Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 246: Thriller Amusement Park! [2 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

The amusement park is empty and extremely desolate, the ground is full of withered yellow leaves and thick dust.

creak creak one

The abandoned amusement facilities, blowing by the breeze, made harsh and unpleasant sounds.

The entertainment equipment, which was exposed to the open air and not maintained by anyone, was all rusted and faded.

Not a single figure, not a bit of life!

Entering it, it seems to have entered another world, and the emotions are involuntarily lost, as if I have been abandoned by the whole world!

Indeed, this is a place abandoned by the whole world!

In the silence, full of scruples and terror, it is difficult to describe in words!

Like the end of the day, everything ceased to exist!

Alice, Mu Si, Sophia, and Katyusha couldn't help shivering, feeling a little scared in their hearts, and trying to get closer to Jiang Chen.

Here, like scenes in horror movies and thrillers, people can't help but think of various ghosts and loss.

If you are talking about shooting horror movies, this is definitely an excellent venue!

Because, here is a ghost town in the true sense!

The audience in the live broadcast room were also amazed, and their hairs stood on end!

【Ghost town! This is a real ghost town!】

【Just looking through the screen, I feel the horror, my whole body is covered with goosebumps!】

【This amusement park looks really weird!】

[This place, even if there is no nuclear radiation, I will not go to this place if I am killed! 】

【This is a scene that can only appear in horror movies!】

The weirdness here, just abandon it.

The key is that this is a playground, and the abandoned playground would have made people have many scary associations.

At the same time, all kinds of toys, dolls, etc. here have been in disrepair for a long time, and no one maintains them, so under the rain, wind and sun, they become extremely hideous!

For example, the bumper cars in the bumper car park, the original image is a smiling cute cartoon character.

However, under the wind and sun, the bumper car has rusted and become dilapidated, and the cartoon character pattern on the surface has also changed.

It seems that the originally smiling and cute cartoon characters have turned into hideous and weird clowns, staring at you and laughing at you.

Another example is the cute frog-shaped trash can. The eyeballs in the eye pattern have faded and disappeared, and the mouth has become rusty and sharp. It looks like a monster!

What's even more frightening is the decoration of some dolls. The paint on their faces sinks, as if they are smiling and crying, which makes people's scalp burst and scares them a lot!

These weird dolls and patterns made the already gloomy and desolate amusement park look even more terrifying.

It seems that these cartoon characters and puppets have mutated along with them!

From time to time, Jiang Chen and others walked to a merry-go-round ride.

This facility, thanks to the canopy, can simply cover the rain and the sun.

Therefore, this facility seems to be well preserved.

I have to say that the amusement facilities at that time were already very exquisite!

There is actually a small carousel model on the vertical pole of the fixed wooden horse, which looks very chic.

"Ding dong~"~"

And at this moment, a crisp ringtone suddenly appeared in the dead and quiet playground without warning!


The four girls were already extremely panicked, like a frightened bird.

The sudden appearance of the bell instantly touched their tense nerves, and they all screamed in fright, rushing to Jiang Chen's side!

And the ringing didn't go away!

The next moment, the voice that made everyone's scalps explode, as well as the live broadcast room and the audience in front of the TV, sounded!

"Kids~ sit down~"

"One child ~ two children ~ three children ~ four children ~ sit in a row ~"

"Five kids~six kids~seven kids~eight kids~singing songs~"

"Have you hidden it? Have you hidden it? We're coming to find you~"

"Is it hidden? Is it hidden? Don't be found~"

For a moment, a clear nursery rhyme reverberated in the air!

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their scalps were numb from fright!

The four beauties at the scene turned pale with fright, hugged Jiang Chen's tender body tightly and trembled!

The audience in the live broadcast room also gasped.

【Fuck! What happened!】

【Nursery rhymes! How come there are nursery rhymes all of a sudden!】

【My goosebumps are getting up, it's too scary!】

【At this time, a fierce girl silently retracted her feet back into the bed!】

【Anchor, you are not human, why is there a scary link? Scared me to death!】

【Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night!】

【Damn, at this moment a hunk wants to go to the toilet, but he dare not go, what should I do?】

In fact, it is not to blame for the exaggerated reaction of the audience, nor for the screaming of the four people.

After all, in a deserted and dead park, weird nursery rhymes suddenly sounded, and anyone would be scared to death.

Even, just for a moment, even Jiang Chen was shocked inside!

One can imagine how terrifying it was!

However, Jiang Chen felt helpless.

Now there are four people hugging him tightly and not moving at all, it's not enough for me to have only one person!

So, Jiang Chen smiled helplessly and said, "Isn't it just a nursery rhyme? Let's go over and see what is ringing."

As soon as these words came out, the delicate bodies of the four girls trembled even more, their complexions became paler, their beautiful eyes were full of horror, and they kept shaking their heads.

Apparently, they were startled by Jiang Chen's proposal, they couldn't hide in time, Jiang Chen actually suggested to go up to check!

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room were once again shocked by Jiang Chen's boldness!

[The anchor is worthy of being an anchor, a real cow! 】

【In this case, if it were me, I would run as fast as I can!】

【However, anchor, I beg you not to go over there, okay? We are still watching the live broadcast from your perspective!】

【Yes, the upstairs is right, if the anchor goes to check it, shouldn't we also watch it together?】

【Damn it! It's horrible! Anchor, please be human! We really don't want to go there!】

【Too scary, barrage body protection!】

[Demons and ghosts leave quickly, ghosts and ghosts leave quickly!]

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and after finally comforting the four girls, he led them to search for the source of the sound.

The source of the sound looks like it's coming from a merry-go-round.

After Jiang Chen walked around the merry-go-round, a bright light finally flashed in his eyes, he accurately judged the source of the sound, and came to a horse!

This wooden horse is not unusual, what is unusual is the carousel model on the vertical pole on the fixed wooden horse!

Children's songs are sent out from the model!

But (good) I can see that the merry-go-round on the model, for some reason, is actually turning, as if it has been activated!

Jiang Chen took a flashlight, studied it carefully, and finally found a clockwork under the carousel model.

At this moment, the mystery was revealed. Jiang Chen explained with a smile: "The internal structure of this carousel model should be similar to the mechanical design of a music box. Just turn the clockwork to start the model and make music. I think it was when designing the carousel. It's just a toy for the kids!"

But who knows, after Jiang Chen finished explaining, the faces of the four girls were even paler, and even more out of their wits!

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Katyusha plucked up her courage and said tremblingly: "Then... who turned the clockwork?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a light "click", the mainspring stopped turning, and the music stopped one after another.

Air, back to deathly silence!

The terrifying atmosphere suddenly enveloped the amusement park.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for customization, ask for support! 【Attach a picture of somewhere in the amusement park!】.

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