After listening to Jiang Chen’s inference, the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as experts and scholars, all seemed to have traveled to prehistory, and the scene of the great flood was vividly remembered!

[It’s so shocking that I can’t imagine how brilliant prehistoric civilization was!] 】

[The anchor is too bullish, the brain hole is simply too big! ] 】

[The point is, I really believe it, if I don’t believe it, everything can’t be explained, but the anchor’s inference can explain everything smoothly! ] 】

[I seem to have traveled to prehistory, after listening to the anchor’s narration, I can already imagine the scenes of major prehistoric civilizations when the Great Flood comes! ] 】


In addition to the general audience, major experts and scholars were also amazed.

At the same time, in the conference room of Qinghua University in Z Country, Jiang Chen’s live broadcast was playing on the big screen, and the voice of Jiang Chen’s inference echoed in the air, unable to disperse for a long time!

Below, there are a group of experts in the history of Z country, human history research, and so on, led by Zhang Guokun and Zhou Zhiyao.

Almost the entire historical circle in the country, as well as experts in the circle of human research, have gathered together, and all of them are pillars of the country!

Of course, in addition, there are many students who are observing this conference!

But even if they are students, they all have at least the title of doctorate!

At this moment, except for Zhang Guokun and Zhou Zhiyao, almost everyone was watching Jiang Chen’s live broadcast intently, and their eyes were full of shock!

This time, Jiang Chen’s expedition not only shocked the paleobiosphere, but in the end, even the circle of human history research was completely shaken!

And the most shocking is the circle of human research!

This is why Zhang Guokun urgently convened such a big meeting, but there were still so many people to participate!

After all, this time Jiang Chen’s discovery, as well as Jiang Chen’s inference, can be said to push human research and history forward, giving all experts a new idea and discovery!

Last time, the prehistoric human relics discovered by Jiang Chen were already shocking enough, but there was still a gap, allowing some opponents to take the opportunity to oppose!

This gap is if prehistoric civilization exists, why did it suddenly die, and where did it go, Jiang Chen’s previous inference, prehistoric civilization after more than 4 million years of development, must be a high civilization, why did not leave anything?

And now, Jiang Chen has completely blocked this gap, he found Noah’s ark, he confirmed the existence of Atlantis, and he also confirmed the existence of superhistoric civilizations!

Jiang Chen put in front of everyone the super-prehistoric civilization that lasted 4 million years with a beginning and a tail and evidence, although it was not complete!

At this moment, I am afraid that even the previous opponents are embarrassed to deny the existence of prehistoric civilization anymore, and they are completely hitting themselves in the face!

And Jiang Chen, not only discovered the beginning and end of prehistoric civilization, but also made bold inferences based on these discoveries!

It has become an extremely important reference for researchers!

Of course, Jiang Chen’s reasoning is not over yet!

At this moment, he was in the cabin of the ark, looking at all the figurines in front of him, and said: “According to my previous discoveries in the Kuruboyara Cave, it is already possible to divide the territory of prehistoric supercivilizations!” ”

The audience in the live broadcast room had already become excited, and listening to Jiang Chen’s words, they were even more interested!

[Anchor, tell us about it! ] 】

[Now before going to bed every day, keep telling the anchor some of his own opinions, and I can’t sleep at all! ] 】

[Anchor, hurry! ] Stop selling! Say it and listen! 】


Jiang Chen touched his chin and deduced: “If according to the previous conclusion, 400 years ago there was a fourth group of humans, they were divided into five colors, they also developed from the Stone Age, of which the red race developed the fastest, established a civilization, after I don’t know how many years of development, became Atlantis, the first overlord on the earth, they experienced an agricultural civilization, but also experienced a feudal slave society, and finally developed into an industrial civilization like us!” ”

“At the same time, the Eastern civilization is also developing, the yellow race began to establish tribes from the Central Plains, followed by the red race, or at the same level as the red race, it may also develop faster than the red race, this remains to be investigated!”

“So, two major civilizations appeared on the earth, developing each other, and after I don’t know how many years, the Remlian civilization also developed, but the Remlian people advocate art and do not pursue scientific and technological development, so the Remlian civilization gradually lagged behind!”

“During the development, with the advantage of geographical location, Atlantis suppressed the development of the white people, as described in legends and the Bible, locked the white people in the ‘Garden of Eden’ and kept them in captivity, until Adam and Eve appeared, the white people were released, and became tool men, Atlanteans, and since then they have also become their gods!”

“The Remrians, on the other hand, recovered the slowest developing blacks, curbed the development of blacks, and made them tool men!”

“Only the East has always been yellow people, which is why, on the carving of the first figurine, the others are in pairs, and only the yellow people are separated!”

“At the same time, due to the high development of Eastern civilization, neither Atlantis nor Remlia dared to offend or subdue suppression, so on the prehistoric earth, there was a situation of three kingdoms!”

“Until more than 10,000 years ago, the great flood suddenly came, the earth faced an unprecedented disaster, the Remlian continent could not cope due to the backward development of civilization, the entire continent sank and the Indian Ocean, a large number of Remlians died tragically, a small number of Remlians fled to Africa, but were assimilated by the local indigenous people, gradually disappeared, and civilization completely regressed far away!”

“Atlantis, in the midst of the disaster, took care of himself, in order to satisfy himself to return to Earth in the future and retain his strength, they assigned Noah to build a large ship to avoid the natural disaster, and the rest of the tool people were chosen to give up and flee by themselves!”

“Eastern civilization, in the face of the great flood, chose confrontation, this confrontation, may also make the Eastern civilization, heavy losses, a large number of capable people extinct, and finally even if most of the people survive, but also lead to the Eastern civilization regression!”

“However, even if the prehistoric civilization of the East regresses, the surviving races in the East are still the fourth batch of races, which are completely different from the other two races that have always been in the primitive civilization!”

“That’s why, from ten thousand years ago to the present, Eastern civilization has always been at the top of the world!”

“Because the Orientals, inheriting the ideological concepts of the previous generation of supercivilization, have been implemented to this day!”

“That’s why, the world civilization of the new era originated in the East, and as early as six or seven thousand years ago, a brilliant civilization such as the Shennong civilization was born, leading the world by unknown how many grades!”

“And we, the Orientals, have become the only remaining fourth human in the Fifth Age!”

“That’s why our thoughts, our associations, my traditions and emotions are so different from other human races around the world!”

Jiang Chen’s inference sorted out the general process of the entire prehistoric civilization over the past 4 million years!

Outside, there was an uproar and shock!

Not only domestically, but even foreign experts and scholars were stunned and shocked after listening to the reaction to Jiang Chen’s reasoning!

At the same time, no one refuted, because Jiang Chen’s statement was completely based on the evidence found so far, and the reasoning was carried out!

If you let the experts and scholars make a reasoning, it is estimated that it is not as comprehensive and detailed as Jiang Chen’s reasoning!

In the conference room of Qinghua University, everyone was in a state of shock, even Zhou Zhiyao and Zhang Guokun, who were familiar with Jiang Chen, may have woken up from the shock after a long time!

They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

After a long time, Zhang Guokun and Zhou Zhiyao covered their pens with trembling at the same time, and wrote the big characters “Jiang Chen, the fourth chronicle of mankind” on the book!

At this moment, the world was once again shaken by Jiang Chen’s reasoning and discovery!

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