Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 141: Riding The Wind And Waves, Escape The Sky! [2 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

【The anchor is too arrogant!】

【Never built a ship before, haven't read any books about shipbuilding yet? Dare to build a ship to cross the sea?】

【Crazy, the anchor must be crazy!】

【Seeking Miss Debi's psychological shadow area!】

【It is estimated that Miss Debi will be autistic if she is played like this by the host!】

In fact, what Jiang Chen said was true. He was indeed building a ship for the first time, and he had never read relevant shipbuilding materials.

However, he has [Complete Book of Basic Knowledge of Wilderness Survival], which contains the knowledge to build and wear in an emergency when encountering mountains, rivers and seas in the wild!

Therefore, Jiang Chen is not crazy, the reason why he is confident is because he has confidence!

However, Debi and the audience don't know his confidence!

However, as the saying goes, once you get on a pirate ship, do you still want to go down? Dreaming!

Debi looked like she wanted to cry, but she didn't want to stay here and inherit the real estate of the so-called "Noah".

So, no matter how unwilling Debi was, she could only step forward and help Jiang Chen push the wooden boat into the water!

"Crazy! Must be crazy! Jiang is crazy, and I'm crazy with him!" Debi kept muttering to herself.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of water waves washing over, and then there was a sound!

The wooden boat really floated on the sea water!

Debi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "At least I can still float.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Chen was ready and jumped onto the wooden boat.

Debi gritted her teeth and jumped on it too!

After everything was ready, Jiang Chen used the wooden sticks prepared in advance to push the wooden boat towards the deep sea and push it out!

All of a sudden, the wooden boat began to shake violently, and seawater continuously seeped up from the gap between the giant trees.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had already made preparations. Using the last bit of electricity from the chainsaw, he saw a lot of simple wooden boards, assembled them, put them on the wooden boat, and spread a lot of hay on them, making the sea water impenetrable. Come up and be able to keep the deck dry!

However, this dryness does not last long!

Jiang Chen and Daibi are farther and farther away from the mainland, which means that the sea is getting deeper and deeper, the waves on the sea surface are getting bigger and bigger, and the sea breeze is getting stronger and stronger!

After Jiang Chen adjusted the angle, he immediately opened the sail!

Under the whistling wind, the speed of the wooden boat accelerated rapidly, like a speedboat, galloping on the water!

This frightened Debi quite a lot. Holding on to the handrails fixed in advance and closing her eyes, it was more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

It was not unreasonable for Jiang Chen to open the sails all of a sudden. In the huge waves, because the wooden boat is too small, if the speed slows down, it will be in danger of being smashed by the huge waves. It is better to speed up and ride the wind and waves!

And at this time, there was a huge wave of at least half a meter, attacking the wooden boat!

Jiang Chen had been prepared for a long time. He predicted that the sea would not be calm, so he immediately opened all the sails and pulled the handrail beside him!


There was only a loud noise, and after the armrest was lowered, a climbing rope was lowered in conjunction with it, and a few giant logs that were originally hidden under the wooden plank pierced out in an instant!

For a moment, the giant wood formed a triangle at the bow of the wooden boat!

This is the wave breaker specially made by Jiang Chen to deal with huge waves. Through the sharp top, it breaks through huge waves, reduces the impact on the hull, and speeds up the sprint

Get through the big waves!

This kind of design can be seen on many ships, such as ordinary speedboats, etc., and the larger ones are cruise ships. The parts that touch the sea surface in the front part are designed very sharply.

The purpose is to immediately adjust the direction when the Yujian is facing a huge wave, so as to break through the huge wave, keep the hull from being impacted, and maintain balance!

Just imagine, if a cruise ship does not have such a design and is hit sideways by huge waves, the damage to the hull will be greater, and there is a greater risk of being capsized!

Therefore, Jiang Chen's design has already dealt with the method and is very professional. In the eyes of outsiders, it can be seen that it is well-trained.

In fact, as everyone knows, Jiang Chen is also operating for the first time!

However, on the sea, the wind and luck are changing, and it is not smooth!

Jiang Chen and Debi have been sailing at sea for about ten days, and they can no longer see the small island behind them!

At this time, the crisis has just arrived, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the dividing line between the world and hell!

Because here, the distance from the flame burning position is already very close!

The blazing flames collided with the sea water, the air was very stuffy, and there was a lot of water vapor in it, which was very humid. The hair of Jiang Chen and Debi had never been dry, and the clothes on their bodies were already soaked!

Of course, the hot and humid environment is secondary, the key is that the closer they are to the flames, the higher the temperature will be, and the surrounding permafrost will begin to melt. the storm!

The lonely small wooden boat, under the storm and stormy sea, is extremely fragile, swaying, and going with the waves!

The two of them were dangling on the boat, and the small wooden boat was also making "creak~`creak" sounds, as if the next piece, the wooden boat would fall apart, and the two of them would be swallowed by the endless black ocean!

Jiang Chen's complexion became more solemn than ever, and even Debi had to work with him to control the direction of the wooden boat, and he couldn't be careless for a moment!


At this time, another huge wave more than one meter high rushed in, and the small wooden boat flew up and hit the sea heavily!

If Jiang Chen hadn't made a special reinforcement for the wooden boat, it is estimated that the small wooden boat would fall apart just by this one!

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and after the huge waves passed, the sails were broken one after another!

At the same time, another huge wave was about to hit!

One wave of ups and downs, one wave after another, one crisis after another, gangsters!

If the sails are not replaced immediately and the direction is adjusted, the wooden boat will be unable to withstand the attack of the huge waves and will be completely overrun. Jiang Chen and Debi will also be buried in the deep underground sea forever!

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't have time to think at all, and could only roar in his voice under the storm: "I'll go up and fix the sail, and the moment I fix it, you immediately adjust the direction."


Debbie knows the seriousness of the matter, and dare not neglect in the slightest!

Jiang Chen didn't care whether Debi agreed or not, he had already climbed up the branch that fixed the sail, and began to put on new leaves!

Seeing this, Debi immediately used ropes and branches to adjust the direction, so that the penetration was aimed at the oncoming huge waves!

However, at this time, due to the huge storm, the weak sail broke again!

Jiang Chen, who was about to come down, had no choice but to grit his teeth and return to the top of the branch (Nuo Li Hao), and put on a new leaf again!

The next moment, the huge wave has hit!

The sea in a storm is a man-eating beast, and it is the weather that all crew members worry about and least want to encounter!

Ordinary fishing boats are powerless to fight against a slightly larger storm!

Not to mention the small wooden boat made by Jiang Chen!

The audience in the live broadcast room, seeing this moment, raised their hearts to their throats, their palms and feet began to sweat, and they were fidgeting nervously!


It wasn't until the next moment, when the small wooden boat successfully broke through the huge wave, that the audience relaxed!

Jiang Chen and Debi also looked at each other and smiled, they were already close to the edge of the exit of the huge underground sea, and they were about to escape!

However, before Jiang Chen and Debi could celebrate, they were stunned by the scene in front of them!

The audience in the live broadcast room, following the gazes of Jiang Chen and Debi, all showed strong expressions of panic!

It's over!

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