Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 208: Didn't I Tell You Not To Go Out? [4 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

"Escape from Desperate Town!"

What happened here? Everyone couldn't imagine that before a person died, he had to use his own blood to write such a paragraph on the wall as a warning to future generations!

Just seeing this sentence makes one's hair stand on end, the neck is cold, and there is a feeling of fear!

And the three words "Desperate Town" made the already mysterious town even more terrifying~ weird!

After all, everyone couldn't imagine what happened in the town, so that the locals called it "Desperate Town" and wanted to escape!

As for Jiang Chen, he had a premonition that everything that followed had something to do with the secret cry of Weeping Island and the ghost they saw before!

Jiang Chen was not careless, under the horrified gaze of everyone, he came to the side of the skeleton, squatted down and checked.

He wants to see how the deceased died in front of him, so that he can deal with the next emergency!

And when Jiang Chen checked the general, he frowned slightly, and said: "Some places have signs of corruption, some places don't, it looks very clean, the skull and leg bones have scratches to varying degrees!"

Jiang Chen continued to analyze: "I suspect that they should have been attacked by some unknown creature. You can see that there are scratch marks on their skulls and leg bones, as well as tooth marks of varying degrees. They should be scratched by some unknown creature." after the bite, or the last trace of the bite!"

"And the reason why some parts have traces of corruption and some parts do not, it should be because the parts without corruption marks have been eaten, so there are no traces of corruption left, and the other parts with corruption marks are the opposite!"

"So, we can judge that there is an unknown and terrifying creature on the Dao, and this creature is the culprit. I think if we can find this creature, maybe all the mysteries will be solved!"

Hearing this, Achill, John, and Debi all nodded in agreement.

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room!

However, everyone also has a little concern.

After all, this unknown creature is so ferocious, if they go alone, are they really rivals?

And just when everyone was still worried, Jiang Chen had already walked out of the room, out of the hotel, and began to search on the street.

This made Achill and the others twitch the corners of their mouths. Even though they knew that the previous ghosts were hallucinations, the atmosphere of the town and the large blood-stained characters still filled the air with terror. Even if they didn't want to, they didn't Dare to stay where you are, and hurry up to catch up with Jiang Chen!

At this time, the town was completely plunged into darkness!

Originally, from their point of view, every house in the small town was lit up, as if they were inhabited!

However, now it seems that those are just hallucinations produced by everyone!

After the hallucination disappears, where are there any lights, where are there any traces of human habitation, the town is dead silent and deserted!

All the houses are merged into the darkness, without a trace of light!

Jiang Chen and others seem to have entered an abandoned ghost village!


At this time, Jiang Chen kicked open the door of a house.

John knocked on the door of this house before, but no one responded!

At that time, they still felt strange, and felt that the residents of the small town were very unfriendly!

However, now it seems that it is normal if no one responds. If someone really responds, it is really a ghost!

I saw that the room was full of dust, and after entering the room, a musty smell came out.

Inside the room, it was even more pitch black, all the furniture and other things were very messy, it looked as if the room had experienced a fight a long time ago!


And at this moment, John stepped on something, and there was a light sound.

John frowned slightly, and lowered his head to shine the miner's lamp on his feet.


This photo directly scared John to the ground, screaming continuously!

Jiang Chen and others who had been walking in front were also startled, and hurriedly looked back!

I saw that John was already kneeling on the ground, gesticulating with his hands in front of his chest, and said tremblingly: "God bless, I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean to offend, I swear!"

Everyone continued to look in front of John, only to find that there was a skeleton in front of John.

And John just crushed his head because he didn't see it, so he was so scared!

Jiang Chen ignored John, walked up to the bones and inspected them, and said, "That's right, the features left on the bones of the deceased and the deceased in the hotel are almost exactly the same, we can now almost conclude that this town was destroyed before It has been attacked by some unknown creature!"

"We can take a look at the timeline from this and try to deduce the history of the island!"

"Starting from the castle, during the Middle Ages, when the second Black Death broke out in Europe, the owner of the castle, as a doctor, saw many people die but was powerless, so he made a decision to put himself Everyone in the territory, move to a place where the virus can't find it!"

"So, the owner of the castle found a small island with beautiful scenery as a shelter!"

"The small island at that time was completely different from the Weeping Island, so it was chosen by the owner of the castle as a residence, so the owner of the castle and a large number of people lived on it!"

"However, as time passed, some inexplicable creatures gradually appeared around the island, and disturbed the normal life of the island residents!"

"In the beginning, these creatures were still in the minority, so they were not taken seriously. The owner of the castle only strengthened the defense of the castle!"

"In fact, in the diary of the owner of the castle, we can see that the owner of the castle said that the construction of the castle paid attention to the defense project, in order to prevent "it"!"

...... Ask for flowers.

"We used to think that the "it" mentioned by the owner of the castle was a disease, but now it seems that it is not, the "it" mentioned by the owner of the castle is this unknown terrifying creature!

"And just like that, the island has been safe and sound. After an unknown number of generations, the environment around the island suddenly changed. More and more unknown terrifying creatures appeared and attacked the residents of the island! "

"And the residents on the small island are isolated from the world and have no defense ability, so under the attack of unknown creatures, they suffered heavy casualties. Even if there were any alive, such as the owner of the ancient castle, etc. I escaped from the island, and since then, the ancient castles and small towns on the island have become ghost castles and ghost towns, and no living people survive, only those unknown creatures still live in them!"

"Of course, from then on, there will be cries from the small island, and various legends will spread from it, and it will become a taboo place on the sea!"

It was said that Debi, Archer, John, and the audience in the live broadcast room all followed Jiang Chen's thinking.

Judging from the current evidence and findings, Jiang Chen's inference is completely correct, and the history of the formation of Wailing Island should be like this!

In this way, everyone began to admire Jiang Chen's unique thinking and speculation ability again!

Of course, Jiang Chen's deduction is not over yet, he continued: "As long as we catch a mysterious creature on Weeping Island, we can basically judge whether my previous conjecture is correct, and if it is correct, then we can use the little The history of the island, as well as the characteristics of mysterious creatures, have completely solved all the mysteries of Wailing Island!"

Hearing this, Debi and the others nodded again and again, and all of them regained their spirits!

After all, they can feel that with more and more clues and inferences being confirmed bit by bit, they are getting closer and closer to the real answer!


However, at this moment, bursts of electric current-like sounds suddenly appeared above the small town!

Immediately afterwards, an immature but extremely weird little girl's voice echoed faintly in the air.

"Didn't I tell you not to go out at night?"

The voice was soft at first, but gradually it became hurried, and finally it sounded like a little girl screaming hysterically!

"Why did you go out?"

"Go back!"

"very dangerous!"

"Go back!"

"Don't go out at night!"

"Why don't you listen?"

"Wait to die!"

"You all wait to die!"

ps: I hope everyone can support this book, ask for customization, and ask for a monthly ticket. Today, in order to thank everyone for your support, the author has decided to add more updates. I also hope that brothers and sisters can give more support to the author! Thank you!

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