Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 233 The crystallization of wisdom, the ability of new awakening

"I am not only responsible for this spacecraft. I am the core intelligent processing system of the entire business country. I am in charge of the operation of the entire business country, responsible for all the affairs of all citizens, and perform all operations in accordance with the constitution. Consciousness, leaving only rational algorithms alone.

The me on this spaceship is only a part of my consciousness and only has a part of my function. My body is still on the earth."

"What Shangguo's core intelligent processing system is also in charge of the operation of the entire Shangguo"

Hearing these words, Xu Che was a little dazed.The series of titles that the goddess moved out were quite scary.

It sounds like she is the central brain of the entire Shang country. Xu Che suddenly thought about the possibility of the goddess' words.

This explanation of the goddess is also possible, because the blueprint was discovered from Wang Xian's computer. As for who designed it, the blueprint did not explain it, but said that the rocket was designed by Wang Xian. Explain other circumstances.

Coupled with the name of the goddess, it is easy to think of the girl of the universe, so Xu Che assumed that it was designed by Wang Xian.

Did he really guess wrong? The goddess has nothing to do with the daughter of the universe. Not only... so, she is also a very coaxing artificial intelligence. After thinking about it, Xu Che asked: "Your words may indeed be true. Yes, but I have to ask you a question.Since you say that you are the core intelligent processing system of the entire business country, you are also in charge of the operation of the entire business country, and even responsible for all things of all citizens. Citizen?

"Of course, Wang Xian was also rated as one of the greatest scientists of the Shang Guo era. His accumulated merits are still ranked first."

The goddess said: "It can be said that Wang Xian is the first person in the world today."

"What's the merit?"

Xu Che, who was questioning the goddess, suddenly heard this new word, and couldn't help asking.

"Personal merit is a calculation method for the contribution of business citizens to human civilization and society. The greater the contribution to human society, the higher the individual merit and the better the benefits they can receive."

The goddess explained: "You can understand it as a combination of money and social status."

"Is there still such a thing?"

Xu Che couldn't help being a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at Di Rou. Di Rou nodded: "I seem to remember my father said this. The whole country of our business country is managed by an artificial intelligence, big and small things. It is all carried out by her in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. It is said that this greatly facilitates the society, reduces a lot of unnecessary labor, and improves the productivity. Moreover, it is much more fair and fair than human judgments. Basically put an end to the situation of human beings forming gangs and relying on relationships to walk through the back door, but my father was only when this plan was initially implemented, and he did not expect that it has now been fully implemented."


Che was a little speechless at once.It sounds like it is a lot more convenient to manage the citizens of the entire society by artificial intelligence, and it can also maximize fairness, but this kind of risk is also very large, let artificial intelligence manage it. If the artificial intelligence is really out of control, it is a catastrophe.

Why do you think about this? Now is not the time to analyze the social structure of Shang Country.

Finding that something went off the topic, Xu Che quickly continued: "Well, since Wang Xian is a citizen of the Shang country, I want to ask you here, since you are responsible for all actions of citizens, then Wang Xian secretly communicates with the daughter of the universe. You deceive all the people of Shang Dynasty, come to Sea Emperor Star under the pretext of looking for the ancient dragon, and try to meet the girl of the universe, do you know these things?"

Hearing Xu Che's question, the goddess fell silent.

Seeing that the goddess did not speak, Xu Che pursued the victory: "If you don't know, then you, as the so-called manager of Shangguo, would have failed too much!"

At this time, the goddess said: "You don't have the authority to know this content, your personal contribution point is zero, no, you are not even a businessman from the country, and the content you asked me above is confidential, and you have no right to access it. "

"In that case, you seem to know the real purpose of Wang Xian's going to Sea Emperor."

Xu Che heard this message from the goddess' words, and if he didn't have the authority to know it, it means that this matter is probably true.

"You don't have permission to know this content."

The goddess still repeated such a sentence."Then if you know, why did you let Wang Xian go to Sea Emperor Star? Aren't you supposed to be in charge of all the people in Shang Country? Why would you satisfy Wang Xian for his own desires?"

Xu Che still aggressively asked: "Isn't it equivalent to negligence of your duty to do this? Is your core consciousness tampered with, or that you have betrayed humans"

"You don't have permission to know this content."

The goddess still said so.

"Have your consciousness... been harassed by the daughter of the universe"

Xu Che is still asking.


This time the goddess made a firm denial.

"I need you to honestly tell me all the content I asked just now, otherwise I will turn off your power."

Xu Che also said that this time he directly persecuted.

"Your threat doesn't work for me."

The goddess replied: "I am not a human being. I don't mind my own life and death, and I don't care if I still exist in this world."

"Is that so I want to see, I'm very sorry, you go to die now"

While talking, Xu Che acted decisively and turned off the power of the goddess.

With a bang, the goddess' consciousness disappeared.

"Really a stubborn temper"

After turning off the goddess system, Xu Che couldn't help but vomit.

"Brother Xu Che, goddess, is it really possible to be invaded by the girl of the universe"

Di Rou asked.

"It is indeed possible, but I am not sure. After all, I don't know the level of intelligence of this artificial intelligence and how strong her ability to lie is."

Shaking his head: "However, whatever

Has she... been invaded by the daughter of the universe, but one thing is clear, she must be hiding something from us.

"This is indeed."

Di Rou nodded.

"However, things like artificial intelligence are really not easy to solve. All kinds of threats and temptations are useless."

The artificial intelligence doesn't care about death, even if Xu Che wants to torture her, because she can't even feel the pain.

If this is the case, then we can only do a cold treatment first, and'kill the goddess' for a few days before talking.

Xu Che didn't think about destroying her directly.If according to the goddess, as the most advanced artificial intelligence of the Three Kingdoms, the value of her existence may be very great.It would be a shame to destroy it in this way.

And what she is hiding, the boss also wants to know.

After turning off the goddess, the spacecraft is now fully managed by the system. Xu Che immediately said: "System, now go back to the original road, go to the edge of the black hole and talk about it."

"Okay, now officially set off"

As the sound of the system came, the spacecraft started the engine again, and at the same time, it drove in the direction of the black hole.

At this moment, Di Rou opened her mouth and yawned greatly, listlessly.

"Di Rou, go take a rest first, I'll watch it first."

Seeing Di Rou's tired face, Xu Che said.

It takes 9 days to reach the vicinity of the black hole from the wormhole, which is a very long process.

At this time, do not choose hibernation for the time being, because hibernation cannot supplement sleep.

"Then Brother Xu Che, how about you"

Hearing this, Di Rou immediately looked at Xu Che worriedly.

"I'll guard for a while. It's not too far away from the wormhole []. There is a possibility that high-dimensional creatures may chase from the solar system. I have to guard against it."

Xu Che said.

"Well then, I'll go take a rest first, and we will rotate for a while!"

Di Rou said again: "You can't just let you stay here alone."

"Well, according to your words, we take turns, you go to bed first."

Xu Che can only say with a smile.


Seeing this, Di Rou also nodded, and she didn't insist anymore.

Going to the lower floor to rest, she is indeed too tired now, after a long flight, and also heard the strange singing of the death star before, although it was only a moment, it still caused a lot of mental damage. Need a good rest.

For Xu Che, he is no longer a normal person, so his mental state is fairly decent.

After Di Rou left, there was only Xu Che left in the cockpit. He was lying on the cockpit with his eyes closed. Of course, he was not resting, but feeling the abilities in his body as he said before. Yes, the song of Death Omen not only enhanced his ability to predict the future, but also gave him other abilities, but this ability is now vague, like a paste in his mind, he You have to sort it out slowly.

The ability of New Awakening seems to be a bit complicated. "Well, is that the case? I seem to understand a little bit. Try it now."

After thinking about it for several minutes, Xu Che opened his eyes.

At this moment, his pupils turned golden.

Yes, golden at the same time, not only his pupils, but a golden light emerged from Xu Che's body and spread to the surroundings.

Anytime, this golden light is like ink, dyeing the entire cockpit into a golden cockpit.All the objects in the cockpit are covered by this mysterious golden light, including Xu Che himself.

"This is another dimension of space"

Looking at the surrounding situation, Xu Che murmured, this golden light can only be seen by his eyes, and the space covered by the golden light is the space where he can use his abilities. Xu Che is trying hard to understand what is in his mind. Message: "Well, I can map another dimension of space into reality, and this space seems to be dominated by me"As soon as his voice fell, he saw his body suddenly disappeared and appeared on the other end of the cockpit at the same time.

"In this space, I can change my position at will, which is somewhat similar to the ability of a jump ring"

Xu Che continued to analyze: "Since I can change my position, how does it affect the surrounding things"

Xu Che's eyes moved slightly, his right hand flipped, and a glass of water that had been placed next to the cockpit appeared in his hand.

"It can also change the position of other objects, but this ability seems to completely overlap with the jump ring."

Xu Che frowned: "No, this ability shouldn't be that simple"

His mind moved, and the surrounding situation changed in an instant, and he was still there: he in the cockpit suddenly appeared in the Sea Emperor Incubation Center, in front of him is a pool of water, and behind him is the lobby of the Sea Emperor Incubation Center! , Xu Che's thoughts changed again, and the surrounding environment also changed, from the Sea Emperor Incubation Center to the living room of his home on earth.

The familiar sofa, the familiar bed, and the familiar table all make Xu Che feel very nostalgic. "Sure enough, it's not that simple. I can change the environment here at will, but these changes are just false. No, I can't say that. Only in this space, these changes are real, but when placed in reality, they are false."

Xu Che couldn't help but get a little excited: "It turns out that this is the case, what a joke, it can actually be so strong"

He gradually understood the specific role of this ability.

In this space, he can change the distance at will, changing everything that is both false and true, and at the same time can isolate everything from the outside world.

Inside the space is a world that purely revolves around Xu Che.

Appear because of him, change because of him.

Just Xu Che's idea, then he can change all the conditions in this space completely according to his ideas! Is this the power of high-dimensional creatures? What does this power represent? Xu Che is very clear.

Unsolvable, very unsolvable, this ability to control space is simply exaggerated for humans! No wonder high-dimensional creatures exist like gods to humans, and the difference in dimensionality is the sky. The gap with the ground.

"Then what will happen if the distance of the mapping space is reduced to cover itself only"

Xu Che muttered to himself while controlling his power.

In an instant, the surrounding golden light quickly dissipated, and as the golden light dissipated, the surrounding situation returned to its original state again, and the living room of Xu Che's earth's home became the cockpit again.

However, Xu Che's body is still exposed: a faint golden light, now he is just covering the mapping space on himself.

He took a step forward, came to the wall of the cockpit, and then stretched out his right hand, which naturally penetrated the wall of the cockpit directly into the wall.

"It turns out that, if you do this, then you are equal to a virtual existence. Haha, this ability is somewhat similar to the ability of Uchiha to bring soil in Naruto."

Xu Che fully understands.

However, as the ability continued, Xu Che began to feel dizzy and exhausted.

"It seems that this ability cannot be used for too long. I have fully understood the specific use of this ability. Now let's take a look at its limits."

Then Xu Che specifically tested other conditions of this mapped space.

Soon he came to the following conclusions: 1.The shooting space is centered on him and the radius is 20 meters.

2.The limited time of shooting space is only about 5 minutes, and the wider the coverage, the shorter the time that can be used. After using it once, it must be restored for a period of time before it can continue to be used.

Of course, the above situation may be only temporary. After all, as Xu Che's butterfly state continues, his ability will follow and increase, just like his ability to predict the future.

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