Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 210: The Little Brother Is A Sharpshooter! [1 Update, Please Order In Full! 】


Jiang Chen, Debi, Archer, John, and the audience in the live broadcast room all gasped!

Even with the blessing of the Divine Comedy, it is impossible to suppress the extreme fear in everyone's heart!

Everything in front of me is really terrifying!

After all, everyone knows that everything you see is not an illusion, but something that really exists!

Could it be that there are really ghosts in the world?!

If not, how do you explain the row of ghosts in front of you and the doll that suddenly started?

"Ah! My God!"

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, they heard John's exclamation!

I saw that John's blood pressure rose rapidly due to extreme fright, he rolled his eyes and passed out!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he supported John, otherwise when John hit the stone on the ground, even if he didn't get scared to death, he would be crushed to death by the stone!

Debbie also reacted quickly. She has first aid knowledge, and immediately diagnosed John, saying: "It's okay, he was just overly frightened, and he will wake up in a while!"

Jiang Chen nodded, then put John on the ground.

At this time, Achill shouted anxiously: "Let's forget that he's fine, we're busy! Ghosts! There are so many ghosts! What should we do!"

The live broadcast room became a mess because of this!

[Fuck! High-definition ghost image!]

[The ghost images in various supernatural videos I have seen before, the pixels are surprisingly poor, these 26 times I finally saw the high-definition ones! 】

【Damn! I was scared to death, I'm getting dizzy!】

[The doll... the doll in my arms suddenly became less cute, I felt it was looking at me... woo woo...why every time something scary, There are dolls!]

【Anchor, run! This time it’s not a hallucination, we’ve all seen it!】

【If you don't run, it will be too late!】

【I don’t dare to watch it, what should I do? It’s too scary!】

For a moment, no matter the audience in the live broadcast room, or Aqier, Debi and others, all turned their attention to Jiang Chen!

There is no doubt that each of them hopes that Jiang Chen will give the order to retreat immediately!

However, Jiang Chen's next move surprised everyone!

I saw that Jiang Chen not only did not have the slightest intention of retreating or being afraid, but a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth!

Debi, who was familiar with Jiang Chen, suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling ominous in her heart!

The same is true for Achill, he has watched Jiang Chen's previous videos, and every time Jiang Chen will show such a smile before committing suicide!

At this moment, when he saw Jiang Chen's iconic smile, his complexion instantly turned extremely pale, knowing that things were not simple!

The audience in the live broadcast room also became excited!

【The anchor laughed! That man, he laughed!】

【Are you going to start playing dead again? I don't dare to look at it, and I don't dare to smell it!】

【Done! Shut down, save your life!】

[High-energy warning ahead, non-combatants please retreat quickly! 】

【The next step is the real movie!】

【We can still turn off the screen saver, Debbie and the others...】

【Haha! Debi and the others, prepare to face the real blast!】

【Hey, when it comes to Debi and the others, they won't be scared to faint!】

While everyone was stunned, Jiang Chen finally spoke!

I only heard him say lightly: "I really want to see what monsters and monsters are at work!"

The complexions of Debi and Achill instantly became like a blank sheet of paper, without blood!

"Jiang, are you sure?" Debi said tremblingly, "Do you really want to see those things?"

"Very sure!" Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Jiang, I admire that you are a man. I will be behind, wishing you good luck and praying for you!" Achill said forcefully, and then ran to hide behind a rock.

"You also go and hide behind, and watch me come and beat all the ghosts and monsters!" Jiang Chen said with a relaxed smile.

There was a look of admiration in Debi's eyes. Such a horrible thing, hearing Jiang Chen say it, seemed like a trivial matter.

For a moment, Debi's admiration for Jiang Chen became stronger, she nodded, and said, " careful."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, held the flashlight, and walked slowly towards the row of swaying ghosts in the open space of the activity center!

At this time, because the phone suddenly ran out of battery, the singing stopped abruptly!

The piercing screams of the little girl, and the cries echoed in the air, took over again!

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely eerie.

The audience in the live broadcast room are about to cry!

Because, what they saw was always from Jiang Chen's perspective!

Therefore, in the eyes of the audience, they are getting closer and closer to the swaying ghost, and the howling and screaming of the little girl are getting louder and louder!

For a while, many viewers covered their ears and eyes, leaving only a gap, wanting to see and curious!

The original location of Jiang Chen and the others was not very far from the ghost shadow, only tens of meters away, so Jiang Chen quickly arrived behind the ghost shadow!



two meters...

one meter....

Jiang Chen, when he was only one meter away from the ghost, stopped!

He frowned slightly, relying on his improved eyesight and the ability of the third level [Dark Eye], what he could see in the dark night was far clearer than cameras and ordinary people!

Therefore, he discovered many details that the audience and Debbie and others did not notice!

These ghost figures, seen from the back, are actually men with "uniform short hair!

And when Jiang Chen approached, he made a major discovery!

These ghosts are all wearing uniform clothes, and there are uniform badges on the clothes!

This gave Jiang Chen a bad premonition, and murmured: "Could it be..."

Saying that, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, and rushed forward with a big stride, coming to the front of the ghosts!

Looking closely from the front, Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, and his complexion became ugly!

Because, everything in front of him, as he guessed, is not a ghost at all, all are members of the Royal Eagle Kingdom expedition team!

Thirteen members, according to the list, two groups of members of the Royal Expedition, a total of 28 missing!

Jiang Chen and others found the name tags of fifteen expedition members in the hypnotized area of ​​Crying Island, which proved that fifteen people had died!

And now, thirteen more expedition members have been discovered, making twenty-eight people all together!

The twenty-eight missing expedition members have all been found!

It is a pity that all of these expedition members are dead!

The previous fifteen people are alright, the corpses have already rotted!

However, the thirteen people in front of Jiang Chen obviously died not long ago, their bodies were not decomposed yet, their bodies were covered with scratches and bite marks, bloody and bloody, they looked extremely cruel!

It is not difficult to imagine that before they died, they must have suffered very cruel tortures, they were tortured to death alive!

Jiang Chen couldn't imagine the scene when they were killed, it was too cruel!

Hence, Jiang Chen waved to Achill and Debi who were not far away, signaling them to come over!

Debi and Achill looked at each other, and walked over dubiously!

However, when they saw the corpses of the thirteen expedition members, they were also taken aback, and then fell into silence!

No one expected that the result would be like this!

"It seems that my guess is not wrong. There is indeed some kind of unknown creature on Weeping Island. This kind of creature should have some wisdom. Otherwise, it would not torture the expedition team, but would directly eat them. .” Jiang Chen analyzed.

"Or, let's bury them first." Archer suggested.

"Yes, let them rest in the ground and avoid being eaten by wild beasts!" Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

Ever since, Jiang Chen began to take off the name tags of the thirteen expedition members, and brought them back as a way of explaining.

And Achill started digging!

Two hours later, more than a dozen pits with a depth of more than half a meter were dug out. Jiang Chen and Aqier worked together to lift everyone in and then began to dig pits for burial.

After a while, thirteen small soil bags appeared in the open space of the activity center in Jueming Town!

Debi put the tombstones she had made out of wood in front of each soil bag according to their names, so that if the family members of the expedition team had the opportunity to land on the island in the future, they could come and claim them.

After everything was over, Jiang Chen sighed and said, "This time, whether it's for revealing the secret or for the lives of more than 20 expedition members, we must explore to the end and catch the real culprit behind the scenes!"

As soon as this statement came out, Debi, Achill, and the audience in the live broadcast room all fell silent!

It's not that everyone is ruthless, but that everyone is worried!

The expedition team, twenty-eight people, was wiped out!

They also had weapons on their bodies, but they all died tragically in the end!

And what about Jiang Chen and the others? Not counting John who fainted, there are three people at full strength, and their weapons are still very limited. It may be difficult to deal with unknown terrifying creatures.

whoosh whoosh—

And at this moment, suddenly, not far away, a movement came!

Immediately afterwards, before anyone could react, a few black shadows galloped over!

Jiang Chen reacted the fastest, his senses and agility had been improved, he took out the two pistols from his waist in an instant, loaded them, and opened the safety, all in one go!

bang bang bang—

Before Debi and Achill could react, Jiang Chen's gunshots had already shot into the sky!

What made people dumbfounded was that Jiang Chen not only reacted quickly, but also had extremely precise marksmanship, and actually hit Sombra!

I saw a few black shadows falling instantly!

For a moment, both Debi and Achill were stunned by Jiang Chen's marksmanship and reaction!

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also became excited.

[Fuck! The host just held the gun in such a handsome pose!]

【The anchor is also very accurate!】

【Four strong, get rid of four!】

【Wow! I didn't expect my little brother to be a sharpshooter!】

ps: Guaranteed five changes every day, outbreaks from time to time, please support, ask for monthly tickets, ask for customization!.

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