Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 149: Debi, Where Is Lao Tzu's Mortar? [5 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

There was a loud noise, soaring into the sky!

At the same time, Debi's heart-piercing roar sounded!

"Jiang! Run!"

Jiang Chen's reaction was also quick, his heart skipped a beat, he noticed something strange, without any hesitation, he dived directly into the ocean in front of him, and quickly changed direction!

And the giant tooth shark that appeared at an unknown time was obviously disturbed and bit down violently!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen escaped quickly, otherwise, if he took one bite, his whole body would be cut into two halves on the spot!

But at this moment, Debi, who had just calmed down, and the audience in the live broadcast room raised their hearts again, extremely nervous!

Of course, the most depressing one is Jiang Chen!

He originally thought that with only one giant tooth shark, he could solve the problem by entering the mobile space!

Who would have known that another one would pop up all of a sudden!

As a result, even his mobile space is not enough to install "060", so he has to find another way to get rid of it!

However, in this deep sea, he is a human being, how can he swim better than fish, even if the megalodon shark moves and reacts very slowly, it is not comparable to humans!

Sure enough, after Jiang Chen escaped, the megalodon quickly dived into the bottom of the sea and caught up with him.

Its huge mouth is like an abyss, trying to devour everything!

Jiang Chen can only rely on the bulky characteristics of the megalodon and constantly change directions to get rid of it!

However, if it goes on for a long time, Jiang Chen's physical strength will reach its limit, and he will even suffer from hypoxia!

Therefore, going on like this is not an option, we must think of other ways as soon as possible to get rid of the megalodon!

And at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly saw a small finger-sized fish in the water, which was very flexible and could swim very fast, constantly moving in the water!

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, how could he let this opportunity go, he immediately stepped forward, waiting for the opportunity to take a photo!

And the moment he came into contact with the little fish, Jiang Chen suddenly had a thought, used a one-time [Gene Ability Card], obtained the genes of the little fish, possessed the ability of fish lungs and the ability to swim fast underwater!

In this way, Jiang Chen can finally feel at ease, at least he doesn't have to worry about oxygen and speed, and he can spend it with the megalodon!

Sure enough, after gaining the ability, Jiang Chen jumped underwater at an extremely fast speed!

Human intelligence, combined with the ability of fish, is invincible underwater. It is even more difficult to catch a cumbersome megalodon shark!

Sure enough, the megalodon was chasing after Jiang Chen, but every time he was played around by Jiang Chen, when the megalodon bit him, he jumped out immediately, causing the megalodon to keep hitting the air!

This also made the megalodon very angry, it kept churning in the water, and accelerated the pursuit speed, and it was bound to swallow Jiang Chen!

However, there was a smile on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth. After he gained the ability of fish, is he still afraid of mere megalodon?

No matter how the megalodon strikes, Jiang Chen can avoid it skillfully!

In this way, Jiang Chen still felt that it was not enough, so he used a one-time [Gene Ability Card] to have the ability of the dead snow monster in the moving space!

For a time, Jiang Chen became extremely powerful in addition to possessing the ability of a fish!

From this moment on, it is the moment for Jiang Chen to launch a counterattack!

Jiang Chen no longer blindly dodged, waited until the megalodon charged, and after avoiding the bite of the megalodon, he punched the body of the megalodon hard!

Even in the water, Jiang Chen's strength is also very large, he punched the megalodon several meters away!

How to say, the existence of a snow monster punching an adult yak, the power can be imagined!

However, the shark was not to be outdone, after being knocked into the air, the huge fish tail roared towards it!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen reacted quickly and dodged, otherwise he would be hit by this tail, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!

However, Jiang Chen didn't stop there, and chased after him, riding directly on the megalodon shark, punching and kicking, so happy!

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked!

Who dares to believe that someone can ride on the back of the ancient overlord megalodon in the sea and beat it?

From ancient times to the present, it is estimated that there is only Jiang Chen!

However, Jiang Chen also knows that even so "It is even more difficult to kill the tooth shark that falls below!

Hence, Jiang Chen decisively drew out his own bow and arrow, used it as a harpoon, and stabbed it into the body of the megalodon!

All of a sudden, crimson blood began to spread in the ocean one by one.

A ruthless look appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes, he took out the few remaining blasting arrows and inserted them into the body of the megalodon!

As soon as he entered it, the red countdown red dot on the front of the sharp arrow began to flicker!

Jiang Chen immediately moved and swam towards the selection place!

next moment--


With a muffled sound, it soared into the sky!

Debi and the audience in the live broadcast room saw a small bag suddenly bulging on the surface of the sea, but it quickly returned to its original shape!

However, they didn't pay much attention!

At this moment, their hearts are all touched by Jiang Chen!

Ten minutes have passed, why hasn't Jiang Chen come out? Is it really, it's over?

At the same time, Jiang Chen barely stopped in the deep sea after being pushed several meters away by the shock wave. Looking back at the boiling sea water behind him, he thought, "Shouldn't he be blown away?"


However, at the next moment, the sea water started to flow crazily!

Jiang Chen could vaguely see a huge monster roaring towards him!

Jiang Chen stared, and exclaimed in his heart: "Not dead yet?"

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen turned around and took advantage of the trend!

At the same time, the giant tooth shark has rushed out of the turbid sea water, and a big hole was blown out of the lower part of his body, blood poured out from it, staining the sea red!

However, it is not dead yet!

Immediately after Jiang Chen fell, he rode on the back of the megalodon, and inserted a claw-shaped sharp arrow to fix it!

At this time, the megalodon shark was obviously already berserk, and it rushed straight towards the sea, trying to make Jiang Chen hit the ice floe and die!

However, it was already seriously injured and in a berserk state, and it couldn't tell where the ice floes were. After returning to the surface of the water, it began to spin around on the sea surface!

Jiang Chen finally returned to the surface of the sea!

At the same time, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he has a way to deal with the megalodon!

"This time, you can't die in 3.6!" Jiang Chen said fiercely...

So, he got up quickly, stepped on the back of the megalodon, held a sharp arrow in his hand, and shouted at Debi who was not far away: "Debi!"

On the floating ice, Debi, who was already heartbroken, suddenly trembled, showing a look of joy, looked in the direction of the voice, and said: "Jiang! You are fine! That's great!"

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked!

Originally, Jiang Chen's chance of surviving was already zero, but he never thought he was still alive!

And, still in such a domineering posture, he returns again!

As for Jiang Chen, he didn't care about his posture, he just wanted to deal with the ancient giant beast under his feet, so he roared angrily:

"Debbie, where's my mortar!"

ps: Please customize, please support!.

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