Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 27 A weird cry in the dark! ! ! !

The appearance of the Sea Raven has made the people in charge of other countries excited from the beginning to now embarrassed.

With Xu Che's expeditions on alien planets in the future, he will encounter more and more dangers, but more and more black technologies have been discovered!

3D printers, high-tech contact lenses, shrinking backpacks, pistols, etc....... and now on the Sea Raven, you may find some awesome technology in the future!

If all these technologies fall into the hands of the Fuxi country, then the overall technological level of the Fuxi country will surpass other countries by a large margin. I am afraid that at that time, the Fuxi country will replace the Li country and become the hegemony of the earth!

How should this be done? Do you want to suppress Fuxi country... This idea appeared in the hearts of various countries, especially the heads of Liguo.


Xu Che naturally didn't know the Xiao Jiujiu of various countries at all. He was driving the Sea Raven at this time and happily circled the neighborhood.

I have to say that the vehicle is really more comfortable, and you no longer have to swim desperately, and sitting inside the vehicle feels a little more secure.

You don't have to face this terrifying deep sea by yourself, at least there is a layer of metal separated from the sea.

After a few test laps and feeling good, Xu Che immediately decided to continue.

After shrinking the escape pod and putting it in his backpack, Xu Che took the Sea Raven and set off again towards the new target.

The first is to go to the No. 2 escape pod.

On the alien planet, two hours of daylight have passed. At this time, the sky is dark and the sea is pitch black. Although the light of the Sea Raven is much stronger than the flashlight, it can clearly see the situation of the surrounding ten meters, but this ten meters Compared with the vast ocean, the range of light is still short and pitiful.

Although it did not start at full force, the speed of the Sea Raven has reached about 80 kilometers per hour, and it only takes about 14 minutes to reach the No. 2 escape module.

The only problem is that the coordinates of No. 2 escape module given by the system may be more than 300 meters above sea level!

Under the sea of ​​more than three hundred meters, he had never dived to such a deep place.

Forget it, don't think about it.

Because Xu Che still has a lot of wreckage of the Bifang and escape capsule in his backpack, he currently lacks resources, and he did not stop on the way to collect resources specially.

All the way to the No. 2 escape pod rushed wildly and it was over.

Fourteen minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and Xu Che drove the Sea Raven to the top of No. 2 escape pod.

Coming this way, he was driving close to the sea for safety. The current vertical distance between him and the No. 2 escape module is 350 meters.

"Huh, guys, I'm starting to dive." Xu Che said, no matter how many times he dived into the sea, his mood was always uneasy.

What's more, it is night, and this time I have to dive to a depth of more than 300 meters.

"Dive down, I'm ready, get started."

"Wait a minute, I'll bring an oxygen mask first, so I won't be able to breathe later."

"Damn, every time I watch the anchor act at night, my heart thumps."


When Xu Che said this, the audience in the live broadcast room was also nervous, and at the same moment, Xu Che had already controlled the Sea Raven and began to dive.

This time, the seabed was obviously much lower than before. Xu Che dived all the way, and there was no shadow of the ground in the lights, only small fishes that swam from time to time dangled in front of him.


Low and low shouts were constantly coming from the surroundings, adding a bit of fear to this dark and strange environment.

But Xu Che knew that although the voice sounded scary in this case, it was just the voice of the island Leviathan. In the dark environment, he could not find the trace of the island Leviathan at all, but Xu Che knows that this kind of monster will not hurt him.

"My day, why is it so deep."

"Why haven't reached the ground yet..."

"Where did the No. 2 escape pod go?"

"What kind of grass, my heart has been strained."


After diving for more than ten seconds, the audience felt that their scalp was tingling. Geographer Sun Silong typed: "Visually, the anchor's current diving depth has exceeded 200 meters."

"Grass, is it so deep..."

"I feel like I can't breathe anymore..."


The voice of the island Leviathan continued, but at this moment, another weird roar suddenly joined in:


This voice is extremely sharp and full of powerful penetrating power, a bit like an animal forcibly screaming like a woman in its throat.

Compared with this, the voice of Leviathan on the island suddenly sounded as good as the sound of heaven.

"Insanely, is this a voice again?"

"It's scary, much scarier than the island Leviathan!"

"My day, the earphones were frightened by labor and management!"


The audience in the live broadcast room panicked instantly, and the biologist Jin Chengtian also started typing frantically: "Attention anchor, attention anchor! Listening to the sound, this is definitely a big beast, watch out, watch out!"

"Yes, pay attention!"

"Turn off the lights, maybe the lights will attract that thing!!!"

For a time, all scientists except Kai Jin Chengtian kept reminding Xu Che, Xu Che was also unambiguous, and turned off the lights of the Sea Crow as soon as possible.

With a click, the darkness completely swallowed everything around, and Xu Che didn't dare to dive anymore without the light. He could only let the Sea Raven float quietly in place.

For a time, Xu Che and the audience could only hear the voices of the island Leviathan and unknown monsters coiling around.

(Ahem, the big boss appeared in the early stage, ask for flowers, ask for rewards, ask for monthly tickets, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes)


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