Live Broadcasting from Deep Sea Adventure

Chapter 287 Unexpected incident, chaos

Xu Che thought for a while, and did not go straight on, but instead used the ability to predict the future and see what would happen in the future.

Just do what you say.In Xu Che's mind, he opened the elevator door and walked in, then pressed the switch.

The elevator has only one terminal station, and there are no different floors. Xu Che just took the elevator and walked all the way to the terminal station.

There is also an LCD screen above the elevator, which shows how many meters the current position is from the ground. I saw that this number keeps getting bigger, from 300 to 404, and to 500. Obviously the speed of this elevator is very fast, but even so. , To reach the area where the Moon of a Thousand Faces is, but it still takes a long time to walk.

Xu Che stayed in the elevator for a full minute, only to hear the ding sound. When the elevator arrived, he breathed and walked out of the opened elevator door. At this time, he was standing on a small platform. Above, and below the platform, this is a vast expanse of space.This space emits hot steam, and the space is filled with hot lava, and some are rumbling.

Obviously, this place is already the earth's mantle layer. It is like a volcanic hell in the eighteen layers of hell. The sight is full of red magma and blazing flames, and there is nothing else. .

And the temperature here may be as high as: on Baidu, if it hadn't been for Xu Che to turn on God's Domain and avoid this temperature, I am afraid that even with his physical fitness, staying in this place would still be unbearable, but the situation in front of him is Xu Che was extremely puzzled, because according to the information on the computer, this area should be the sleeping area of ​​the moon of a thousand faces, and now there is no way to see the gray silt ocean of the moon of a thousand faces. On the contrary, it is a very normal geological phenomenon.

So what happened is that the Moon of a Thousand Faces has awakened and left here is indeed very possible.You must know that since this was built by the Three Kingdoms, it means that this facility has existed for more than 300 years.

And more than 300 years ago, when Nanayaratotip awakened all the high-dimensional creatures of the solar system through the Death Omen Star, the Fate of a Thousand Faces should also be sleeping here.

And as the Death Omen star awakens all the high-dimensional creatures, the Moon of a Thousand Faces is probably also awakened, and it is estimated that it has migrated to other places, so it is not in this place now.

It's just that Xu Che can't know where the Moon of a Thousand Faces is now, maybe it's sleeping somewhere.

In any case, Xu Che also understands now that the Moon of a Thousand Faces has left this area, so the original function of this area is no longer needed to be turned on.

Thinking of this, Xu Che opened his eyes and retracted his perception of foreseeing the future.

Knowing this, then it is easy to handle.In order to avoid people who accidentally break in later will trigger the mechanism here and cause tragedy, Xu Che came to the computer again and began to operate, turning off the function of sacrifice in the area.

With his operation, the various monsters that were originally scattered outside were also forcibly retracted under the control of these machines. They arrived in the grid space. Besides, Xu Che left the barrier completely open. In the state, since this way, there will be no more...people who accidentally break into this place.

"Mr. Xu, what are you doing?"

Seeing Xu Che constantly operating the facilities here, He Yong asked curiously.

"Nothing, just adjusted the facilities here."

Xu Che replied: "So as to ensure that this area does not cause too much harm to humans, and also to ensure that the hundreds of monsters above will never be released again."

Xu Che said, after adjusting all the facilities, he continued: "Okay, now we can leave here."

"Oh okay, but Mr. Xu, didn't you say that there is still a terrifying monster below, what should we do with that monster?"

He Yong asked again.

"No need to deal with it, and we can't deal with it according to our ability."

Xu Che replied, "Also, that monster is no longer in this area."

"Aren't you here?"

He Yong was a little surprised

Xu Che didn't give too much explanation.The two came to the ground again.At this time, after a night of tossing, the sky is now bright.

Driven by He Yong, he drove Xu Che back and left here on the same road.

The matter here has come to an end for the time being. This area is permanently sealed off by him. As long as there is no problem with the machines in the underground space, then this area will be permanently sealed off, and there are more than 100 prisoners. Monsters will not be released.

Xu Che can also be considered a good thing.

"By the way, you did not turn off the barrier in this area of ​​Mr. Xu. If you don't turn it off, if we continue driving, I'm afraid we will hit the invisible barrier again."

While driving, He Yong reminded carefully."I have said, I want to close this area, how can I open the barrier"

Xu Che replied.

"Ah this"

"Don't worry, I will use my ability to directly send the vehicle out."

Xu Che said very calmly.

"Okay, I get it now"

Hearing this, He Yong felt relieved.

In this way, the two continued to drive forward, and when they were about to reach the barrier, Xu Che directly activated the power of God's Domain, and the person and the car directly moved outside the barrier.

Because Xu Che activated his abilities too fast, He Yong took a few seconds to react, and then admired Xu Che's abilities again.

In this way, they finally left the area safely, and shortly after they got down the mountain, when they walked on the national highway below, they saw several police cars leading several black armored vehicles, forming a long section. The flow of traffic passing by them seemed to be all going to the hut in the forest.

Moreover, Xu Che also found a familiar person from the driver's seat of one of the armored vehicles: Wu Team saw this familiar person, Xu Che immediately understood that this force should be Fuxi National Nature Conservation Bureau Modu Division Sent by the Ministry.

"It seems that they are responsible for this matter again, but they shouldn't even be able to do it now, after all, there is a barrier outside."

Xu Che thought.

That barrier is also the technology of Shang people, and it is still impossible to crack it with the level of human technology on the modern earth, so it is estimated that this time they will have to go for nothing.

However, this may be an opportunity Xu Che suddenly thought, these are the Magic City Protection Bureau, and now so many containment personnel are rushing to the location of the hut in the forest, then, there are so many people who stay behind the branch of the Nature Conservation Bureau. Xu Che has always wanted to go to the Magic City Guarding Bureau branch to see, but now the opportunity has come "Now, change the plan again."

Xu Che said, "We are not going to Nanjing, we will go to the magic city."


Go to the magic city"

He Yong didn't understand.

"You don't need to, just do as I told you. To be precise, go to the area outside the magic city."

Let him continue.

"Ok, I see."

Hearing this, He Yong no longer hesitated, and immediately turned around and drove to another road.

They went all the way like this, following Xu Che's instructions. About a few hours later, they came to a remote road.

"Where the navigation is here, there is no description of this area at all."

He Yong was driving the car while checking the mobile phone navigation.He was very puzzled, but according to his very experienced analysis, this place must be another area unknown to ordinary people.

Xu Che did not answer his words, but just told him to keep walking, but after going forward for a while, the area ahead was already under control, and you could see both ends of the road with a large number of cameras.

"Just stop here."

At this time, Xu Che suddenly said that by predicting the future, he knew that the front was the first checkpoint of the Nature Conservation Agency.

There are roadblocks there, and there is also an observatory, which has always been guarded by soldiers, and no one will be allowed in, and even if they accidentally walk on this road and are seen by these soldiers, they will conduct a very strict interrogation. Not only need to show your ID card, but also explain to him the purpose of coming here.Even if you are lost, he will use other surveillance cameras to check it to ensure that what you are saying is the truth.

In short, it is very style.

After He Yong parked the car, Xu Che got out of the car: "Okay, you can go back now."

"What about you, Mr. Xu"

He Yong visited.

"I'm going to do something next, and I always don't need your help."

Xu Che said: "Next, you should pay attention to the situation on the Liguo Super Management Committee."

"Then this is the situation in the hut in the forest, how should I report it to the Li Guo Super Management Committee"

"Just say you didn't find any anomalies."

Xu Che said: "Anyway, the Super Governing Council has not confirmed that the containment objects are there."

"Okay, I understand."

He Yong nodded.

Then, He Yong started the engine, turned and left, and Xu Che was also ready to start acting alone.

The reason why he didn't act last time, and chose this one is because he saw some people from the Nature Conservation Bureau drew to the hut in the forest. In addition, his God's Domain has also been strengthened, and he can already try it. Entered this place.

He activated the power of God's Domain, and his whole person disappeared directly in place, appeared in his God's Domain space, and then moved on.

After taking the smart medicine, Xu Che's abilities have not only expanded, but the maintenance time has also been increased from the original 5 points, which is a full 20 minutes! The maintenance time of 2 minutes is enough for him to do a lot. What happened, coupled with the ability to predict the future, and the two abilities complemented each other, this made Xu Che fully confident that he could sneak into the magic city branch of the Nature Conservation Bureau without being discovered.

Just do as you say, Xu Che directly opens the God's Domain, covers an area around 200 meters, and then teleports directly to the edge of 200 meters, and then performs the next teleport again, so that it repeats, so that he can use it without resorting to Other vehicles were teleporting at high speed. Soon, Xu Che passed through the official checkpoints and came to the area of ​​the Nature Conservation Bureau.

At this time, a large number of staff in the Nature Conservation Bureau came and went, most of them were equipped with weapons.

Even scientific researchers in white coats carry small pistols with them.

Everything looks orderly.

And Xu Che's gaze, this is the bunker that holds the containment objects at the farthest point.

The containment objects in the bunker are the target of his trip.

Thinking of this, Xu Che was about to leave, but at this moment, an extremely harsh alarm sounded suddenly in the sky.

As the alarm sounded, Xu Che could see that all the staff in this area looked around with nervousness, especially the building that was dedicated to containment objects.

"Oops, containment breached!!!"

A staff member yelled.

"It's really troublesome, I didn't expect us to encounter this kind of thing."

The other staff member also sighed and looked very disturbed.

"Containment Breach"

Xu Che listened to the conversation between the two staff members, and soon a female voice sounded from the siren: "Tolerance is invalid, non-combatants in the area immediately evacuate to the nearest protection cabin."

"All combatants immediately rushed to the containment area to suppress 24.

And to protect the containment area, the electricity is operating normally."

"The main stairway of the main fort of the containment area is urgently blocked. Underground personnel are not allowed to cross the ground floor. Other idlers, etc., please stay away from the containment area."

This passage has been repeated, and as the voice of this passage came out, the people around it immediately.

Acting according to what he said, the scientific research personnel went to other buildings, and the security personnel here went to the bunker without hesitation.

"No, I'm so lucky. As soon as I came here, there was a containment object here, and the containment was breached."

Xu Che was speechless.Hearing this, Xu Che somehow understood what a containment breach meant.It was probably the containment ran away, or the things that suppressed the containment could not be suppressed, or some special effects spread the infection outside.

Moreover, the number of this containment item is 24, does it mean that the danger level of the containment item is level? If it is released, it will probably cause a huge disaster.

"Forget it, anyway, this trip is also to obtain the containment item. Maybe when the containment item fails, Xu Che quickly solves this problem while fishing in a mess. He once again activated the power of God's Domain and entered the interior of the bunker. .

First of all, he came to the uppermost hall.At this time, people came and went in the hall. The armed personnel kept marching out to the depths of the bunker, while the scientific research personnel entered a kind of special facility nearby. .

This facility looks like an iron coffin, just enough to accommodate one person, and after the scientific research personnel enter, the iron coffin will automatically close. It seems that it should be a tool to protect life, and it can be counted for the time being. It is a protective cabin.

Xu Che saw that after a scientific researcher walked in, there were a lot of tubes fixed on his body, which relieved him of most known toxins or stabilized his injuries.

Life-saving measures such as nutrients, water and air are the basic guarantee. Injury.

And it has multiple super-powerful batteries, even if the entire institute is powered off, it will not be powered off.

Xu Che looked around and saw that there are almost such protective cabins in the hall. It was closed, and finally the people inside retreated all the way to the depths of the wall, and then the white door on the surface of the wall was also tightly sealed.

From the outside, it is impossible to see that there is still a person in this thick wall.

I have to say that this is a very efficient protection measure in a crisis situation.

"This protection measure is really good"

Xu Che couldn't help sighing.

Then, Xu Che looked at other places. As mentioned earlier, the inside of this bunker is like a huge well. Now Xu Che can see that the combatants on each floor are looking directly from the railing to save time. Going down, I actually gave up taking the stairs, jumped directly from the edge of the well two or three stories high, and didn't even take the deceleration measures, so I fell so hard and landed steadily.

The armed personnel who jumped four or five stories high, jet downwards from their hands in their combat uniforms, and the high-pressure airflow slightly buffered them, allowing them to land safely.

It seems to be a pneumatic jet device, this device has not been fully applied to the civilian population, and it is considered a kind of black technology.

All the armed personnel have been advancing towards the deepest place below, and soon disappeared. Xu Che did not follow the armed personnel. The containment breach was their business, and had nothing to do with Xu Che, and his current location should be the research area. , To see if you can get information about the contained objects.

Thinking of this, Xu Che entered an office casually, instructed the system to collect data through the computer, and then went to the next office.

In this case, his speed of action is very fast, but the information collected is a little too powerful, all are some obscure technical terms, and the whole article is not academic around some strange substance. The report is an epidemic prevention idea around a certain kind of bacteria.

There is also a conjecture about a new type of alloy, a demonstration of a program that may greatly anti-aging, or a study on how to make the brain half dormant and half excited.

Although I can't understand it, Xu Che knows about what the researchers are doing.

They are researching different technologies to deal with the trouble caused by different containment objects.

Because of the unreasonable supernatural phenomenon of the containment, it is generally unrealistic to use science to forcibly restrain the characteristics of the containment, so it can only be circumvented in a roundabout way, and the soldiers will block the water and cover it.,,,If the containment makes people sleep One year old at a time, then research the technology that makes people do not need to sleep.

Clever use of the characteristics of the contained objects to suppress the contained objects.

It's just that these materials don't show the characteristics of the contained objects, because they are too detailed.

These reports are large, large, and each report is full of dozens of pages.After reading for a long time, Xu Che did not know which containment object they were studying.

"It's really troublesome"

Xu Che thought in his heart that he could only walk past one office, but at this moment, Xu Che found a man in one of the offices.

This man was about 3 years old, wearing a white uniform, his hands were handcuffed back, and he was directly handcuffed to an iron door in the office.

And Xu Che looked at his white clothes, and then saw a number on his left chest: 2 Xu Che suddenly understood that this is a high-level personnel.

Probably because of a sudden containment breach, the guards responsible for escorting personnel of this level did not have time to escort him back to the cell, so they just handcuffed him here, and then went to deal with the containment breach.

Anyway, the fate of the class personnel is not for the fate

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