Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 160: Noah's Diary, Final Word! [Chapter 1, Please Subscribe! 】

In the storage room, there was nothing to explore. After Jiang Chen scanned around to make sure nothing was missing, he stooped down and went out the small door. After taking a look at the still struggling Andes dacoron, he climbed up the stairs and entered the storage room. Cabin!


After Jiang Chen removed the dirt covering the door of the cabin, he strode in.

As soon as he entered the cabin, Jiang Chen was attracted by the structure of the cabin!

The cabin is still made of wood, and the structure division inside is very clear, very similar to modern people, divided into several rooms!

It is worth mentioning that there is naturally no cab in the cabin!

It can be said that this ship has no driving system at all, as if it was not built for driving, let it drift on the sea!

This point made Jiang Chen more certain that this giant ship was Noah's Ark.

After all, Noah's Ark is also a kind of giant wheel that does not need to be driven, its purpose of existence is to survive and take refuge!

This ship fits perfectly with the creation concept of Noah's Ark.

However, stronger evidence is still needed before Jiang Chen can announce to the world that he has found Noah's Ark!

This evidence, Jiang Chen believes, is in the cabin!

The first thing Jiang Chen entered was the living room part of the cabin.

Here, there are wooden tables and chairs, and even some small pottery cups, which look very delicate!

However, there are no valuable clues!

Jiang Chen continued to search and walked into the first small room!

There are two wooden boards in the small room, which should be beds, because Jiang Chen found 25 traces of animal skins on them.

This reminded Jiang Chen of the prehistoric houses found in the Lost Prehistoric Museum, where the beds also had animal skins!

Both of them have similarities, could it be that it is really the same as his previous guess, the owner of both is Noah?!

Jiang Chen felt that he was getting closer to the answer, so he continued to search hard.

In the first room, there was nothing other than the first time, so Jiang Chen walked into the second room.

The second room was the same as the first, nothing fancy except the bed!

Jiang Chen speculates that if this is really Noah's Ark, the first two rooms should be the resting rooms of Noah's family, and the last bedroom should be Noah's bedroom, which is also the place where the evidence is most likely to be found!

Jiang Chen wanted to push the door open, only to find that they were actually locked by a wooden bolt!

On the contrary, Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and said: "This kind of wooden peg is obviously a prop installed by the owner to prevent wild animals from entering and destroying it. It is definitely not used to prevent people, because it is useless to prevent people!"

"Besides, it seems that the master has no intention of coming back. In this case, it is more like a decision to leave the contents inside intact to future generations! 11

"If this is the case, and the cork has not been destroyed, it means that the contents inside are still intact, and we are likely to find key evidence inside!"

Jiang Chen said excitedly, and the audience in the live broadcast room also became excited.

[Anchor, stop talking, open it quickly! 】

【That's right! Host, hurry up, we can't wait!】

【I'm so excited, the next step is to witness the historic moment!】

At the same time, countless experts and scholars also put down everything in front of the live broadcast room, waiting intently to witness history!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, excitedly opened the wooden bolt, and then pushed open the door.


After the wood ages, the harsh sound it makes makes people feel toothache.

But Jiang Chen didn't care about these things, he immediately turned on all his lighting equipment, illuminating the entire bedroom brightly!

Sure enough, this bedroom is very large, according to modern terms, it is the master bedroom among the three rooms!

And, in addition to the bed, there is a table near the bed.

There is a box on the table!

Jiang Chen's gaze was instantly welcomed by the quilt!

He stepped forward to pick up the box and shook it gently.


A crisp sound came from the box.

Jiang Chen judged from the sound and the weight of the box that there should be some small stones inside.

Jiang Chen opened the wooden box and found that it was indeed so!

There are tons of rocks inside!

And these stones, they agree very much, they are very thin and flat!

As for why these stones were collected, there is no need to guess!

Because of the stone, Jiang Chen and all the audience have already given the answer!

I saw that on the surface of the stone, there were actually pictures drawn one after another!

These paintings, similar to murals, are recorded and stored on the surface of stones!

And the stone, stored in the wooden box, is more like being used as something like paper!

This made the audience in the live broadcast room puzzled. Why, no matter in ancient times or prehistoric humans, as well as the last batch of humans, they all like to record in the form of murals and stones? And in the form of murals!

Jiang Chen knew everyone's doubts, so he explained in passing: "What I admire most about the ancients and prehistoric humans is that they knew that only stones can be used as a tool for permanent records, and they are even smarter because they know that murals cannot Restricted by language and words, I can express everything more intuitively!"

"For example, even if we have a well-developed text and have our own language, when NASA and other organizations send alien signals and send something into space to find alien civilizations, they will also express themselves in the form of paintings. , because we also know that what can be expressed by drawing is more intuitive and easier to understand than words!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, has already studied small stones.

There are a lot of these stones, there are hundreds of them in total!

After Jiang Chen took them all out, he began to arrange them!

When Jiang Chen started to line up the first one, everyone was shocked!

Because, the content of the first small stone is a big ship, with many animal heads on it, and several human-like patterns on it, and other blanks, and some small dots, which look like It's like rain!

This is almost exactly the same as the legend of Noah's Ark!

All the audience, including Jiang Chen, couldn't help feeling their scalps go numb!

Jiang Chen continued to look down, there was rain on almost every stone painting, the water under the boat was getting higher and higher, and the rest remained unchanged.

After going on like this for dozens of stones, the picture on the stone finally changed.

This time, a bird is painted on it, and the water level has reached its peak, and after this, the mural on the stone slowly descends.

From time to time, when looking at the last few stones, the pattern representing water on them has completely disappeared. Instead, in the upper part, a huge dot appears, which should be the sun!

Immediately afterwards, the painting on the next stone was a piece of land with trees and mountains on it!

And what was painted on the last stone was just a giant ship, and all the animals and people on it had disappeared!

At this point, the stone is gone!

These contents, what makes one's scalp tingle, are almost exactly the same as those described in the "Bible", except for some minor deviations!

Even, as described in the Bible, the heavy rain continued to fall for 40 days, and the number of stones with heavy rain on the stones in front of us was also forty!

Is this a coincidence? Such a magical coincidence?

All this is self-evident!

Facing the stunned audience in the live broadcast room, Jiang Chen officially announced, "Noah's Ark, I found it!"

With that said, Jiang Chen looked at the small stones on the table and continued: "If my guess is correct, these 833 stones should be similar to Noah's diary. He recorded every day in it, proving his existence!"

All kinds of discoveries, clues, and the final diary have confirmed the existence and authenticity of Noah's Ark, and no one can refute it!

For a time, the whole world was shocked!

This epic-level discovery has given people a whole new level of progress in the study of prehistoric civilizations!

In the live broadcast room, the audience is even more excited!

【Noah's Ark, this is really Noah's Ark!】

【Noah's Ark really exists, what does it mean?】

[It means that the legends in the world may be real things that happened, and it means that the contents of the "Bible" are based in reality! 】

【At the same time, it also means that the Great Flood is a real historical event, not a legend!】

[Of course, the most important thing is that the existence of Noah’s Ark has once again become a powerful pillar of the anchor’s theory of prehistoric civilization. It should be known that human beings were still in the Stone Age at that time, and it was impossible to build such an ark. It could only be left over from prehistoric civilization. Built by those who came down!]

【That's right, the existence of Noah's Ark will make the theory of the fifth batch of human beings and the theory of prehistoric civilization even more indestructible!】

【So, as the anchor guessed before, Noah is actually a vassal of Atlantis? A human survived from Atlantis?】

【This... is not sure!】

Indeed, there are still many fogs about Noah's Ark that have not been unraveled!

Even if the authenticity of Noah's Ark is confirmed, more doubts follow!

Where did Noah come from? Why did the great flood appear? Is it really related to Atlantis? How to explain the electric light? Is Jiang Chen's conjecture correct!

These mysteries are still waiting for Jiang Chen to solve them one by one!

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