Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 236 Different planet, alternative mechanical life


Seeing countless rocks rushing to the sky, and then rapidly descending towards the ground, Di Rou was completely stunned.

Now this scene is like a heavy rain on the planet, but it is not rain that falls but a few rocks!!! These rocks vary in size, the small ones are only a few centimeters, and the big ones can reach several tens of meters. , Densely packed, like dark clouds covering the sky and the sun, and the light directly shining from the black hole is also completely blocked. If all these rocks are smashed down, it will be a huge disaster! "The number of these rocks is comparable to that of the sea dragon Leviathan. The spewed lava material is much denser! I am afraid that the radius of more than ten kilometers will be shrouded!!!"

Xu Che sighed.He immediately activated the ability to predict the future and found that these rocks cannot be avoided by using space transfer alone.Without it, these rocks are too dense, and the number is too much.

"First put the spaceship away."

Xu Che acted immediately, he teleported to the side of the spaceship, and then used the shrink gun: to shrink the spaceship and put it in his pocket.

"Next are these two Haiyuan ships running around!"

As soon as Xu Che's thoughts moved, two Sea Ape mechas appeared next to him, and they used shrinking guns: to shrink them separately, the Sea Ape mechas just changed from three meters high to a few centimeters high, but even so. , The Seaman's mech is still running around, like a small toy, it looks a little cute.

"Then Brother Xu Che, should we use the stagnant gun: Ah"

Seeing that Xu Che placed all the vehicles almost instantly, Di Rou asked quickly.

"We don't need to worry, just stand where we are. In my space, these rocks can't hurt us."

Xu Che only said calmly.He narrowed the space, and the golden light shrouded only him and Di Rou as much as possible.By reducing the scope of God's Domain, the God's Domain would be able to hold on for more time.

In the next rumbling, the densely packed rocks in the sky finally bombarded the ground.In an instant, a big earthquake trembled, smoke and dust scattered, arousing large swaths of flying sand and rocks, and continuous rumblings came. This area seemed to have been hit by thousands of planes. Like a bomb attack! The rocks fell as clear as a bomb! For a while, Xu Che and Di Rou's sights were completely covered by these rocks. Except for the rocks or rocks, they couldn't see anything at all! Such a terrifying scene made me scared. Di Rou subconsciously resisted with her hand, but found that these rocks had passed through her body directly, and fell straight to the ground, smashing the ground out of a big hole.

Di Rou was taken aback for a moment, lowered her head and looked at her body, and found that it overlapped with a rock, and as these rocks landed, Xu Che and Di Roude remembered the constant roar in their ears, and the sound was quite similar. It's huge, it can be said to be deafening, Di Rou couldn't help covering her ears.

When Xu Che saw this, another thought flashed, and the noise in the gods' realm was completely shielded, and large pieces of rocks fell on them and their surroundings. I can't hear it at all.

"Brother Xu Che, your ability is also amazing"

Seeing this scene, Di Rou couldn't help but cried out in surprise: "In this field, it is completely invincible."

Now they are in the bombing center, completely unharmed, and all external influences are shielded by Xu Che.

"Forget it, the low-dimensional creatures in this space shouldn't hurt me"Xu Che nodded: "But it's a pity that I can't last long in this space."

"Fortunately, the volcanic eruption does not last long. Otherwise, I am afraid that I can't stick to the God's Domain, which can only last for 5 minutes."

During this period, Xu Che's ability to predict the future has also been in: launch, he knows that this meteorite rain will only last for more than a minute, if it continues to erupt, then the matter is really big.

Everything was as Xu Che expected.After more than two minutes, the distant volcano stopped erupting, and a large number of rocks in the sky eventually fell to the ground.

As all the rocks poured out, all the movement stopped completely, only a large swath of smoke still filled the ground, not completely dispersed. "This battle is too noisy and too big."

Seeing the smoke and dust in the sky, Di Rou couldn't help sighing, "No wonder there are no signs of life here, and no life can withstand the crazy bombing of these rocks. If a volcano erupts, this creature with a radius of more than ten kilometers may be afraid. Will all be extinct"

"But I still don't understand why this volcano spews rocks instead of magma."

Xu Che is somewhat confused.

It took several minutes for the smoke and dust of this space to go up. Xu Che and Di Rou could see the surrounding situation clearly.At this time, the valley they were in was already full of the rocks that fell from the sky. , The ground was also smashed into large pits in a mess.

Xu Che took a closer look. These stones are not just ordinary stones. They are colorful and diverse. The surface of the stones is covered with a variety of colorful patterns. The colorful colors feel on the earth. If it is, it can be used to make crafts.

"Ding, it is detected that these stones have relatively strong natural radioactivity, which can spontaneously emit rays or rays or rays. Please pay attention to radiation protection when touching them."

The voice of the system came at this time.

"Attention Di Rou, these rocks are radioactive, it is best not to touch them lightly"

Xu Che quickly reminded Di Rou that when he and Di Rou left the spacecraft, they were already fully prepared, and they had long been wearing anti-radiation suits to resist radiation.

"Okay, I know."

Di Rou nodded.

At this time, the limit time of God's Domain has come, Xu Che can only disperse God's Domain and let the two of them return to the real space.

Xu Che looked up and saw that the distant volcano was still smoking, but the smoke was much smaller, and it seemed that there would be no second eruption in a short time.

Anyway, let's get out of here first, there is a fire volcano nearby, this is really not a good place to dormant, but before that, we must first solve the problem of the Sea Ape.

Xu Che flipped his hand and put the two shrinking Sea Ape mechas on the ground again, and the two mechas were still jumping up and down, looking very happy."The two mechas are still there: acting indiscriminately by themselves"

Seeing this scene, Di Rou was really dumbfounded: "Brother Xu Che, let me check it."

"Will you check?"

"Of course, I'm good at repairing machines."

Di Rou nodded: "My father gave me a lot of knowledge about repairing machines."

"Wait a minute."

Xu Che did say: "I will use my personal computer to scan and talk about it."

Having said that, Xu Che can only turn to the system again: "The system, can you detect what is going on with these two mechas?"

"Ding, after testing, it was found that the two Sea Ape mechas had been infected with viruses. Please note that the viruses here do not refer to biological viruses. You can think of them as a kind of computer virus."

The system soon came back to "computer virus"

Xu Che frowned.The meaning of the system is like a computer infected with a virus, and the Sea Ape mech is a computer after all, so it is naturally possible to be infected by a virus.

"Where did this virus come from"

He couldn't bear Xu Che thinking about it, there is only one possibility.

"it's not true."

The system replied: "The Sea Ape mech was infected when it came to this planet."

"Come on this planet"

Xu Che was completely confused: "There are computer viruses on this planet. Computer viruses should be just a bunch of codes, a kind of program. Why can it survive in this air?"

"It is speculated that there should be another form of life on this planet."

The system replied.

"What life form"

"Mechanical life or silicon-based life. This virus is a non-cellular organism that exists in the form of silicon-based life. It can be regarded as a cell-level mechanical worm."

Xu Che: "I have to say that he was confused by the system's words: "That means there is life on this planet"


The system replied: "It's just not the same as carbon-based life like humans, it's another form of life."

"I see"

Xu Che understood a little bit, "Then this virus will not be harmful to us humans, right?"

"Not really."

The system said: "The virus will only attack mechanical life or silicon-based life."

Hearing this, Xu Che breathed a sigh of relief.As long as he didn't infect them, he was already fed up with such things when he was on Sea Emperor.

"The system can solve this problem?"

Xu Che asked again.

He didn't bother to figure out what was going on, so he asked directly.


The system's answer is also very simple: "No matter what kind of virus is solved, the immune system must play a vital role. For computers, it is a firewall. I only need to upgrade the firewall of the Sea Ape mech, or make a A piece of antivirus software will do."

"Well, it's up to you which way you want, as long as you can get rid of the virus."

Xu Che said.

"Please enter one of the original mechas, this

The system can only perform operations."

The voice of the system came.


Xu Che responded, and he looked at Di Rou: "These two mechas seem to be infected with viruses, and my personal computer can solve them."


Di Rou had some doubts: "Who implanted the virus?"

"It seems to be the problem of this planet. Anyway, I will solve it first."

While talking, Xu Che activated the power of God's Domain and directly entered one of the Haiyuan mechas. At the same time, the voice of the system came again: "The firewall is being upgraded, mechanical worms are found, and the anti-virus program is started."

"Antivirus has been completed."

There was a voice from the system soon.

At the same time, the Sea Monkey also stopped from the state of dancing.

"The Sea Ape's body has recovered and everything is operating normally."

The Haiyuan ship also said the same.

"Is it solved? It's the system."

Xu Che sighed, and then he went to another Haiyuan mech and used the same method to kill viruses.

The two Sea Ape mechas are therefore all ‘cured’.

"The mecha is restored."

Xu Che said.

"But Brother Xu Che, why is there a computer virus on this planet?"

Di Rou was still very puzzled.

"This is not an ordinary computer virus. It is said to be a form of life born on this planet, just like a biological virus can infect our human body. This virus is also a non-cellular organism, but it can infect machines."

Xu Che casually explained: "Anyway, let's leave here first and find a safer place to land."

Then, Xu Che put the two Seamen away, took out the spacecraft to restore it, and entered it, ready to leave here.

"Ding, after testing, the Neptune spacecraft was also infected with the virus."

At this time, the system's voice sounded again: "But it has been completely cleared, don't worry."

"Is the spacecraft also infected? This virus seems to be quite strong."

Xu Che frowned. How could this feel like the situation when he first came to Sea King Star? As soon as he entered the planet, he was infected by an inexplicable virus, but fortunately, these viruses do not seem to be insoluble Yes, his system can be done.

"Di Rou sit down, we set off"

Xu Che instructed the system to start the engine.

With a bang, the engine turned on, the propeller turned on, and the spacecraft slowly floated from the land.

And just as the spacecraft was about to fly away from this place, Xu Che seemed to have suddenly noticed something: "Wait a minute, don't leave first:"

"What's wrong"

Di Rou looked suspiciously like Xu Che.

"There is a situation and it is still a very unthinkable situation"

Xu Che said, his gaze through the glass window, toward the pits and rocky ground below.

"what's the situation"

Di Rou asked.

"Just look at it and you'll know"

Xu Che said.

Xu Che's words aroused Di Rou's curiosity, and she also looked down at the ground below, looking expectant.

But this lasted for two minutes, and nothing happened below.

Just when Di Rou was puzzled, she suddenly heard Xu Che speak again: "They are here."

As soon as Xu Che's voice fell, I saw that the ground below suddenly changed, and I saw that there were countless insects in a steady stream, densely populated from various places! Most of them emerged from the cracks in the green mountains and rocks. Then, these insects gathered together like a river, from a small strand to a large piece, very regular, crawling in groups.

"Under what circumstances, where did so many bugs pop up?"

Di Rou was taken aback and couldn't figure out what happened.Originally, she thought this planet was desolate and there could be no signs of life, but she did not expect that a large number of bugs suddenly appeared now!!! "I am also very strange, and these bugs are a little weird"

Xu Che frowned.He found that under the light of the black hole, these bugs actually reflected a strange light, which seemed to be metal products.

The large swarm of insects below emerged bizarrely from the mountain, and quickly reached the canyon where Xu Che and Di Rou were standing, and then they moved separately and entered the canyon from all directions.

"What do these bugs want to do"

Di Rou frowned.

"Their target seems to be the rocks that erupted from the volcano before."

Xu Che keenly discovered the purpose of the insects.The pioneer of this group of insects has entered the canyon and began to move the rocks scattered in the canyon.

"I will grab one to see what kind of insect is this?"

Xu Che had this idea, and then said to the system: "System, lower the height of the spacecraft."


The spacecraft began to slowly lower.

"This height is enough."

Xu Che said that the height between the spacecraft and the ground at this time was already less than 20 meters.

No more nonsense, Xu Che directly activated God's Domain, and a golden light that only he could see shot out from the spacecraft, hitting one of the insects on the ground, and that insect disappeared instantly! At the same time, the insect appeared instantly. Inside the spacecraft, the sudden shift in space seemed to make the insect feel a strong uneasy, anxious it seemed to want to hide directly in a gap, but because of the Xu Che God Realm's ability, the insect could only turn around in circles. , Doing useless work.

At this time, Xu Che and Di Rou could clearly see the appearance of the insect. The insect is about 10 cm long, and the body is brown. It has three legs on the left and right sides, a head with tentacles and a huge abdomen. , Are all red, and they look a bit like ants on the earth, but they are much larger than the ants on the earth.

However, the biggest difference between this insect and the ants on the earth is not the difference in size. Xu Che discovered that this thing is really made of metal, it looks like it is some kind of alloy, and the surface is very smooth. , And even reflect light.

In other words, it looks like a mechanical insect.

"Beit mechanical ants, a huge number of mechanical creatures, they often appear near rocks. They have a pair of terrifying acid teeth that can release strong acid. They also have mist ejectors and thermal energy sensing devices. When they are in danger, First use the mist sprayer to cover the surrounding environment, and then activate the thermal sensor to obtain a strategic advantage. Evaluation: Avoid approaching when encountering a large scale."

The voice of the system followed.

"The mechanical ant is really a robot!"

Xu Che shouted in surprise.


Di Rou could not help but be a little shocked when she heard: "Then who placed so many robot ants on this planet?"

There are still robots on this seemingly desolate planet, which has to surprise both Xu Che and Di Rou.

It’s just that Xu Che also had the same problem as Di Rou. At this moment, the robotic ant on the spaceship suddenly raised his head, and then sprayed a strong mist from a pipe in the lower part of its mouth. It can really spray out the mist."

Xu Che watched this scene with interest, but the mist sprayed by this ant was too thin, almost like a plume of smoke, and then Xu Che discovered that the tip of the tentacles of the mechanical ant was emitting Light, this is the performance of the heat sensor device being turned on.

"The heat sensor is turned on, which means it should be able to spot us now, right"

Xu Che thought, as expected, the mechanical ant immediately ran in the opposite direction from the two, fast, and looked very panicked.

Of course, it can't escape from the boss's realm.

No matter how the mechanical ant was spinning around here, Xu Che asked the system: "The system, is the level of craftsmanship in manufacturing this mechanical ant similar to that of the pioneers?"

The first thing Xu Che thought of was the pioneer.After all, in the civilization he knew, only the pioneer had such a powerful ability to create such a high-tech robot.

"The scan shows that it does not match the pioneer's scientific and technological level. The creature is made more perfect. This system infers that this mechanical ant is naturally formed."

The system replied.

"What a joke, this can be natural"

Hearing the system, Xu Che strongly questioned: "Whether it is a mist ejector or a heat-sensing device, these should be man-made. Will nature evolve this kind of thing?"

"Why not"

The system continued: ``Host, your thinking is still too limited.Since there are carbon-based organisms like humans, it is possible that naturally formed mechanical organisms exist.

According to the analysis of this system, the meat and bones of this mechanical ant are made of metal, the brain is an ultra-highly integrated chip, and the current and magnetic field are their blood.

They feed on radioactive rocks in the core of the earth and live on the energy it provides.

No one made them. All of these evolved naturally, from the simplest single-cell machinery, from the accidental formation on the rocks under the action of radioactivity.".

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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