimensional creatures are not in the same dimension as them, and any life form is possible.

In a flash of thought, Xu Che thought of himself again.Except for the longer time to predict the future, his subconsciousness seemed to be: telling him that he has also awakened other abilities, but it is not the time to experiment, he You have to leave the solar system quickly.

The explosion of Saturn continued behind him, and the awakening of those high-dimensional creatures on other planets invisible to Xu Che also brought huge disasters to their planet, and some monsters even came directly from the planet they were on. Flew out, into the vast universe, and the civilizations of low-dimensional creatures that had been born in the solar system were also destroyed in the random actions of this group of monsters. Finally, after an hour of travel, the wormhole 【】appeared again In front of Xu Che's eyes.

Xu Che no longer hesitated, and drove the spacecraft into the wormhole【】.

It was the same... familiar feeling, black matter, weird patches, strong flashes, swaying around Xu Che again heard the explosion of the spacecraft, and the horror of the spacecraft shaking constantly, as if it was about to crash at any time, But he has already experienced it once, and he can adapt a little to these.

And compared with the monsters that awakened in the solar system, this wormhole[] seems to be so ordinary now that it can’t be let: Xu Che has a sense of fear in his heart. After all, he has seen something more terrifying. Soon, the spacecraft will Flew out from the other end of the wormhole []. On the other side of the wormhole [] is the starry sky where the sea king star is. It is still quiet, the universe is dotted with stars, it looks beautiful and peaceful, and the other end is extremely chaotic Compared to the solar system, this side is simply a paradise on earth. Fortunately, he finally escaped. Xu Che's hands holding the steering wheel have already sweated a lot. On the chair, he stared at the sky blankly. He now has to completely let go of his spirit. After seeing so many weird mental pollutions, he must restore his spirit.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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