Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 101: Tale Of Peach Blossom Spring! [2 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

In the live broadcast room, experts and scholars at home and abroad, as well as the audience, were stunned!

Who would have thought that music existed in the Shennong tribe 6,000 years ago!

On a certain level, the culture born of the Shennong civilization at that time was thousands of years ahead of the world!

At the same time, it also allows human beings to have a deeper understanding of ancient civilizations!

While seeing the wisdom of the ancients, I also realized that in the life of the ancients, there were not only beliefs and food, but they also had their own emotions and ways of entertainment!

Of course, the most important thing is to allow future generations to more truly experience everything in the ancient times!

In the eyes of foreigners, this is an extremely romantic creation!

After all, selecting a huge boulder weighing nearly a thousand tons, moving it to the Jianmu Sacred Tree, carefully transforming it, and debugging it is just to play a wonderful tune!

Apart from being romantic, what else can describe the behavior of the ancients?

At the same time, let people all over the world see the Chinese nation's admiration for music!

Originally, the world's earliest musical instrument-like utensils came from country Z, which originated from the Xun more than 8,000 years ago!

However, Xun is only designed with a single hole, in order to simulate the sound of animals!

And more than 7,000 years ago, a real musical instrument, the bone flute, appeared!

Of course, the most complex, the largest, and the most complete preservation is the megalithic musical instrument discovered by the Shennong tribe more than 6,000 years ago.

This is the best in the world!

It is the only one in the world that allows people to experience the original sound produced by musical instruments 6,000 years ago!

The music is ethereal, long, and accompanied by a faint echo, resonating!

For a moment, it seems that there are hundreds of people whispering in front of you!

At the same time, the sun was setting, and the blood-red moonlight covered the ancient city, and the long and ethereal music was in my ears!

Everything is narrating to Jiang Chen and others. The past 6,000 years ago was so prosperous that people can't help but be intoxicated by it. It's like traveling through time, coming to the noisy troubles, listening to the music of giant stones, shuttling and playing in the streets and alleys.

Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao, and Wang Hao didn't speak, just sat quietly facing the ancient city, listening to music, feeling the heat of the sunset, and enjoying the peaceful time that the ancients bestowed on future generations!

The same is true in the live broadcast room, the barrage is obviously much less, and all the audience are intoxicated by the beautiful scenery in front of them!

Even if Jiang Chen didn't do anything, even if he didn't discover anything new, but even so, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is still increasing dramatically!

Especially foreign audiences flocked to it!

【Too romantic, Chinese people are simply too romantic!】

【This is a great nation!】

【My God! I promise, I have never seen such a beautiful picture!】

[Listening to the music and looking at the ancient city, I seem to have returned to more than 6,000 years ago, and I have traveled through it!]

[The wisdom of the ancient Chinese people, as well as the level of civilization and culture, exceeds our imagination. If the world civilization really originated in China, I don’t think there is anything wrong! 】

Time flies, there is no words all night, in the intermittent music, Jiang Chen and others entered the dream!

It wasn't until the sun rose the next day that a thin mist filled the sky, and Jiang Chen and others woke up.

However, to Jiang Chen's surprise, Zhou Zhiyao was the first person to wake up again. He had already made breakfast and was planning the return route with his own map.

Jiang Chen picked up his breakfast and ate it naturally, and looked around, saying: "It's foggy again today, it seems that we won't be able to leave until the fog clears.々."

"Something's wrong, Jiang Chen, the way we came seems to have disappeared and was blocked by a big mountain! There didn't seem to be any big mountains when we came, right?"

At this moment, Zhou Zhili said suddenly.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and looked in the direction Zhou Zhiyao pointed!

That direction is exactly the direction Jiang Chen and others came from!

Jiang Chen clearly remembered that after he entered the core area, he was located halfway up a mountain, with a smooth road ahead, and he never climbed a mountain again!

However, the situation changed suddenly!

I saw that at the position where they came, suddenly a big mountain appeared across the sky, blocking the way they came!

Moreover, through the mist, you can vaguely see that the mountain is still very high, straight into the clouds, and you can't see the edge at a glance, at least thousands of meters!

This sudden change made Jiang Chen's scalp tingle!

What's happening here?

There were always spectators in the live broadcast room, and when everyone saw the giant mountain, they were also stunned!

Because yesterday, there was none!

Why do you wake up after sleeping, and suddenly there is a big mountain rising from the ground?

For a moment, the audience couldn't help but feel a chill rushing to their hearts!

"This... how do we go back?" Zhou Zhiyao said with a slightly pale face.

Wang Hao was also awakened. Looking at the picture in front of him, he was already too shocked to speak!

Only Jiang Chen is still calm!

However, the next moment, what happened caused Jiang Chen to feel fluctuated in his heart!

w mountain... on the mountainside... there are houses... people!"

Zhou Zhiyao's exclamation sounded again!

Jiang Chen followed Zhou Zhiyao's gaze!

Sure enough, on the towering mountain, it can be seen through the mist, although there are many palace-like buildings!

Some buildings are even built halfway up the mountain!

And Jiang Chen's eyesight is much better than ordinary people, and he can see more clearly!

He clearly saw that those buildings were all ancient buildings, extremely exquisite!

At the same time, there are many people walking around in the building, men and women, old and young, living like normal people, some are herding cows, some are washing vegetables, and some are playing tricks. .

What makes Jiang Chen's scalp tingle is that all these people are wearing ancient costumes!

The first thing Jiang Chen thought of was "Peach Blossom Spring"!

"Peach Blossom Spring" is a (remarkable) poem written by Tao Yuanming, a famous poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty!

The poem describes a person who has entered a paradise, and the people living in the paradise are actually people from the Qin Dynasty who have perished. In order to avoid the war, they hid in a place where no outsiders could find it.

They didn't know that the Qin Dynasty had perished, that there was a Han Dynasty, and they didn't even know that the Wei and Jin dynasties existed.

Ever since, the man was overjoyed. After leaving, when he was about to go again, he couldn't find the entrance to Taohuayuan, and he died of illness not long after!

Regarding this sentence, there is also a huge controversy in modern times. Some people say that the Peach Blossom Spring really exists, some people say that the Peach Blossom Spring does not exist, and some even think that the person in the poem is Tao Yuanming himself. Hell, the junction of yin and yang!

And Jiang Chen immediately wondered whether he had entered the legendary Peach Blossom Land?

But the next moment, something even more terrifying happened!

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