Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 206: Stop Pretending, It's A Showdown! [2 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

【I just said, why are the anchors so surprised? It turns out that they are hallucinating!】

[Scared me to death, made me so nervous, I really thought that the host and the others met something, I didn't dare to take a breath!]

【No wonder, I didn't see anything, I thought I missed the exciting part!】

All of a sudden, the discussion in the live broadcast room was in full swing!

After Jiang Chen saw the barrage, he laughed helplessly. If he had known about it, he would have interacted with the audience, and if he could get a few clues from the barrage, he should know everything!

After all, Jiang Chen felt that everything was suspicious from the very beginning. There was no connection or basis at all. Even when he was shooting before, the black shadow he saw didn't stop at all, which was completely unreasonable!

However, it is not too late to find out now, Jiang Chen does not think about the past, and puts all his energy on the present!

"If we want to solve the illusion, we must find its root, otherwise we will end up unable to distinguish between illusion and reality, and even if we don't encounter any danger, we will completely collapse!" Jiang Chen said.

Debbie and the others nodded vigorously. They really wanted to solve the hallucination problem quickly, otherwise they would be in fear all the time, like a frightened bird, and they might collapse at any time, especially Achill and John!

Jiang Chen frowned, and continued: "Some medicines, plants, food, and special wave bands, magnetic fields, etc., may cause problems with the brain's optic nerve, resulting in hallucinations. Now we can only reverse it, use Judging by the method of elimination, what is it that made us hallucinate!"

It is said that Debi and the others have no objection, they don't understand anything like hallucinations and hypnosis, so they can only listen to Jiang Chen!

"First of all, we excluded food. We didn't eat anything after going to the island!" Jiang Chen said: "Secondly, there is medicine. Did you get sick? Did you take any medicine before going to the island?"

"I'm in good health, and I don't even take health supplements!" Debbie said decisively, looking at John.

John patted his chest and said: "Jiang, I can't do anything else. My body is very good. I'm not like some people who are strong. In fact... Tsk tsk!" Then he glanced at Achill!

Achill frowned, raised his fist in front of John, and said, "Do you want to try it? See how my body is doing?"

John looked at the fist in front of him that was bigger than his face, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he shook his head, admitting it!

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Since it's not food or medicine, could it be some kind of wave band?"

"Band? What do you mean?" Debbie asked curiously.

The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Achill and John, were also curious!

Jiang Chen explained: "A wave band can be a special electric wave, light wave, and sound wave...wait! Sound wave!

At the end of the talk, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Have you noticed one important point?"

"What's the point?"

Debi and the others frowned, looking confused.

The smile on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth became wider, and he said, "The cry is gone!"

Hearing this, Debi and the others trembled, and suddenly regained their composure!

Crying, really gone!

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's reminder, everyone would have completely forgotten the crying, and didn't pay attention to the details of the disappearance of the crying!

So, you mean, this special band is actually crying?" Debbie asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is very possible that our vision and hearing are affected by crying, and the frequency of crying has caused some normal operation of our brain nerves." Jiang Chen said: In fact, crying has not disappeared, but our Hearing automatically blocks it, or it is affected by it, and the two come to a channel, so that only we cannot hear it, or only we can hear it!"

"It's so amazing? Only let us hear it, or just let us not hear it?" Debi Liang said curiously.

Achill and Debi also looked surprised, thinking that the voice can still be like this? It's amazing!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and explained:

"This phenomenon has happened in the real world. According to statistics, about 10% of the people in the world can hear an inexplicable buzzing sound, which normal people cannot hear!"

"According to the description of people who can hear the sound, they thought it was the sound from a nearby factory at first, but in the end they found out that it was not, because there is no factory nearby, and their own family members did not hear it either. Ever heard any sound!"

"Some people have the sound when they get home, some people have the sound when they leave the house, and some people even when they are sleeping, the sound will appear, which has caused them a lot of trouble!"

In the end, scientists found that this special humming sound may be a special sound wave, and their frequency is so special that only a very small number of people can hear it!

"But there is no effective way to treat this symptom. Some people will hear the humming sound after a period of time, and some people will be accompanied by the humming sound for a lifetime!"

"So what do we do next?" Debbie asked.

"This is easy to solve. Cover your ears so that our hearing will no longer receive the crying, or use other sounds to cover up the crying!" Jiang Chen said.

Debi and the others did not hesitate, and immediately covered their ears as Jiang Chen said!

Time is running out fast!

After about 30 minutes, the cry of "Wooooohoo" actually reappeared!

The faces of Debi, Achill, and John were full of excitement!

Because, this proves that all Jiang Chen's previous statements are correct, there are no ghosts at all, everything is an illusion!

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth.

However, what puzzled them was that the cry did appear, and the house number in front of them did change!

The problem is, the change is still wrong, it is still different from the normal 201, 202, 203 and 204, but it is different from the house number they saw before!

This shows that their hallucinations have not completely disappeared!

For a while, before Debi and the others had time to be happy, they were knocked down to underestimation again!

Jiang Chen also frowned, and said, "Perhaps, there are two hallucinogenic factors? After the sound waves are removed, there are only some special plants left, but there are no plants on the island, and we have never had any plants. Contact...wait!"

At this time, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a lot of yellow powder on the jacket of Debi's jacket!

"What is this?" Debi frowned, unaware of the appearance of the yellow powder.

At this time, Jiang Chen, Achill and John also realized that they also had this yellow powder more or less on their bodies!

Jiang Chen leaned closer and smelled it, and a strong fragrance came to his nostrils. At the same time, his head felt dizzy and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, Jiang Chen has already found the answer, and said decisively: "Pollen! This should be a kind of pollen! Do you remember? We smelled a strong fragrance after we went to the island?"

"That's right, I remembered, I did smell a strong fragrance!" Debi exclaimed, "Could it be the effect of those fragrances?"

"The pure fragrance should not be enough. We must have been covered with this kind of pollen when we were hypnotized, and then followed us all the time, reaching a certain concentration, which caused us to have hallucinations!" Jiang Chen said at the same time While doing so, I tried to wipe off the pollen.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

So, Jiang Chen said decisively: "Everyone take off your coats and throw them away!"

Debi and the others didn't hesitate, and immediately followed suit!

Sure enough, after throwing away the coats, everyone felt that the musty smell in the corridor became stronger!

It seems that it should be the previous fragrance, covering up the original smell of the corridor.

At the same time, when Achill and Debi looked at the house number, they finally returned to normal!

Only John, his eyes full of horror, shouted: "Why hasn't my house number changed to normal? What's going on? What's going on!"

Hearing this, Debi and Aqier were startled, and looked at Jiang Chen for help.

Jiang Chen waved his hand calmly and said: "Some people have mild symptoms, some have severe symptoms, and the recovery is relatively slow, it's normal!"

"What then? How long will it take him to recover?" asked Archer.

"Not sure!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"This is not acceptable, he will go crazy if he continues like this!" Aqier said with a little worry.

"Then I'll speed him up!" Jiang Chen said, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he pinched John's shoulders with both hands to prevent him from running around.

"You look into my eyes, calm down!" Jiang Chen said.

"No! How can I be calm! How can I be calm!" John shook his head vigorously, his expression gradually grim.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and scolded: "Am I your idol? I can save you! Do you know? Relax!"

John was taken aback by Jiang Chen's scolding, and then slowly calmed down and nodded.

"Trust me!" Jiang Chen said softly.

John nodded and said, "Well, I believe you, Jiang..."

"Okay, keep calm and relax!" Jiang Chen said softly, and by the way, he raised a climbing rope and swayed it slowly from side to side.

"Look at the lock under the rope, and then look at... two... three!" Jiang Chen counted, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

John, on the other hand, calmed down completely, and stood there motionless, exactly the same as when (Li Zhaozhao) was hypnotized before.

"There are no ghosts in the world, everything is an illusion, everything you see is fake, it's all pediatrics, it's just a dream, after you wake up from the dream, you won't be afraid, understand?" Jiang Chensheng asked aloud.

"Had a dream? I had a nightmare? Everything is fake? Got it!" John said blankly.

"Look, what kind of butcher is that, isn't it a fat chef? After he finished cooking, he is sending it to you, waiting for you to taste it. Try it and see if it tastes good!" Jiang Chen asked softly .

I saw that John pouted his mouth and said with a smile: "Delicious...delicious."

"It's delicious. Look at the fat chef staring at you eagerly for his evaluation? Don't you want to praise him?" Jiang Chen continued to induce.

"Praise!" John nodded, and said, "It must be praised, little fat man, you are great, you look cute, and your cooking skills are superb, I give you a thumbs up!"

Debi and Achill, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, were dumbfounded!

[Fuck! Is this the legendary hypnosis?]

【Anchor, you are too good!】

【This hypnotizes John!?】

【The anchor is also too handsome, not only an explorer, not only a food broadcaster, not only an expert in wild survival, but also a hidden hypnotist!】

[The anchor stopped pretending, it's a showdown! 】

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