Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 147: Jiang Chen Is The King Of The Sea! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Swish Swish Swish——

On the sea surface, the waves are rough, and the black waves spread to the surroundings, like the call of death!

Then, a huge fish fin appeared on the surface of the sea like a ghost, sneaking towards the ice floe where Jiang Chen was!

Jiang Chen's vision is superb, and he also has [Secondary Dark Eyes], so he has an advantage over ordinary people. He can observe the traces of megalodon sharks in the dark sea.

At this time, Jiang Chen's gaze was locked on the dorsal fin of the megalodon.

And, this time, he didn't let the Almighty Eye follow him to shoot, but let it follow Debi, and shoot from Debi's perspective!

Because, Jiang Chen already has a way to deal with the megalodon, but this way cannot be known to outsiders.

At this moment, Jiang Chen uses the distance between the fin and himself to estimate how far the megalodon is from himself.

These are the only information he can grasp!

At the same time, Jiang kept counting down in his mouth.

When he counted down to "one", his eyes burst out with unprecedented determination, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped forward, using the last bit of buoyancy of the ice floe, and jumped towards the sea in front of him!

Surprisingly, the huge head of the megalodon also surfaced at the same time, biting towards Jiang Chen's position, trying to devour Jiang Chen like a polar bear!

This astonishing scene happened to be seen by Debi and the audience in the live broadcast room!

For a moment, everyone including Debi couldn't help covering their mouths, stunned by the scene in front of them!

It is too shocking 180!

No one expected that Jiang Chen and the megalodon would move at the same time!

And the key point is, Jiang Chen's timing for taking off is too good!

I saw that in the next second, the megalodon's mouth opened and closed, and directly swallowed the ice floe where Jiang Chen was before!

If Jiang Chen didn't jump up just now, or if he jumped up a second later, he would fall into the mouth of the megalodon shark like an ice floe and become a delicacy!

Everything happened between lightning and flint, extremely dangerous!

Jiang Chen seemed to be a dancer on a tightrope, seemingly on the verge of falling, but he was rescued at a critical moment, and passed away with death!

The audience and Debi saw it, they were so nervous that they couldn't even control their breathing, and it became difficult!

Even, many viewers covered their eyes and did not dare to watch, especially those who knew Jiang Chen well.

Zhou Zhiyao was one of them. She was in the apartment, watching the live broadcast in her hand, her eyes started to turn red, and in the end she became so cruel that she couldn't bear to watch it anymore!

Because, at this moment, although Jiang Chen avoided the first attack of the megalodon shark, he was considered lucky among misfortunes.

But next, Jiang Chen will completely fall into the sea and enter the territory of the megalodon shark. Will he still have such good luck, can he escape the successive attacks of the megalodon shark next?

In the eyes of most people, it is impossible at all!

The current Jiang Chen, no matter how everyone analyzes and deduces, there is no possibility of surviving at all!

Some people even think that Jiang Chen escaped the first wave of megalodon attacks, but he was just dying!

Of course, Jiang Chen had his own plans, the moment he jumped up, he was facing the megalodon shark!

And the giant tooth shark is also rushing towards him!

So they, just formed a cross!

The foothold has also become the huge body of the giant tooth shark!

If we talk about avoiding the attack of the megalodon or jumping to the body of the megalodon, which is the most important point, it is obvious that jumping to the body of the megalodon is the focus that Jiang Chen wants!

He just happened to escape the first attack of the megalodon on the way to do so!

Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to it, and didn't have time to rejoice, the next moment he landed firmly on the huge body of the megalodon!

However, the body of the megalodon was so slippery that Jiang Chen couldn't stand still, so he could only hug the fins!

This is the main purpose of Jiang Chen!

He has analyzed that if he wants to avoid being swallowed by the megalodon, he has a chance only if he is close to the megalodon!

This is a bit like the parasitic fish of a shark. Sharks will eat any fish, but they will not eat the parasitic fish around them!

The first reason, is that these fish can clean their skin.

The second reason is that even if the sharks wanted to eat them, they couldn't eat them because the parasitic fish were clinging to their bodies!

Jiang Chen, now will be the "parasitic fish" of the megalodon!

Sure enough, the megalodon became angry instantly, and began to swing wildly, swimming quickly on the sea surface, trying to get rid of the uninvited guest on its back!

Jiang Chen is also a ruthless person. Seeing that the megalodon shark wanted to throw himself off, he felt ruthless. He directly took out the sharp arrow of the hook claw and inserted it into the body of the megalodon shark. Then he spread the hook claw and hooked it tightly. (cfaj) I'm holding on to the sharp arrow again!

For a while, the megalodon struggled more intensely because of the pain!

But Jiang Chen remained motionless, no matter how the megalodon struggled, it had no effect!

This scene fell into the eyes of Debi and the live viewers, and they were quite shocked!

Originally, everyone thought that Jiang Chen would definitely die, but they never expected that Jiang Chen would actually fight with the megalodon shark in the sea!

Moreover, look at the painful appearance of the megalodon, and the tall and straight Huichen standing on the back of the megalodon!

Looking at it this way, it seems that Jiang Chen is driving the megalodon shark to sail on the sea, and Jiang Chen has the upper hand!

For a moment, the view of the world of the audience and Debi was subverted again!

They never imagined that they could deal with giant tooth sharks like this!

This, even in a movie, would not dare to shoot a picture!

At the same time, everyone also understood why Jiang Chen took the initiative to jump towards the megalodon!

This crazy move was obviously to pave the way for the subsequent fight, and it seemed to be very successful. Not only did it escape the attack of the megalodon, but it also successfully controlled the megalodon!

It is no exaggeration to say that this was definitely the best solution for Jiang Chen when he faced the megalodon shark!

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably be scared to pee, completely unexpected, and unable to do it!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but admire Jiang Chen's courage and courage, as well as his calmness and ability to respond in the face of crisis!

Jiang Chen, it's because it's fierce!

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room was completely crazy!

【Werewolf! You deserve to be a ruthless person!】

【On land, he can punch big cave bears, and in the sea, he can still conquer megalodon sharks!】

【It's so handsome, standing on the back of the shark, it's like driving a megalodon!】

【The anchor is so scary, even the megalodon has to surrender at his feet!】

【This, could it be the legendary Sea King!】

[Looking at the appearance of the anchor, there must be a heart that wants to be the king of the sea! 】

【Not to mention, the current appearance of the anchor is really similar to Aquaman!】

For a while, the hot discussion about Jiang Chen's nickname boiled up again!

Before, everyone kindly associated him with Hawkeye!

And this time, everyone once again linked him with Neptune in the CD comics!

After all, it is not an exaggeration to call a sea king who dares to capture the giant tooth shark alive and is still standing on the back of the giant tooth shark?

Especially the audiences in the western world are completely excited!

【Yes, I admit that Jiang is definitely the King of the Sea in reality!】

【This is more exciting than the movie, he is not Aquaman, who is Aquaman?】

【I strongly request that Hollywood use Jiang Chen as the prototype to make a superhero movie, he is too good!】

【My God! Is he still human?】

And Jiang Chen is not unaware of the outside world's comments on him, the fierce struggle of the megalodon forces him to relax for a moment!

However, the next moment, a sudden change occurred, and the megalodon stopped struggling!

ps: Please customize, please support!.

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