Just when everyone was stunned.

The center console on the podium quietly activated, and a synthesized female electronic voice came out.

"Drip! Please sit in your seats and prepare for class, current course: mathematics. "

Hear it here.

Everyone was even more confused.

"What do you mean? Start a class? Who is going to class? What class to take? Who are the lessons given? "

Everyone was a little dazed.

I didn't react for a while.

And on the center console...

Suddenly, a camera rose and rotated 360 degrees, scanning the classroom.

At last.

Stay in the direction of the door.

Again came out the synthetic electronic sound: "Drip! Please hurry up, sit in your seats, and get ready for class! "

The crowd saw this.

Finally reacted.


This center console treats them as students.

"Interesting, this classroom... It seems that it is not for us to teach, but the center console is responsible for lecturing? "

"There are a lot of electronic components on the podium, and there should be a large smart computer that stores information such as lessons."

"Math class? I'd like to see how well a computer class goes. "

"It should be a script, right? Just read it directly according to the textbook. "


Everyone's eyes flickered.

Attention was on the podium.


They each chose their seats and sat down. 687

"Drip! Start the class now! "

On the center console, electronic sounds synthesized by women were heard again.

The tone was slightly harsh.

It seems that he is a little dissatisfied with the behavior of everyone who has just refused to take their seats.

Quite anthropomorphic.

"According to the digital analysis of the system that has been entered, the average education of the current class is doctorate, the title is mostly professor, the level is high, and the teaching method is automatically adjusted."

"Today's lecture: practical application of multi-complex functions and derivation of higher conjecture theory."

Followed by.

On the blackboard behind the podium, an image suddenly projected.

A topic of multi-complex functions was issued.

Ashizura listed more than a hundred English letters, but there was not a single Arabic numeral!


When everyone saw this scene, they were a little stunned.

The pupils are slightly dilated.

Even professors in the field of mathematics have a little scalp tingling.

"This... This topic is so complicated that if I calculate it alone, it will take at least three months to complete. "

"A problem at this level should be tackled by a math team together, right? This topic is completely beyond the bar for college students! "

"Don't say it's a college student, it's a bit over-the-top for us."

"Even if the team works together to attack (ahab), it will take at least half a month."


If it is a common college math problem.

For them, it doesn't take more than ten minutes to solve it.

But this question...

Even as a professor.

They are also not sure of unraveling.


It's not for a single person, it's a team project!

"It takes half a month for the team to tackle tough problems? Did it go wrong? That's too difficult, isn't it? "

"Just now, it seems... It means that the teaching method is automatically adjusted according to the level of the students. "

"Anyway, anyone who doesn't know mathematics can feel the statement of this topic."

"At the end of mathematics, there is not a single number?"


Teachers of other subjects looked at the blackboard with mixed feelings.

They wanted to examine the level of lectures on this intelligent computer.

Who would have thought of...

As soon as this intelligent computer lectured, a king fried came.

"Drip! Math problem solving pays attention to solving the problem first, below, which student can you come up and try it? "

On the podium.

The center console shone brightly, and a female synthesized electronic voice was once again heard.

The crowd heard.

Can't help but look at each other.

You look at me.

I'll look at you.

Half a day passed.

But no one raised their hand.

"Drip! Since that's the case, then I'll randomly select it, Qi Limin, you come up and try. "

Under the podium.

Qi Limin, who was watching the excitement, was suddenly stunned and his eyes widened.

Several teachers who knew each other next to him turned their heads sideways.

They all looked at him.

A gloating expression appeared.

In desperation.

He had to swallow his saliva and walk up to the podium.

Observed the topic for half a day.

Ultimately. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Pick up the chalk.

In the focused gaze of everyone, a word "solution" was written.

And then......

Looking at the center console with a wry smile, he said truthfully: "This question... I really don't. "

He's a nuclear energy researcher.

Although he also obtained a doctorate in mathematics, this problem is obviously not solved by a single doctor.

"Drip! Go back. "

The female synthesized electronic voice in the center console sounded again.

It wasn't hard for him.


In front of everyone, he began to explain.

"Drip! This question needs to be solved first, decide what kind of mathematical publicity to use for derivation, synthesize the content of the question, and preliminarily presume that there are three directions for solving the problem..."

On the podium.

All kinds of lights flickered.

The smart computer seemed to be rapidly calculating and thinking, and at the same time wrote three directions of solving problems on the blackboard.

After exclusion one by one.

Finally, one of the directions was locked.

Followed by.

Through projection, subtitles appear one by one on the board.

Start the problem-solving process.


From time to time, it guides everyone to think in the direction of solving problems.

Under the podium.

When everyone saw this scene, it was as if they were reading a book from heaven.

A series of symbolic and common transformations.

They were dazzled to watch.

In the clouds and fog.

On the contrary...

The professors in the field of mathematics watched with relish, and did not dare to blink.

I'm afraid I missed some critical step.

Exclamations from time to time.

Twenty minutes later.

This big question was completely solved, and the only answer was calculated in the end.

The whole audience.

There was silence.

Silence again.

Only the electronic synthesized voice of the woman could be heard from the center console.

Carefully taught.

"Drip! In mathematical thinking, it should be imaginary, not bound by any existing formulas and theorems..."


Dozens of professors in the field of mathematics flickered their eyes and nodded silently.

This lesson...

They have witnessed the problem solving ideas of intelligent computers, which is really imaginative.

It also gave them great inspiration.

They benefit a lot.


In the process of problem solving, intelligent computers use many teaching methods to guide them.

Let them...

I feel like listening to a teacher in elementary school.

"Drip! Now set up the after-class exercises! "

"Please complete it carefully, the next lesson will automatically evaluate the learning progress, knowledge mastery and other information according to the completion of the students, and automatically adjust the teaching policy."

"Now, class!"

On the center console, there was a voice again.

On the blackboard.

Another math topic appeared.


This time, the topic is not as long as before, and it is no longer all in English.

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