Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 143: Dashan, Gone! [4 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Just now, in the underground cave, it was still extremely hot!

When you come here, it's freezing cold!

Jiang Chen and Debi seem to have just crossed two worlds!

Jiang Chen is okay, he has the ability to withstand the cold, but Debi is different!

So, Jiang Chen took off his waterproof anti-Han Fu and put it on Debi.

" can wear it yourself, I can still resist it, but if you get sick from the cold, it will be bad." Debi said tremblingly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said: "Don't be afraid, it's not like you don't know my physique. This temperature is nothing to me."

In fact, what Jiang Chen said is true, they have already entered the polar region.

However, the temperature here has risen a lot compared to the temperature in the extremely cold place of Siberia!

The extreme temperature limit in Siberia is minus 70 degrees. According to experiments, the lowest temperature in the North Pole is minus 50 degrees, which is a few grades worse!

And Jiang Chen, with the ability of [Level 2 Extreme Cold Injury], can adapt to the environment of minus 10 degrees. Even in the coldest place in the Arctic, he can still adapt to the environment of minus 50 degrees for -1 hour!

All in all, the temperature in the Arctic Circle doesn't have that much influence on Jiang Chen!

Moreover, due to the sweltering heat just now, apart from a lot of sweat, Jiang Chen's body was very sticky and uncomfortable, so he simply took off only his underpants.

Seeing this scene, Debi's pretty face flushed immediately, but she wasn't as shy as the domestic girls. Instead, she admired it carelessly, with a honeyed smile unconsciously drawn from the corner of her mouth.

But soon, Debi realized that they were in the Arctic Ocean!

"Jiang, are you crazy? Put your clothes on quickly, you will die!" Bi exclaimed.

But who knew, instead of paying attention to Debi's words, Jiang Chen jumped into the Arctic Ocean with a loud leap!

"It's cool!" Jiang Chen said with a smile while swimming, "I've wanted to wash off the dirt on my body for a long time!"

Hearing this, the corner of Debi's mouth twitched, her whole body turned into petrification, and she looked at Jiang Chen like she was looking at a monster.

However, her heart has been forcing herself to calm down, after all, it is not the first time that Jiang Chen committed suicide, just get used to it!

Of course, the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief just now, and now they were shocked by Jiang Chen again!

【Anchor, are you too ruthless? Just escaped from the narrow escape, and you are going to die again?】

【The anchor is either dying, or dancing wildly on the verge of dying!】

【Too ruthless, one day the anchor played himself to death, we should not be surprised!】

【Jump into the Arctic Ocean to take a bath? Anchor, you are really the first person in the ages!】

【Is this the legend, Tutun?】

【Brother upstairs, you may have misunderstood winter swimming】

【However, I advise the host to come up quickly, the temperature in the water will only be lower, and it is estimated that it can reach minus 70 degrees. If you jump like this, you will be frozen to death within a minute!】

The reminder from the last audience made all the audience nervous!

Because, time is passing by every minute and every second!

a minute passed......

Two minutes passed...  

five minutes passed......

Ten minutes passed......

Jiang Chen, haven't gotten up yet!

All of a sudden, the faces of both the audience and Debi changed drastically!


But at this moment, Jiang Chen jumped out of the water suddenly, and threw a few fish onto the damaged wooden boat by the way.

"We've finished the beef. Let's change the taste. We'll have grilled fish today." Jiang Chen laughed, and then climbed up on the small wooden boat and put on his clothes again.

The audience of Ji Ji and Debi breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just a few fish, you're so scary." Debi said with a resentful face, then took out dry firewood from her waterproof backpack, and directly lit the fire on the small wooden boat. Anyway, the small wooden boat was soaked and couldn't be ignited. .

The audience in the live broadcast room was also speechless for a while.

【The anchor really desperately tried his best to eat in one bite!】

【It’s the first time I’ve seen such a dedicated eating and broadcasting!】

【Xiuer upstairs, "Are you serious? Eat and broadcast?】

[I beg the anchor, give us a way to survive, you have created a new trend of eating and broadcasting, and all the traffic has been robbed, but we can't follow your trend! 】

【Kneel to the anchor, please let me go!】

In fact, Jiang Chen's main purpose is not to eat in one bite, his main purpose is to refresh his ability to resist cold!

After all, when he was underground, because the temperature was too high, even if he had enough time, it would be difficult to give him a chance to refresh his abilities!

This time, it's not easy, Jiang Chen must of course not wait to improve his ability to deal with emergencies!


"Reminder: Congratulations to the host, in an environment of minus 70 degrees, without any heat preservation measures, persist for ten minutes, and the ability will be upgraded to level three. In an environment below minus 20 degrees, the body's cold resistance will increase, and it can temporarily adapt to minus 50 degrees. 2 hours in the environment, 1 hour in the environment of minus 70 degrees, and refresh after 12 hours of ability gain!"

At this moment, the system beeps!

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth. The [Cold Injury] ability has been upgraded to level three, and the difficulty of each upgrade has also increased. For humans, it has far exceeded the limit!


When Debi was grilling the fish, she still laughed jokingly: "I think we should bring a Guinness inspector with us every time we go on an expedition, because every time you die, you are challenging the limits of human beings and breaking the world. It would be a pity not to verify the records.”

Jiang Chen nodded seriously, and said: "You say that, I think it can be considered, but I'm afraid that the verification officer will not dare to explore with me."


This sentence made Debbie laugh!

However, it is true, there is that verification officer who dares to go on an adventure with Jiang Chen? Unless he thinks he has lived too long!

At this time, Jiang Chen was not idle either. After getting dressed, he took out the map from his backpack!

He needs to know where he stands!

"According to the map, there should be a big mountain on the border of the Arctic Ocean outside Siberia. The father and son are the planks of Noah's Ark found on the mountain, so there is a high probability that Noah's Ark is in the mountain!" "We should be right where the sea and the land connect," Jiang Chen said.

"No, if we are at the junction of sea and land, where is Yinshan? Where did it go?" Debi asked curiously.

Jiang Chen also frowned, stood up and took a look, he could vaguely see the glacier in the distance, but he couldn't see any big mountains!

"Dashan, gone?" Jiang Chen said with a strange expression.

ps: The website crashed just now, so the update will be delayed, forgive me, please customize, please support 8!.

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