Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 248: Monster Kingdom! [4 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

This unknown creature, except that its body is covered with brown spikes and has a large amount of furry tail.

It can be clearly seen that its innermost front teeth are very slender and sharp, like two fangs, exuding a cold light, which makes people terrified!

If bitten by it, I am afraid that it can directly wear the palm of the person!

This kind of creature, whether it is Jiang Chen and others, or ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room, as well as experts and scholars, is the first ~ first time to see it!

Judging from the spikes all over the body, it looks like a hedgehog, but it's not a hedgehog!

From the point of view of body shape and spikes, it looks like a porcupine, but it looks very different from a porcupine!

This is completely a four-dimensional image!

And when everyone was guessing, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and guessed: "Do you think it is a squirrel?"

"Squirrel? How could there be such a huge squirrel?" Mousse shouted.

"Yeah, this guy looks so hideous, and the squirrel is so cute, how could it be a squirrel?" Alice also kept shaking her head in denial.

"No matter how I look at it, I don't think it looks like a squirrel!" Sophia also said.

"Jiang, do you have any ideas?" Katyusha asked.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: "I do have some ideas, don't forget, this is Pripyat, which is full of nuclear radiation and mutations, we have seen many mutant creatures before, why is this unknown creature not Maybe it looks like a mutated squirrel?"

Hearing this, everyone thought it made sense.

However, Alice questioned: "Then why do you think it's a squirrel, not other animals?"

"It's very simple!" Jiang Chen smiled slightly and explained: "Look at its furry tail, which is obviously evidence of incomplete mutation, almost exactly the same as a squirrel's tail

It's just a few more sticks!"

"Look at its appearance again. After shrinking it down, it looks exactly like a squirrel!"

"Combining the above two points, its front teeth are also evidence. Besides rats, what animals can you think of? Rabbits? But the difference between rabbits and it is even greater, so I conclude that it should be A squirrel, what it looks like after mutation!"

"Its body shape has mutated, its tail has mutated, its teeth and body hair have mutated, but it still retains some of its own characteristics. We can see this from the previous mutated creatures. After all animals mutate, they will still retain their original genetic characteristics!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized!

According to what Jiang Chen said, this unknown creature may indeed be the product of a mutated squirrel!

However, such a big change is still a bit unacceptable!

Who would have thought that the originally cute squirrel would turn into such a vicious squirrel after mutation!

Jiang Chen continued to explain: "Gene variation has no fixed rules, so it is difficult for you to say what they will look like after mutation, and it is also difficult to find exactly the same mutant species."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding.

The experts in the live broadcast room also began to discover.

【Jiang Chen's analysis is not wrong, this monster really looks like a mutated product of a squirrel!】

【However, which kind of squirrel is the product of the mutation is still to be investigated!】

[Moreover, the gene mutation explained by the anchor is random and very professional. We cannot predict where the creature will mutate and to what extent!]

All of a sudden, under Jiang Chen's explanation, everything finally came to light!

"Huh, butterfly?"

At this time, Katyusha suddenly exclaimed, left the carousel facility, and ran towards the flower bed of the amusement park!

Everyone looked at Katyusha one after another, and followed her!

I saw that the flower beds were already full of weeds, but there were also all kinds of wild flowers growing in strange shapes!

The shapes of these wild flowers are different, and they look extremely weird. Some even have a branch full of flowers, with only a leaf on the top, as if it is completely reversed from the normal world. The flowers become branches and leaves, and the branches and leaves turned into flowers!

This caught the attention of the botanists in the live broadcast room, and they were all amazed. It was the first time they saw this kind of plant in various poses and different forms, and they were quite shocked!

If it weren't for Jiang Chen, it might be hard for human beings to imagine that there are such unreasonable plants growing on the earth.

And the most eye-catching thing is the butterfly flying freely among the flowers!

These butterflies are so colorful and different in size, they don't look like one species at all!

And the most eye-catching thing is actually the appearance of the butterflies!

The wings of these butterflies are completely different from normal butterflies. Some butterflies look like they have four wings. The wings are sealed from the middle, and there are two front and back. Due to the precise fit, the flapping range is also the same. , so it can fly, but it is also strange!

………ask for flowers…

But some butterflies have perfectly round wings!

Some butterflies also have four wings, but they are different from the previous four-winged butterflies. Their wings have two upper and lower wings, as if they have grown two extra wings. When flying, the four wings wave together, which is extremely dream!

As for the scary ones, some butterflies look like they have only half of their bodies flying in the air, as if the other half of their bodies has been cut off in half, but they are still alive!

In addition, there are also dragonflies, which are very common in flowers, but they have different colors and shapes!

Double-headed dragonflies, three-headed dragonflies, everything you need, only what people can't think of, there is nothing you can't see here!

Even, the insect itself is clearly a ladybug, but it has moth-like wings!

When people saw it, they were really dumbfounded!


Entomologists, go crazy!

At the same time, the whole world is going crazy at this moment!

After all, since Pripyat became a death zone, no one has ever entered it. Even if someone entered, they would not observe it so carefully and show everything to the public!

Jiang Chen, the first one!

As a result, Jiang Chen seems to have opened the door to a new world for people all over the world!

No one thought that there are so many novel creatures in the world? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it if they told it.

Here, it is like a brand new world, a kingdom of monsters, all creatures are monsters that only exist in imagination!

Even the ants look strange, some ants look like centipedes, and there are more than a dozen of them connected together, which makes people feel incredible and amazed!

At this moment, people can't help but think of the question Jiang Chen raised before, maybe the legendary creatures really existed!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

And at this moment, for some unknown reason, the entire amusement park seemed to wake up suddenly!

Countless steel collisions, as well as the sound of footsteps, resounded throughout the abandoned amusement park!

The sound is dense and dense, all over the world!

Jiang Chen immediately looked around!

I saw that the cabin on the Ferris wheel began to shake, the slide began to tremble, and the decayed floor began to vibrate...

It seems that the arrival of Jiang Chen and others has alarmed some terrifying existence!

ps: 4 updates, there is another chapter to be updated next, please customize, ask for a monthly ticket, please support! The author thanks the factory!.

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