Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 261: Continue To Write The Myth! [3 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

However, these are secondary and not the problems that must be solved at present!

Now, there is only one question before Jiang Chen and others, how to run?

This hellhound doesn't look like a stunning beast to deal with!

And, don't look at it standing here now, the fierce light in its eyes and the low growl in its mouth are warning Jiang Chen and others all the time, it may launch an attack at any time!

This point is probably a bit similar to most dogs. When you stand still, it may not attack you directly!

However, for some mad dogs, even if you stand still, they will suddenly attack after losing patience!

Moreover, even ordinary wild dogs are not very afraid of people and will attack humans, let alone mutated hell dogs!

Jiang Chen glanced at Katyusha and the others diagonally behind him, and then a decisive look appeared in his eyes!

He was the first to move.

However, he did not choose to run away, but instead chose to walk towards the hellhound!

This scene scared Katyusha and others, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV!

【What is the host going to do now? Instead of running, he walked towards the Cerberus?】

【This... This is a completely provocative behavior. Even ordinary wild dogs will only become more angry when they encounter this situation, let alone a mutated hellhound with a violent temper!】

【Is the anchor dying?】

【Crazy! The anchor must be crazy!】

Sure enough, the attention of the five huge heads of Cerberus was all welcomed by Jiang Chen!

Peerless scarlet eyes locked onto Jiang Chen!

As if watching from hell, it made people tremble involuntarily.

The hearts of the audience also reached their throats!

Jiang Chen's pace did not stop, he stared at the hellhound standing half a body taller than himself, forced himself to calm down, and said softly: Katyusha, I have attracted his attention "You guys go" 々!"

Katyusha hesitated for a moment, but then she thought that she would become a burden to Jiang Chen instead.

Ever since, Katyusha and the other four finally walked downstairs decisively.

At this moment, everyone finally knew the purpose of Jiang Chen's coming out, to attract Cerberus, and let Katyusha and others retreat first!

A hero to save the beauty!

However, what everyone cares about is, how will Jiang Chen live?

After Katyusha and the others leave, Cerberus will definitely not let Jiang Chen go!

At this moment, looking at Katyusha and the others leaving, one of the heads of the Cerberus growled and began to bite in the direction of Katyusha and the others leaving.

The rest of the heads seemed to be attracted as well, looking down the corridor!

Obviously, Cerberus was attracted by Katyusha and others in the end, and wanted to start a chase.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Chen's next move shocked all the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as the staff of the program group!

I saw that Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and then a look of determination flashed across his eyes. In order to hold the hell dog back, he rushed towards the hell dog, jumped up, drew a sharp arrow, and stabbed the hell dog viciously. in the body!


A painful and angry roar rose into the sky!

Jiang Chen's arrow can be said to have fully drawn the hatred value, and all the attention of the Cerberus was focused on Jiang Chen.

But the effect of this arrow is extremely tasteless, to the Cerberus, it is like scratching an itch!

It may be due to genetic changes. Cerberus dogs are different from other dogs. The skin on their bodies is extremely thick, and there are few pain-sensing nerves. It is a bit similar to pit bulls and does not feel much pain.

Attacking will only make them more and more angry and agitated!

However, don't underestimate Jiang Chen, he has already prepared in advance, the sharp arrow piercing into the Cerberus' body is not an ordinary sharp arrow, but a blasting sharp arrow!

Beep beep——

At this time, the countdown on the arrow has been triggered!

Jiang Chen retreated quickly!

next moment!


There was a loud noise, soaring into the sky!

The flames illuminate the third floor of the hospital!

The huge body of the Cerberus was loaded onto the wall by the huge explosive force, and even directly knocked out a big hole in the wall of the hospital corridor, and lay down in it!

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and he said, "So what about Cerberus? What should be fried must be fried!"

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as the staff of the program group, were completely stunned!

Jiang Chen's performance exceeded everyone's expectations!

No one thought that when facing the Cerberus, instead of running away, Jiang Chen chose to fight back!

In fact, everything was within Jiang Chen's plan, he had thought of it a long time ago, a perfect escape plan!

This plan is to attract the attention of the Cerberus first by himself, so that Katyusha and others will leave.

At this time, the departure of Katyusha and others will definitely attract the attention of Cerberus, and thus ignore Jiang Chen himself!

At this time, Jiang Chen took advantage of the distraction of the Cerberus and gave the Cerberus a fatal blow!

In this way, the Cerberus can be wiped out, and Katyusha and others, including Jiang Chen himself, can leave intact!

Therefore, Jiang Chen's previous series of actions seemed very dangerous and had no connection at all!

In fact, everything has been designed by Jiang Chen!

And the plot is also developing according to the direction set by Jiang Chen!

It wasn't until after everything was over that the audience in the live broadcast room and the staff of the program group realized that they were amazed at Jiang Chen's plan!

And now it seems that Jiang Chen's plan is very effective. He was attracted by the attention of the hellhound and directly killed Hellsky in seconds!

[Fuck! The anchor cowhide!]

【It turned out that everything was in the host's plan, I admire it!】

[The anchor can plan such a perfect plan in his mind in such a short period of time, is he invincible!]

【Now that the Cerberus is finally solved, the adventure can continue again. It's really thrilling. I almost even explain everything to the anchor here (yes)!】

[The point is, the anchor is now continuing to write the myth, isn’t it? Legend has it that the son of the sun god and other gods can defeat the hell dog. Now it’s not the case. The anchor Jiang Chen has also defeated the hell dog, and it’s still under the witness of thousands of people Pay it back!】

[Fuck! The myth has been continued by the anchor? The anchor, you have completed the task that can only be done by a god! 】

【What else can I say? It's over with Niubi! Li】

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited.

Jiang Chen doesn't feel anything, isn't he just a bigger dog? Solving it with hot weapons is not difficult!

However, just when Jiang Chen was about to leave, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Looking at the corridor in front of him that had turned into ruins, his complexion gradually became ugly.

The audience in the live broadcast room also twitched the corners of their mouths, and their eyes showed a lot of panic and despair!

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