Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 212: Mermaid! [3 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

Jiang Chen didn't care about the audience's screams in the live broadcast room!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the so-called ghost has escaped once before!

This time, Jiang Chen will never let the ghosts escape again!

However, when Jiang Chen chased to the rock, the ghost had disappeared again!

It can be seen that the speed of the ghost is very fast, and it is also very familiar with the surrounding environment!

Jiang Chen did not move forward recklessly. According to the previous clue analysis, no matter what kind of mysterious creature the ghost is, it is definitely a kind of intelligent existence!

At this time, if he chases out rashly, he may be ambushed by ghosts, so he must be very cautious!

Jiang Chen is the first to observe the surrounding environment!

Only then did he realize that the surrounding area was a land of chaotic reefs!

This place should have been covered by sea water a long time ago, so a lot of reefs were formed!

However, at some point, all the sea water receded, forming the current scene!

For ordinary people, it is very difficult to go on in this chaotic land.

After all, not to mention a lot of reefs, the surface of each reef is very sharp, and there are a lot of sharp shells and other things embedded in it. If you are not careful, you may be scratched and bloody!

While Jiang Chen was observing the reef, he discovered new clues!

I saw that the edge of the rock where the ghost figure was just now was full of water stains!

Jiang Chen touched a little water stain, then put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it gently!

It should be known that Jiang Chen's sense of smell has been enhanced, so his sense of smell is particularly sensitive!

Immediately, a big stench came to the nostrils!

"Fish smell?" Jiang Chen frowned, and murmured 730: "Could it be that these creatures live in the sea? Or, in other words, their main food source is fish?"

Jiang Chen guessed, a flash of light flashed in his eyes!

This discovery is particularly important, just water stains can generally provide traces of ghosts!

So, Jiang Chen followed the water stains on the ground and started looking for ghosts!

And at this moment, Jiang Chen accidentally found a scale on the water stain!

The color of the scales is actually a little bit black, and they sparkle under the light!

The key point is that the size of the scales is different from that of ordinary fish scales. This black scale is obviously much bigger!

Moreover, according to the knowledge in Jiang Chen's mind, he remembered that there are very few fish with scales in the sea!

"What exactly is it?" Jiang Chen frowned, and his curiosity became more and more intense.

Hence, Jiang Chen quickened his pace along the water stains!

Unfortunately, since the water stains are getting smaller and smaller, after the water stains completely disappear, Jiang Chen will have no clues at all!

huh huh huh—

And at this moment, Jiang Chen realized that he followed the water stains and came to the beach!

I saw that the turbulent sea water, as if it had a huge anger towards the Crying Island, kept beating the hideous reefs on the shore, as if it wanted to destroy the Crying Island!

At the same time, the weather above the sea was also very bad, with thunder and lightning, and even more wind and rain in the distance. Compared with before they waited until now, there was no relief at all!

Jiang Chen frowned, and when he was about to look around for a while, he suddenly stopped, and his eyes showed a strong look of shock!

In the air (cgfd), apart from the sound of the waves, there are the screams of the little girl, and the cries that Crying Island has never dissipated!

And the little girl's cries, because of Jiang Chen's distance, have become smaller and smaller, almost gone!

However, what made Jiang Chen come to his senses was that after he came to the beach, instead of the slightest abatement, the crying became louder and louder!

There is only one possibility, that is, the source of the crying is actually at the beach where Jiang Chen is currently!

After all, sound always has a source, the closer you are to the source, the louder the sound will be, otherwise the smaller the sound will be!

Otherwise, logically speaking, if the source of the crying is on the island, Jiang Chen's crying will only get weaker and weaker when he comes to the beach now!

So, all this can be explained only if the crying is near Jiang Chen!

And Jiang Chen followed the mysterious ghost and came to the beach!

This also just confirmed Jiang Chen's previous speculation that the crying is related to the mysterious creatures on the crying island!

As long as the mysterious creatures are found, the secrets of Weeping Island can be completely unlocked!

And the audience in the live broadcast room naturally discovered this too!

However, they were not as excited as Jiang Chen, each of them felt like they were watching a horror movie, trembling with fright, they didn't even dare to close their eyes!

At this time, Jiang Chen had a new clue. There was no water stain. With his sensitive hearing, he began to search for the source of the crying in the air!

He believed that whether it was a ghost image or the source of the crying, as long as he identified one, both would be revealed!

So, Jiang Chen followed the source of the crying, and searched for it on the chaotic reefs by the sea.

After a while, when Jiang Chen climbed over a mountain made of chaotic reefs, he came to a very secret cliff!

The cliff is crescent-shaped, and if you want to go down, you must use climbing ropes, otherwise it will be difficult to get down to the bottom!

And under the cliff, it is connected with the sea water, forming a crescent-shaped bay!

It is worth mentioning that, at a glance, the bay here is actually calm, there is no dark cloud in the sky, and there is a bright moon in the sky!

Standing on the cliff of the chaotic reef and looking down, Jiang Chen couldn't help being intoxicated for a while!

Moreover, the cries here are the loudest and densest. In Jiang Chen's mind, the source of the cries should be in the bay below!

So, without reason, Jiang Chen laid piles on the top of the chaotic reef, took safety measures, and started rappelling!

There is no need to repeat Gongchen's rock climbing skills. It took him less than two minutes to descend to the bottom of the 23-meter-high cliff.


As soon as he landed, Jiang Chen felt the softness of his feet, the soft texture of fine sand, very comfortable!

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, this was the first time he found a bay with a sandy beach after he landed on Crying Island, the beach is still so soft!

If it weren't for the crying and the changing weather around, such a bay alone could definitely be developed into a top tourist attraction!

However, Jiang Chen didn't think much about it, his main goal was to find the location of the cries and ghosts!

At this time, after he went down to the bottom of the bay, because the surroundings were surrounded by mountains on three sides, the crying sound was more open and clear here, and there was even an echo emerging, just like the magic sound piercing through the ears!

Ordinary people, in such an environment, would be mentally unable to bear the horrific cries.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's mental ability has also been improved, so he can barely hold on!

However, the only pity is that after arriving at the bay, due to the terrain, the cries seemed to be coming from all directions, and Jiang Chen couldn't distinguish the specific location of the cries at all!

So, Jiang Feng can only belong to me in the bay!

And just when he fumbled to a corner of the bay, an accident appeared!

His body trembled, his pupils shrank suddenly, he hurriedly turned off the searchlight on his head, carefully hid aside, and observed everything in front of him!

I saw that on the reef in the shallow sea ahead, there were no less than dozens of so-called ghost shadows lying on their stomachs, and there were even many ghost shadows soaking in the sea water, only their heads were exposed on the water, which looked extremely strange!

It is worth mentioning that, on the island before, because there was no light and the sky was covered with dark clouds, it was impossible to see the specific appearance of the ghost. When the flashlight was on the ghost, it ran away, and the outline of the ghost could not be seen clearly!!

But now it is different, there is moonlight shining, so the worker can clearly see the specific outline of the ghost!

When Jiang Chen saw the outline of the ghost figure clearly, Jiang Chen's scalp couldn't help but go numb, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps!

The audience in the live broadcast room also followed Jiang Chen's perspective to peek. Because of the moonlight, the audience can roughly see clearly!

And when the audience saw it clearly, all the audience reacted like Jiang Chen, their scalps burst instantly, goosebumps appeared all over their bodies, and the shock in their eyes was unbearable.


They couldn't believe what they saw!

Because, this completely clarified their cognition!

I saw that the outline of the upper body of those so-called ghosts was indeed exactly the same as that of a human being, and it was undoubtedly a human being at a glance!

However, their lower bodies are not legs, but fish tails!

I saw that they were lying on the reef, barely supporting their bodies, and the fish tails behind them were constantly beating the reef and sea water, splashing waves one after another!

What a shocking scene!

Is this the legendary mermaid?

For a while, the live broadcast room was the first to boil!

【Fuck! It's a mermaid!】

【Anchor! We found a mermaid!】

【In this world, there really are mermaids!】

【This is a big discovery!】

[Throughout the ages, there are countless mermaid legends, but no one can really discover the mermaid, the anchor did it! 】

【Anchor Niubi!】

【I didn’t expect that in my lifetime, I could witness the existence of a mermaid with my own eyes. It’s incredible!】

Of course, in addition to the excitement of the general audience, various scientists and biologists in the live broadcast room were also excited!

Originally, most of Jiang Chen's expeditions were attracted by audiences of novelty hunters and supernatural lovers.

Biologists and scientists are the most calm group of people!

But with Jiang Chen's exploration and discovery, and after finding the legendary mermaid!

The world's biological circles, as well as scientists in the oceanographic circle, can no longer be calm, they are more excited than anyone else, more crazy and excited than anyone else!

ps: Add more updates today, ask for support, ask for monthly tickets, ask for customization! Author Jun, thank you all!.

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