Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 117: An Unprecedented Crisis! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

[Fuck! The anchor laughed again! Why do I have a bad premonition?]

【When I saw the host laughing, my scalp felt numb, and I realized that things were not simple!】

"Let's jump over!"

Sure enough, Jiang Chen spoke amazingly!

Debi stared at the abyss in front of her and said, "You are crazy! We are at least 30 meters away from the opposite bank. Wouldn't it be courting death to jump over there?!"

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also exclaimed!

【I just said, when the host smiles, something will definitely happen again!】

【The anchor must be crazy, actually want to jump over!】

[Such a long distance, even if the world long jump champion comes, it is useless! 】

【Is the anchor already desperate?】

【It’s crazy, it’s obviously not the best choice to jump into a crack in the ice layer tens of meters wide!】

【Yes, the best choice in this situation is obviously to go back to the place where there are rocks just now, then use the rocks as a cover, hide behind the rocks, wait for the avalanche to end, and then quickly break through the snow to save yourself!】

【And the anchor's choice is tantamount to committing suicide, absolutely certain death!】

Of course, Jiang Chen also knows this. When ordinary people face their own situation, jumping into the ice crevasse is definitely not the best choice, but it is different for him!

"Trust me!" Jiang Chen said firmly: 067 "Use the fastest speed to take off the skis!"

While talking, Jiang Chen fastened a rope to Debi's body with a safety buckle!

Even though Debi thinks Jiang Chen is crazy, she even thinks that jumping into the ice crevasse is a narrow escape!

However, she did not object. In the crisis, she still chose to trust Jiang Chen and cooperate, unlike other girls who panic when encountering a crisis.

In a maximum of three or four seconds, everything was ready, Jiang Chen took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the top of the ice on the other side, and shot the bow!

call out--

There was only a sound of breaking wind, and a sharp arrow drew a long rainbow in the air!

Strangely, when the sharp arrow shot halfway through, the arrow part and the body part of the arrow suddenly split apart!

Between the two, there is only one rope connecting them!

It is worth mentioning that the arrow is like a rocket launcher. At the moment it splits apart, a cloud of gas explodes from the small hole area next to it, forming a huge reasoning, making it speed up in an instant, reaching the level of breaking ice. It directly pierced the minister of the water layer!

What outsiders can't see is that the moment the arrow pierces the ice layer, the arrow body splits apart again, as if turning into a big dragon's claw, pierces fiercely into the ice layer in all directions, and holds it firmly!

The rope at the arrowhead is still connected to the rope at the body of the arrow, and the tail of the body is connected to a stretcher that stretches all the way to Debi's body!

This is the second type of sharp arrow, similar to the ancient grappling hook, not only has a huge lethality, but also can be used for rock climbing in a crisis!

The purpose of separating the arrow body and the arrow is that one is used to fix the rope, and the other is used to break the ice and grasp the ground!

And all this seemed to happen slowly, but in fact it happened very fast. Even the audience in the live broadcast room and Debi herself didn't know how Jiang did it!


After Jiang Chen confirmed that the rope had been fixed, he gave an order!

Without the slightest hesitation, Debi closed her eyes, not daring to look at the abyss ahead, and jumped towards the opposite bank tens of meters away!

However, how can ordinary human beings jump tens of meters away, and soon Debi began to fall!

However, after falling to a position of more than 30 meters, the rope fixed on her body was instantly tightened, hanging her on the ice wall on the opposite bank, so that she did not fall into the abyss of the abbot!

It worked!

Jiang Chen didn't have time to hesitate, he drew his bow again, and shot an arrow aiming at the ice on the opposite bank!

At the same time, the avalanche has already struck, getting closer and closer to Jiang Chen's position, and it is about to engulf Jiang Chen!

At the critical moment, Jiang Chen jumped into the abyss!

However, the house leak happened to be raining all night, and at the moment when Jiang Chen leaped vigorously, the ice layer fixed by the claws [suddenly fell off!

Without the rope, Jiang Chen lost his forward momentum in an instant, and the avalanche also hit him, engulfing him in an instant, and then fell into the abyss!

Suddenly, in the cracks in the ice layer, a huge avalanche formed a spectacular waterfall of ice and snow, (cffd) magnificent!

However, no one went to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of them!

Including Debi, all the audience in the live broadcast room stared at Xuebeng Waterfall through Debi's perspective.


two seconds...

Time passed by every second!

Jiang Chen still didn't show up!

Tears welled up in Debbie's eyes.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked more and more dignified, and the bad premonition in their hearts became more and more intense. Everyone clenched their fists, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Involved in general!

At this moment, everyone's hearts are touched by Jiang Chen!

[It's over...the anchor must have been swept away by an avalanche....

At the same time, due to the popularity of Jiang Chen's live broadcast, many programs at home and abroad have bought the live broadcast rights, and specially invited experts to comment and analyze during the live broadcast.

At this moment, the experts on the show fell silent!

In the CBC program, the host asked: "Mr. Delvitt, you have conquered Mount Everest before, how would you deal with this situation?"

Delvitt was silent for a while, and said: "Kneel down, close your eyes, pray to God, and then resign yourself to fate, there is no power to resist, human beings are so small in front of nature."

In the BBC program, the host asked: "Five seconds have passed and Jiang has not appeared yet. We don't even know whether he is in the snow or under the abyss. As a rescue expert, Mr. Morse, What do you think Jiang’s chances of surviving are?”

Morse frowned, shook his head, and said: "Under such circumstances, there is almost no survival rate at all. If we carry out rescue, we will not have too much hope, and we will not even take rescue operations."

Even the domestic program, TT Sports Live, invited Ran Weisheng, the head of the Adventure Association, as a guest.

At this moment, Liang Weisheng had already stood up, staring at the screen anxiously.

The host also looked very ugly, and said, "Mr. Liang, what do you think is the chance of Jiang Chen's survival in such a crisis?"

"Be optimistic, or be realistic?" Liang Weisheng asked.

"Be optimistic. The host said.

"Be optimistic, there is still a 10% chance." Liang Weisheng said decisively.

"Be realistic?" the host continued to ask.

"Be realistic, the survival rate doesn't even have a single floor, so he's sure to die. Let alone whether he will be washed down into the abyss, if he is buried in ice and snow in an environment tens of degrees below zero, he will be frozen to death!" Liang Weisheng said with difficulty.

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

However, without Liang Weisheng saying it, everyone can see how insignificant manpower is in front of such a huge avalanche. After being washed down the abyss, you will definitely die, unless there is a miracle!

In fact, as everyone analyzed, Jiang Chen is under the snow and facing an unprecedented crisis!.

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