Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 175: Response To The World! [1 Update, Please Subscribe! 】

Jiang Chen is back, at Jinling International Airport, already surrounded by reporters!

Jiang Chen is always low-key. Every time after the live broadcast ends, he will hide from the reporters and refuse to accept interviews. This was the case in the last trip to Shennongjia, and all the reporters were caught in the air!

This time, the reporters will catch Jiang Chen no matter what!

There were even countless fans rushing to the airport to pick them up!

For a while, the airport's international flight exits were surrounded by people, and the airport had to deploy a lot of security forces to keep it going.

There are also 1 times more vehicles around the airport than usual!

Such a scene was unprecedentedly powerful, and even the officials were a little unexpected, and hurriedly sent personnel to reinforce it!

This battle is even crazier than the world's most famous star pick-up!

Because, Jiang Chen's reputation has been completely opened up, whether it is at home or abroad, the fan base runs through the old, middle and young.

Even among the media and pick-up fans, there are also some foreign friends and media.

"Ding dong—"

"Flight C3142 from Moscow International Airport 25 bound for Jinling International Airport has successfully landed. Passengers please pass through the exit in an orderly manner and leave the airport..."

At this time, a voice rang out on the radio!

For a while, the waiting media and fans were completely blown away!

This is Jiang Chen's flight!

Of course, Jiang Chen has already made preparations. Although he is not a star, he has the experience of the previous few times, and he has already trained. He has a peaked cap, a black mask, and a pair of sunglasses

In his opinion, even if his mother stood in front of him, she wouldn't be able to recognize him!

However, who would have thought that fans and media reporters would have sharp eyes, and whoever was dressed most discreetly would look at them.

Just when Jiang Chen came out, he attracted everyone's attention!

"Jiang Chen! Wow! It's Jiang Chen!"

I don't know which female fan it was, but suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, as if seeing an alien, the crowd at the international station instantly boiled up!

Even Jiang Chen himself was taken aback!

However, by the time he realized it, it was already too late, and Wuyang Wuyang's crowd rushed towards him!

He has fought snow monsters, even killed megalodon sharks, and even singled out cave bears and Andean dacosaurus, without feeling frightened!

However, after seeing the Wuyang Wuyang crowd in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the feeling of heartbeat appeared!

He never expected that so many people would come to guard him!

Fortunately, a group of bodyguard-like figures rushed out from nowhere, and quickly pulled up a cordon in front of Jiang Chen, so that the crowd did not directly drown Jiang.

Jiang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief and forced himself to regain his composure.

At this time, the media were all at the forefront, and the Penguin News reporter was the first to ask, "Jiang Chen, this expedition looks more dangerous than the previous ones. What do you think?"

"I don't have any opinion, it's no different to me, it's all adventure!" Jiang Chen replied.

"Jiang Chen, you have narrowly escaped death several times, now that you think about it, do you feel very scared?" The reporter from Bibo News asked.

"There is no fear, only excitement!" Jiang Chen replied succinctly.

"By the way, last time you discovered the beginning of prehistoric civilization, this time you discovered the end of prehistoric super civilization, do you know what this means? Now, you have been rated as a treasure of the world by the outside world, and it is recognized The greatest explorer of this century, how do you feel?" Penguin News reporter continued to ask.

"Last time I thought I only explored the depth of human beings, but this time I still think I only explored the depths of human beings!" Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, the reporter quickly edited the manuscript and sent it out!

For a time, it caused an uproar all over the world!

For Jiang Chen's deep and shallow intentions, experts and scholars from all walks of life conduct their own analysis!

In the end, experts and scholars thought very seriously that the meaning of Jiang Chen's words is so high that it is worthy of human beings' deep thinking, and it is even more worthy of being a famous aphorism and being recorded in Jiang Chen's famous sayings!

Because, in the eyes of experts and scholars, the depth of Jiang Chen means the beginning of prehistoric civilization, and the latent means the end of prehistoric civilization. The process of depth and depth is the time axis of prehistoric civilization!

And Jiang Chen expressed it in such words, nothing more than to warn people that no matter how developed prehistoric civilization is, they cannot escape the time axis, and can only be measured by depth. Compared with prehistoric civilization, modern humans are much shallower , we need to love the earth and cherish peace!

Of course, many scholars and experts still believe that Jiang Chen’s implicit expression is also because of his introverted oriental personality!

In fact, Jiang Chen didn't think so much at all, he just couldn't think of a good description for a while, so he just said it casually, but he didn't expect it to be used by experts and scholars to study it so elusively!

And at this time, after the bombardment of domestic journalists, foreign journalists rushed over!

The reporter of "Daily Mail" dropped a blockbuster at the beginning, saying: "According to reliable news, the royal family of the Eagle Kingdom will award you the Grand Cross of the Royal Knights and the title of noble status. It is an unprecedented thing, it is reported that they want you to work for the royal family and go to Eagle Country, will you agree?"

"Make me a native of Eagle Country?" Jiang Chen asked.

The reporter nodded and said, "Yes!"

"No, I won't agree!" Ejima said very decisively.

At the same time, a reporter from the "Washington Daily" hastily asked: "The BSA exploration company with an official background in the United States also wants to invite 693 you as their chief exploration consultant, and can offer you an annual salary of hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as a series of projects. R&D expenses, will you go?"

"No!" Jiang Chen said decisively.

At the same time, a series of newspapers such as "News of the World" also asked Jiang Chen many similar questions one after another!

For example, the invitation of the king of Spain, the invitation of France, the invitation of Russia, and so on.

However, Jiang Chen's answer is very decisive, he will not go to any country, let alone change his nationality!

This answer can be regarded as a response to the world media and countries around the world!

For a time, the Western world, which received the news, was boiling!

After all, no one thought that Jiang Chen would be so decisive and reject all the generous conditions offered to him by all countries!

For this response, the reactions of all parties are different, some are angry, and some are regretful!

The exploration company in the United States was very angry, thinking that Jiang Chen didn't give him any face!

On the contrary, the reaction in Buckingham Palace was very calm. The queen was neither angry nor happy. She had already asked her assistants to prepare a two-handed plan, to inform her, and follow the procedure to continue the canonization...

However, there are very astute reporters who still caught a key topic and chased after Jiang Chen!

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