Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 154: Mysterious Monster, Godzilla? [5 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

At this moment, the twilight of the whole world is focused on the live broadcast room!

After all, if it is discovered that Noah's Ark in the "Bible" actually exists, the value of the entire "Bible" will undergo tremendous changes, and human beings' understanding of themselves will also undergo tremendous changes!

However, there are also many people who have doubts!

After all, one cannot casually say that a shipwreck in a place is Noah's Ark, there is no basis at all!

According to this statement, there will be many Noah's Arks in the world!

Regarding this, Jiang Chen is also skeptical, and he will not say anything without evidence!

However, from the appearance of the giant ship, it can be seen somewhat!

First, the height of the giant ship!

According to the "Bible", Noah's Ark has three floors, the lower two floors are used to house different animals, and the upper floor is lived by Noah's family.

From the appearance point of view, the height of the ship's deck is more than enough to divide it into two floors.

As for the third floor, it can be regarded as the deck, or it can be regarded as a frozen cabin above the deck!

At the same time, according to the records in the "Bible", the "880" ark is 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. If converted into meters, it is about 133.5 meters long, 22.3 meters wide, and 13.4 meters high. !

This ratio of length, width and height looks almost the same as the ratio of the huge ship in front of me!

The students of the University of Leicester, Eagle Country, once used the dimensions of the ark recorded in the Bible to calculate, and found that the mention of the ark was about 37,000 cubic meters to 48,000 cubic meters, and also calculated the mass of the boat and the size of the animals. Compared with it, it was found that the ark described in the Bible was enough to carry 2.15 million sheep. Finally, it was concluded that the structure of the ark was extremely scientific, and it was the same as that described in the Bible, enough to hold all animals of different species. animal!

The results of this study were also published in academic weekly journals for research and reference.

This also shows that the huge ship in front of Jiang Chen is almost the same as the Noah's Ark recorded in the "Bible" in terms of appearance and volume!

Now, the only thing lacking is a little substantive evidence and discovery!

And such evidence can only be revealed after entering the ark!

So, Jiang Chen had a thought, first pretended to swim to the gap between the deck and the ice cover to take a breath, and then dived again, looking for the entrance of the ark.

At first, Jiang Chen wanted to enter directly from the deck!

However, the ice cover outside hinders his movement, it is difficult to break through from the outside, and it may destroy Noah's Ark.

Hence, Jiang Chen chose to enter the inside of the ark from the underwater hull!

He swam to where the ark touched the bottom of the lake!

I saw that a big hole was smashed out here!

This should be the reason why Noah's Ark was submerged!

Jiang Chen went through the big hole!

Inside, it's even darker, with the human line of sight, almost nothing can be seen!

Only from time to time, a broken plank and wooden pillar covered with shells fell aside.

Here, it should be the bottom space of the ark's water storage, and it is also the base of the ark!

There was almost nothing of value in it, so Jiang Chen quickly searched the Internet to find the passage leading to the first floor.

After a while, Jiang Chen finally found a large broken hole leading to the first floor!

However, this big hole is very strange, as if it was smashed, it is dilapidated!

It stands to reason that it is completely normal for the bottom of the ship to be damaged by collision!

But why is the inside of the hull damaged?

If it is a large area of ​​damage, it is understandable. It can be considered that after the ark hit some huge monster, the ground and the interior suffered irregular damage!

However, this is obviously different, only a small part is damaged!

It seems that someone, or some kind of creature, wants to enter the interior of the hull, or thinks of it, and specifically breaks it from the inside and outside!

With doubts in his heart, Jiang Chen broke through the broken hole and continued to swim in!

After entering the first floor, the space becomes narrower, even if Jiang Chen is not paying attention, he will bump into the guardrails and pillars of the hull!

If you have claustrophobia and deep-sea phobia, you will definitely go crazy when you enter it!

In fact, let alone entering it, even watching the live broadcast, viewers with these two symptoms will unconsciously start sweating palms and shortness of breath!

This, in their opinion, was terrifying!

And Jiang Chen continued to grope around!

Surprisingly, after he swam into an area similar to the fence, he found a pile of white skeletons on the boat deck!

Moreover, these skeletons look very huge, and you can tell they are animal skeletons at a glance!

Jiang Chen searched around, and after gathering most of the bones together, he finally got a rough look [It turned out to be the bones of a mammoth!

As for why it must be a mammoth, because the two fangs are too standard, it can be recognized at a glance!

And this also makes the outside world excited!

After all, finding the bones of a mammoth in the cabin, and still in the pen, means that the pen was used to hold the mammoth, and the other pens were also used to contain other different animals!

Isn't this exactly the same as Noah's Ark described in the Bible?

Although this discovery is only a pile of mammoth bones, it is an unprecedented and huge discovery, enough to be recorded in history!

After all, this will be an important evidence of whether this ship is Noah's Ark!

At the same time, the companion Jiang Chen continued to shrink, and was still in some embarrassment, and found some animal bones!

With Jiang Chen's exploration, more and more discoveries have been made, and there are more and more evidences proving that this giant ship is Noah's Ark!

In the end, Jiang Chen gave up the first floor and prepared to enter the second floor to continue exploring.

However, when he found the entrance to the second floor, he frowned!

Because, the entrance to the second floor is the same as the entrance to the first floor from the bottom of the ship, they are all violently knocked open!

This is very illogical. If the gap on the first floor is a coincidence, is it also a coincidence on the second floor? This coincidence happens too often!

As a result, Jiang Chen had to be cautious!

Because, he had to judge whether there were animals living in the sea after Noah's Ark was submerged, and they still lived in this water area and in the ark!

Because, the hole in the hull looks like it was violently destroyed by some kind of behemoth!

If this is the case, Jiang Chen will obviously not go well if he wants to continue exploring!

While thinking, Jiang Chen prepared to go through the hole and continue exploring towards the second floor!

However, just when his front body passed through the hole on the second floor, his body trembled, and his eyes were full of shock!

I saw, on the corridor on the second floor, there was a skeleton with an astonishing size!

The length of the skeleton is seven or eight meters, the head is like a dinosaur, and the back has a fish tail like a rudder, which is extremely hideous and terrifying!

If Jiang Chen were to describe it, the first thing he would think of would be a monster, Godzilla!

The biological skeleton in front of you looks very similar to Godzilla in the movie!

The audience in the live broadcast room also showed a look of astonishment, and they were quite frightened by the mysterious creature in front of them!

No one expected that such a monster existed in the ark!

Even the skeleton is so huge and ferocious, I dare not imagine how terrifying it is when the giant is alive!

Fortunately, such a giant has died and turned into a pile of skeletons. Even if it is terrifying, it can't cause any harm to people!

Moreover, where the huge holes on the first and second floors come from can be explained, it must be caused by this mysterious creature!

Jiang Chen forcibly calmed down, swam up to the second floor and began to explore!

The structure of the second floor is similar to the first floor, and it is also divided into many fenced areas, which seem to be used for storing animals......

Therefore, the second floor 3.7 is not of much value other than the skeleton of the mysterious creature.

Hence, Jiang Chen set his sights on the third floor, which is above the deck, and the cabin!

That's where Jiang Chen thinks the most valuable and where the answer can be found!

However, when Jiang Chen was looking for a way out to the deck, he discovered a bigger hole leading to the deck!

This couldn't help but make Jiang Chen's scalp tingle, and it also made all the audience in the live broadcast room exclaim!

It is self-evident what a bigger hole means!

An inexplicable chill swept through every part of everyone's body, including Jiang Chen!

ps: Recently, the grades have started to decline, and the author Zha is also very tormented. There are people spraying it every day, and the author Zhe doesn't want to refute it. I just hope that everyone will like this book and continue to support this book. The author Zhe also promises you that there will be five updates every day , Absolutely keep updating, never procrastinating, and never looking for ghostwriters, try to keep the pace, and explore more places! Finally, I beg for customization, support, and monthly tickets! Thank you!

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