Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 238 Mechanical Life Servant

"This is theoretically possible."

Hearing Xu Che's words, the system replied: "You can let this system try.

But it needs the help of the host."

"Okay, try it now.

What do you say"

Hearing the system say this, Xu Che couldn't wait to ask immediately.

"If you want these mechanical beings to obey your instructions, then we must add a line of code to its consciousness program, let the mechanical beings act according to the instructions of this line of code, and regard it as the highest instruction, the ultimate goal of this life. Moreover, this line of code cannot be discovered by the firewall that comes with the machine life, and it must be bypassed. For this system, it is not a big problem."

The system replied very carefully: "Now you first think about what is the specific content of this code"


Xu Che thought about it carefully: "Of course it is to let the mechanical creatures listen to me, and act exactly according to my instructions."

"It's not that simple description can describe it."

The system continued: "In this, we have to formulate detailed rules, for example, how you should order these creatures that they cannot understand human language, which means that we may need to build additional languages. Translator, this can be solved not only by creating a code.

"Also, following orders is a very general concept. If you put forward two different orders at different time periods, such as letting it stop activities yesterday and letting it act today, then which one should it execute?"

"Is it so troublesome?"

Xu Che frowned, it seems that he still thinks things too simple.

"What's wrong, brother Xu Che, what are you thinking about"

Seeing Xu Che's serious thoughts, Di Rou asked suspiciously.

"I want to try if I can control these mechanical lives."

Xu Che told Di Rou his thoughts.

"This is really a good idea!"

Di Rou's eyes lit up: ``If this is successful, it would mean that you have won an extremely powerful army, but it doesn't feel so simple. If you want to transform these mechanical beings into your subordinates, I am afraid that you need to study carefully. "

"That's the truth."

Xu Che nodded: "But my own personal computer can help me accomplish most things. The question now is how do we make a perfect plan so that these mechanical beings can understand our instructions and follow our instructions. Instruct them to act without conflicting with their own thoughts, which means that they will not crash and collapse, so that a perfect army can be built."

"I know what you mean, brother."

Di Rou said: "I can help with this. I have experience in computers. I should be able to compile a perfect code to make mechanical creatures obey your instructions. As for how to make them understand our instructions, they can use a universal Translator,"

"Universal Translator"

Xu Che was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted: "Yes, the translator...the pioneer device found in the Hall Museum of the Haihuang Incubation Center! It is said that it can translate all languages. In the body of the mechanical life, it should be able to make them understand my instructions."

"Yes, that's what I meant."

Di Rou nodded excitedly.

"Well, let's try it out now, but in this case, we have to collect more experimental materials before we can."

Che looked far away again.

I saw that the battle in the canyon below was still going on.The ants and the centipede were fighting for the rock, and the dragonfly was taking advantage of the chaos to grab the centipede as food.It can be said to be a chaos.

At this time, it was when Xu Che took advantage of the mess to fish.

"Di Rou, prepare three 3 lockers. We need to catch more bugs."

Xu Che said.

"OK."Di Rou's voice came.

The spacecraft turned its bow towards the canyon below, while Xu Che stood at the forefront of the spacecraft, staring at everything ahead.

Then his God Realm stretched out, turned into a golden light, and swept forward. A mechanical dragonfly was struck again and appeared in the spaceship. Xu Che immediately activated the shrinking spear: ability to shrink it, and then transfer it. In the locker.

Everything is easy.

"The first Xu Che muttered silently in his heart, and the golden light shot out again.This time it hit a centipede on the ground and seven or eight ants on it.They were fighting together.

The same processing method is used.After using the gods to wrap it up, use the shrink gun for the first time: shrink it, and then sort and recover them, and put them in different lockers.

In this way, Xu Che began to frantically scrape mechanical creatures in this chaotic battlefield.Any creatures that were irradiated by golden light were all reduced and placed in the locker, without any resistance.

With Xu Che's hard work, a certain number of ants, dragonflies and centipedes were installed in the three 3 lockers. These three animals were suddenly caught to an unknown place. It was also frightened, crazy attacker. The wall of the locker.

The ants use its acid to corrode, the centipede fires a beam cannon directly at the locker, and the dragonfly uses its alloy-like claws to scratch and scratch. After a while, the locker is destroyed by them. .

"These things are really destructive"

Seeing this scene, Di Rou couldn't help but complain.

Only new lockers can be taken out.

Used to put them.

This new locker is made by pioneer building units.

Compared with ordinary storage cabinets, it is much stronger.

Fortunately, these gadgets have been reduced. The power of the high-tech weapons they carry has also been greatly reduced.

Otherwise, it's really hard to place them.

"Di Rou, how many have I caught now"

After about a minute of busy work, Xu Che asked.

"I count, there are about 70 ants, about 8 centipedes, and about 5 dragonflies."

Di Rou replied.

"Okay, it should be almost done, let's try these materials first"

Xu Che said that he stopped continuing to capture, and at the same time ordered the system to drive the spacecraft out of the canyon.

Then it's time for experimentation.

"There is a blueprint for translators recorded in the system, right?"

Xu Che asked the system.


"Well, now you think of ways to modify the ten thousand weapons, and then implant them in the bodies of these mechanical beings. I want them to understand what I say, can they do it?"

Xu Che continued to ask.

If you can't do it, you can seek help from Di Rou. As I said before, Di Rou has inherited her father's excellent genes in this regard. NS.

In any case, they can only stay on this planet for 30 days, and when the 30 days arrive, they must leave.


Fortunately, the system gave a positive answer.

"Then start with this dragonfly"

The plan has been implemented. The system will first transform the translator and then implant it into the dragonfly. Of course, this implantation is very forcible. Although the mechanical dragonfly resists desperately, it is still to no avail. After all, it is only a few centimeters long and small. It's pitiful, completely manipulated as a toy.

"Implanted successfully"

The sound of the system came, and Xu Che looked at it and saw that there was an extra bulge on the back of this dragonfly.

This is where the universal translator is placed.

"This is just a preliminary attempt, so this system does not take care of the appearance and beauty of the mechanical dragonfly."

The system explained.

"It doesn't matter, these things will be slowly improved in the future, and the mechanical dragonfly itself is already ugly enough, no matter how ugly it is, it won't be ugly."

Xu Che said casually.

This mechanical dragonfly grows a chrysanthemum! This kind of head is enough to be punished: people are appetite, but it does not matter to Xu Che, anyway, he wants this thing to be used for fighting, not for As a work of art.

"Then this dragonfly should be able to understand what we are saying now"

Xu Che said to the system again.


The system replied.

"Yes, let's try it out now"

Xu Che took a look at this mechanical dragonfly and immediately said, "Hello"

Sure enough, the dragonfly was stunned, and then tilted his head and stared at Xu Che.It did not respond to what Xu Che said, hello.

"Is it unsuccessful under any circumstances?"

Xu Che is now holding a universal translator in his hand, and he is ready to talk to this mechanical dragonfly.

"The wisdom of this kind of mechanical life is not too high. It is estimated that the wisdom is only about the level of a year-old child, and it is temporarily impossible to understand the greetings of the host."

The system explained: "Although it can understand you now, it does not mean that you can communicate with it very smoothly."

"Then if you say so, can it understand the instructions I gave it?"

Xu Che frowned slightly.

"It's not a big problem. Simple instructions can definitely be understood. This requires more training."

The system said.

"Okay, don't consider this for now, and execute the second step plan, and add instructions to its consciousness."

Xu Che said.

The system began to be transformed again. During this period, Di Rou also joined in. The two began to discuss how to fabricate a perfect code, and then the system would implement it, embedding the code into the consciousness of this mechanical dragonfly because it was. It was a procedural matter, so there was no change in reality. About half a minute later, I heard a voice from the system: "The transformation is complete."

"Are you done?"

Seeing the modified mechanical dragonfly in front of him, Xu Che immediately began to give instructions: "Fly."

Following the command of the boss, the mechanical dragonfly started flapping its wings and flew up, spinning around in the air.


Xu Che ordered again, Dragonfly immediately.

Act according to his instructions, no longer fly, and obediently land on the spacecraft ground.

"Successfully saw this scene, Di Rou said excitedly, Xu Che also smiled.

But the good times didn't last long. The mechanical dragonfly hadn't jumped for a while, and a puff of smoke came out of its head. Accompanied by the sound of a power failure, the mechanical dragonfly suddenly twitched, and then fell to the ground with a snap. , Motionless "Ding, after scanning, the motherboard of this dragonfly has burned out."

A prompt came from the system.

There is no doubt that this dragonfly is dead. "Can it be repaired?"

Xu Che asked.

"No, damage to the motherboard is equivalent to human brain death."

The system replied: "Unless it is replaced, the motherboard""All right, then use a new one as a test article."

Xu Che can only say that. As for this dead animal, it is also valuable. After all, its whole body is made of a metal material, and this metal material is still an element that humans have not discovered, and the value is still quite large. .

If they fail once, then come the second time.They set their sights on the new mechanical dragonfly, and experimenting with this kind of thing is to try countless times to be successful.

And these mechanical dragonflies are the little white mice they use as experiments. Although this approach is cruel, in fact it is like this. Natural selection is the best, and the weak eats the strong.

In this way, Xu Che and Di Rou began to conduct experiments carefully, and each failure can absorb experience and lessons from them, so as to avoid making mistakes next time.

Soon the time of three 3 o'clock passed, and after three hours and 3 of hard work, the mechanical dragonfly was finally successfully completed! At this time, the creature that was transformed has become: it is extremely obedient to Xu Che's words, let it go East, it will never go west.

"come over."

Xu Che waved his hand, and the mechanical dragonfly flew around it, like a true loyal guard.

Now, the highest command in the consciousness given to this mechanical dragonfly is that it completely obeys Xu Che and Di Rou's words, but when the two conflict, Xu Che's priority is given, and the new command will overwrite the old one. In this way, there is no need to worry about command conflicts.

The successful transformation of this mechanical dragonfly means that Xu Che and Di Rou finally found a perfect program code that is very stable and will not crash these mechanical lives! "The system, now start to transform the centipede in the same way! "

Xu Che immediately.


"Under renovation"

After a while, the centipede was also successfully transformed.Under Xu Che's order, the newly transformed mechanical centipede stayed hovering at Xu Che's feet, motionless.

"Very good, as long as the perfect code is created, the subsequent transformation will be much easier"

Xu Che smiled, and immediately ordered the system to transform the ants.

But this time I encountered a problem.

After the mechanical ants received the transformation, they unexpectedly died in a short period of time.

"How is this going"

Xu Che asked quickly.

"After scanning and testing, this should be the work of a queen."

The system said.

"Queen Ant"

"Yes, mechanical ants are very similar to ants on earth. They have a queen, who is responsible for reproducing offspring and commanding the entire population. At the same time, the consciousness of the queen can be connected to each ant's through radio waves. On the body, when ants have accidents due to various reasons and cannot bring benefits to the team, the queen can directly obliterate the consciousness of the ants through radio waves, and the queen can also direct them to act in this way."

"In other words, does the queen have the power to kill these ants?"

Xu Che thought: "Then this is good news for us. We don't need to transform the ants one by one, we just need to completely transform their queens."

"Yes, controlling the queen is equivalent to controlling the entire ant colony."

Di Rou also nodded.

"Then act now. I'll go find where the queen is."

Xu Che didn't waste time, and immediately prepared to act.

The spacecraft descended to the ground again. At this time, the battle in the canyon was over. The ground was covered with all kinds of corpses. I had no choice but to retreat and gave up all the food on the canyon.

After the dragonflies prey on a lot of centipedes, they also left the battlefield.The melee was finally won by a large number of ants.

And now the ants are beginning to collect the fruits of their labor and re-carry these stones up the mountain.

Xu Che keenly noticed that these ants divided the rocks they were transporting into two waves.They piled up larger rocks on the mountain, while the other wave moved smaller rocks into the cracks on the mountain. , The inside of the mountain should be their nest.

"The queen should be inside the mountain. I'll go in and take a look."

Xu Che said to Di Rou

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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