“The legend of Death Canyon? I haven’t heard of it! Debbie shook her head and said, “Does it have anything to do with this hair?” ”

The audience in the live broadcast room also became curious.

Jiang Chen nodded and explained: “I am also in Oymyakon, I heard the guide mention it, he said that in the far north, there is a death canyon, and some strange things often happen in the canyon, such as hunters going to hunt, and they are gone, and eventually there are no bones!” ”

“The innkeeper, after hearing that we are going to the Far North, also reminded me that if you can spare Death Canyon, you will bypass Death Canyon, because Death Canyon is very strange, in their indigenous legends, death is a place where demons live, a tunnel to the gates of hell, often demons enter and exit, and it is an absolute forbidden place for humans!”

“In 1983, a team of fifteen hunters, went out to hunt, because of the scarcity of prey, they went to Death Canyon, five of them were afraid, so they turned back, but unfortunately after twenty days did not see the remaining ten people return, and finally the town organized a search and rescue team of fifty people, only to find a person in Death Canyon, but unfortunately it was too late, in a state of delirium, the survivor died of hypothermia, and before dying he finally chanted the devil, the devil and the like!”

“In 1867, it was rumored that a father and son, also out hunting, accidentally entered Death Canyon, and only the son escaped back, as if he was also greatly frightened, became delirious and committed suicide soon after!”

“It wasn’t until the 90s that a scientific expedition team of dozens of people composed of Russia, Tonglu, Mi and other countries came to Death Canyon for scientific expeditions that they made discoveries!”

“They found huge footprints and white hair in Death Canyon, so they deduced that there was such an unknown monster in Death Canyon!”

“It’s just a pity that no one has really witnessed it, or the people who witnessed it have disappeared, so these things have only become legends!”

“Of course, there are also many explorers who want to go to the Far North to explore the whereabouts of monsters, and finally according to the descriptions of some people, as well as the comparison of some footprints and hair, the legend of snow monsters appeared!”

“The most famous of these is Messnier, one of the greatest explorers of this century, who discovered a large number of snow monsters while crossing the Arctic Circle, and has been exploring the mystery of snow monsters without stopping!”

“Legend of the Snow Monster?” Debbie looked curious, obviously aroused by Jiang Chen’s curiosity.

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and patiently explained: “The snow monster is also known as the bigfoot savage and the night emperor!” ”

“The legendary snow monster in the Himalayas has been found many times in the Himalayas of Nepal, but it has not been confirmed what it is.”

“Snow monsters are higher primates that exist around the world but are not proven, capable of walking upright and reaching a height of up to 7 feet. It is higher than apes and has a certain intelligence, and its more formal academic name is ‘erect higher primate exotic animal’. ”

“In September 2007, an American photographer accidentally photographed this strange creature, which was hairy and walking on its limbs and knees, and this monster caused a global sensation.”

“Another delegation observed three footprints on the sand along the banks of the Wenshu River, one of which was about 33 centimeters long and very clear, most likely 24 hours before it was observed.”

“Since 326 BC, various legends about snow monsters have been circulating in the world, and people have the impression that snow monsters are sometimes benevolent and gentle, sometimes fierce and fierce.”

“However, according to more descriptions, snow monsters are atrocious, and in the accounts of witnesses, they can even kill a yak with one punch and eat everything!”

After saying that, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room all changed badly!

At this time, they had a general understanding of the snow monster!

“You say, are there snow monsters here too?” Debbie asked suspiciously.

“I’m not sure, but I can’t take it lightly, as far as I know, snow monsters are not very gentle, they are usually very cruel, one punch can kill the existence of a yak, can it be a good class?” Jiang Chen said with a joking smile.

Hearing this, the corner of Debbie’s mouth twitched, pointed to the cave behind her, and said, “Jiang, I listened to your description, I think it’s better for us to leave quickly, because… Inside this cave, there are white hairs everywhere, I think we should be in the cave of some kind of creature, most likely a snow monster! ”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth twitched, turned his head to look inside the cave, and found that sure enough, there were hairs everywhere on the surrounding rock walls and in the dirt!

In addition to the white ones, there is actually brown!

The live broadcast room instantly boiled!

[Anchor! Let’s go! 】

[This snow monster sounds even fiercer than the wild man!] 】


Jiang Chen nodded and motioned for Debbie to pack her bags.

After everything was ready, Jiang Chen opened the compass and prepared to find the right direction.

After all, in the ice and snow, all the scenery around is the same, if you don’t live for a long time, you can’t tell the direction!

It’s a pity that Death Canyon seems to be like the legend, a tunnel to hell, and even the compass fails!

“It should be the magnetic field.” Jiang Chen’s face became solemn, and he looked up at the sky, hoping to be able to determine by virtue of the starry sky!

However, in the Arctic, just after a snowstorm, the sky is full of haze and nothing can be seen.


Jiang Chen thought of the watch first, but the watch needs the sun to find the direction, in the polar night North Pole, where is the sun!

Moreover, in the Arctic, a place where there is no grass, it is even more difficult to rely on plants and so on to find direction!

Swish –

And at this moment, there was a sudden sound outside the cave, as if something was walking in the snow!

Jiang Chen instantly made a silent tidying up, covered the mining lamp with his hand, and walked out of the cave to check, followed by Debi.

With super eyesight and second-level dark eyes, Jiang Chen easily saw that in the snow not far away, there was a series of footprints.

The footprints look very wide, far beyond the size of the average person!

“Snow… Snow monsters? Debbie took a deep breath and said calmly: “Don’t be afraid, isn’t it just a snow monster?” We should be able to cope! ”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth twitched, and his face was solemn: “I just forgot to tell you, according to research, snow monsters should be a social species, usually hundreds of them gather together, hunt together, live together, if there are really snow monsters, we are now estimated to be surrounded by hundreds of snow monsters!” ”

As soon as Jiang Chen’s words fell, in the dark snowfield around him, a point of light flashed, and the point of light was as huge as a fist, like a lantern, shining with a faint green glow!

Densely packed…

For a time, Jiang Chen and Debi felt numb in their scalps!

The audience in the live broadcast room gasped!

PS: Please customize, please support! (Snow monster photo attached!) )

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