Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 225: Land Of Exile! 【Fill The Missing Chapter】

Hearing this, not only Debbie, Archer, and John, but even the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as experts and scholars from all walks of life, their eyes lit up, looking forward to Jiang Chen's explanation!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: "From the beginning, I was curious why these sea monsters suddenly gathered around the crying island, but they never appeared in other sea areas, so I wondered if this sea area is actually a place of exile. land!"


Debi, Archer and John, as well as the audience and experts in the live broadcast room, were all aroused by Jiang Chen's words, and urged Jiang Chen to continue talking!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and continued: "The reason why I suspected that this area was the exile of the sea monsters was based on two considerations at the beginning. The first is the palaces and stone pillars on the seabed. It is obviously a building that can only be built by creatures with higher intelligence. Although the sea monsters have wisdom, it is impossible to build such a magnificent palace building!"

"Furthermore, the sea monsters use the palace as their lair, living in the palace for generations!"

"So I suspect that the palace is actually a place of exile. Someone else built the palace. The sea monsters were all exiled to this area to survive. Since the Weeping Island happened to be within the range, the sea monsters were It will suddenly appear within the scope of the crying island, and board the crying island, turning the originally beautiful crying island into a purgatory!"

"This guess explains why the Krakens suddenly appeared within the range of Weeping Island!"

"Of course, it also explains why the Krakens don't appear in other sea areas, they dare not leave their exile!"

Hearing this, everyone thought it made sense, the sea monster was suddenly exiled to the waters of the Crying Island, that's why the town on the Crying Island became so miserable, and the people didn't take any precautions at all!

However, at this moment, Debi raised her hand and said: "I still have two questions. If the sea monsters were exiled in this sea area, then who exiled them? The palace was not built by the sea monsters." , and who built it?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and explained: "Your two questions are actually one question!"

"You mean, the existence of banishing the siren is the same person as the existence of building the palace and stone pillars?" Debi asked curiously.

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "You can understand it that way, this involves other mermaid species!"

"I have calculated that the palaces and stone pillars on the seabed have been built for at least a thousand years, and it is absolutely impossible to start building from land. There is no such thing as these buildings that were originally on the ground and then sank into the seabed. Therefore, these Buildings are all built in the sea. Thousands of years ago, who had the ability to build such a huge palace and stone pillars in the deep sea? Anyway, human beings do not have such power!"

"Since humans don't have such power, then we can finalize a few foundations!"

"First, the existence of building palaces and stone pillars must have civilization and a certain level of development. It is not necessarily more advanced than human beings, but it will not be too far behind. Otherwise, such a magnificent palace cannot be built, and it may be similar to that of human beings. The development is almost the same!

"Second, the existence of building palaces and stone pillars must have a certain amount of wisdom, and the wisdom must be at least comparable to that of humans!"

"Third, the existence of building palaces and stone pillars must be able to survive in the water and have hands, otherwise it will be impossible to complete the work of cutting and moving stones!"

"Combining the above three points, what do you think of?"

Jiang Chen asked with a smile.


John, Debi, and Achill listened intently. After Jiang Chen asked a question, the three of them answered with one voice.

The audience in the live broadcast room also thought of this answer!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: "That's right, the existence of the palace and the stone pillars must be mermaids, and they are different from sea monsters, they have civilization and have a certain amount of wisdom."

"In this way, we can continue to speculate that there are other species of mermaids, and the existence of this kind of mermaids is much higher than that of sea monsters!"

"Then, when I entered the palace, I found some patterns on the stone gate of the palace!"

"In these patterns, there are sea monsters, but the sea monsters are very orderly, standing in a row, like sentinels!"

"Immediately afterwards, I found an altar inside the palace. There was a statue of a mermaid in the middle of the altar, but the statue was damaged, and it was filled with human bones!"

"In addition, in the main hall of the palace, I also found an extremely huge mermaid statue, which also has traces of destruction!"

"It is worth mentioning that these mermaid statues are completely different from the sea monsters, and more like mermaids and sharks in our impression!"

"Until here, I have basically confirmed that the palace and the stone pillar array were created by mermaids. Among the mermaid species, sea monsters can only be regarded as low-level races. They were exiled by mermaids!"

"So, when I got here, I combined a series of clues I found before and came up with a bold idea!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen felt his mouth was a little dry!

Debi hurriedly opened a bottle of purified water and brought it to Jiang Chen!

Achill and John, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, all looked at Jiang Chen eagerly [expecting him to continue talking.

Jiang Chen didn't give a damn, took a sip of the water, and continued: "I guess, the mermaid built the underwater palace at the beginning, it was for their own living, so they built many statues and palaces, etc., but in the end, because of some The reason required migration, so the palaces and so on under the sea were abandoned!"

"The sea monster, as we said before, is not as intelligent as the mermaid. It must be ruled by the mermaid. It belongs to a group of relatively low-level species in the mermaid category. From the picture on the stone gate, we can see that the sea monster depicted is relatively regular. It looks like a sentinel, so I guess the siren was originally a type that served mermaids, and was responsible for guarding the gate!"

"This also explains why the Kraken is so aggressive!"

"However, for some reason, the siren family offended the mermaid family who ruled them, so they were expelled by the mermaid family to around the abandoned palace. Survive, or be completely wiped out!"

"This also explains why the 993 sea monsters destroy the mermaid statues and bury them with bone statues, because the sea monsters hate mermaids, and the bones represent death. They hope that the mermaid family that rules them will perish!"

"The relationship between the siren and the mermaid is a slave relationship, a relationship between the ruler and the ruled!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, whether it was Debbie, Archer or John, as well as the audience and experts in the live broadcast room, they were all shocked by Jiang Chen's conjecture!

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be able to guess so many things based on these various evidences, completely like a reenactment of the scene!

Although what Jiang Chen said before, all are his personal conjectures!

However, these conjectures can perfectly explain some phenomena of the underwater palace, such as the destroyed mermaid statue, the portrait on the door, etc.!

It sounds, totally reasonable, everything can be explained!

However, these are not enough, and there is still a lack of more intuitive discoveries and evidence that can make a final decision!

And just when everyone thought of this, Jiang Chen smiled and said: "These are all my previous conjectures, until I find the same conclusive evidence, and after verification, I can be sure, my guess, absolutely Correct, the underwater palace is a place of exile, so that the sea monsters will not be allowed to leave for generations to accept punishment!"

ps: I don’t know this chapter, why I missed it, I just found out when I checked it, it should be the first update yesterday, but the update was not successful, the author thought the update was successful, I hope everyone will forgive me, and now add it! sorry!.

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