Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 269: Cancer Cells On Earth! [3 Updates, Please Order In Full! 】

"You need to know that all species living on the earth are products catalyzed in the natural environment, and none of them can violate the laws of nature!"

"The law of nature is an iron law for the birth of all living things on earth!"

"The existence of every species must abide by the laws of nature, and it must exist only when the earth is necessary!"

"But human beings are different. The existence of human beings is completely unnecessary for the earth and the natural world, and it is a completely redundant part!"

"Even, to put it boldly, human beings are very unsuitable to exist on the earth, and the earth should never reproduce a species like human beings!"

"Therefore, human beings have violated the laws of nature, and they are the only animals on the entire earth that violate the laws of nature!"

"This doubt has always plagued the scientific community. Scientists have been trying to find the answer, but they have been "two, two, three" and can't find it!"

"Here, there is the theory of alien life, and the theory of creation!"

"For example, the alien life wheel believes that human beings are actually alien species, so they are completely inconsistent with the natural laws of the earth, because human beings are not life on earth!

"Creationism believes that the earth is a creature created by God, so nature is also free from natural law!"

"This view that violates the laws of nature is also a pillar supporting the theory of extraterrestrial gods and creationism!"

"And from my previous discoveries, it can be confirmed that human beings may really come from aliens, or be a kind of creature created, such as five different human beings, Atlanteans and so on! "

"However, there is no substantive evidence for either the creation theory or the alien life wheel. Maybe we will have a conclusion after the real excavation of Atlantis in the future, but it is still a mystery!"

"However, what we can be sure of now is that human beings are really not suitable for the earth!"

Conversely, if you regard the earth as the human body, the earth also has its own extreme immunity and adaptation. It can be immune to everything autonomously, and it can also adapt to everything autonomously. For example, nuclear radiation, it can adapt well. Lipyat is an example, where plants and animals continue to grow despite nuclear radiation!"

"In fact, human beings are like cancerous tumors on the earth, like cancer cells on the earth, constantly spreading and destroying the natural environment of the earth!"

"And all kinds of natural disasters, as well as plagues, can actually be regarded as a kind of self-healing of the earth, used to destroy us cancer cells!"

"Perhaps, the same is true for the last batch of human beings in Atlantis. The constant wars and energy mining have continuously consumed the earth, and they have become cancer cells on the earth. In the end, the great flood launched by the earth is a complete self-healing process. In order to eliminate all cancer cells, in order to achieve the purpose of self-healing!"

"So, if we infer this way, we can imagine what the consequences we will face in the future? When will the earth clean us up along with us?"

It was said that whether it was Katyusha and the others, or the audience in the live broadcast room, they were all shocked by Jiang Chen's remarks!

No one expected that Jiang Chen's remarks would be so bold, directly describing human beings as cancer cells on the earth!

However, Jiang Chen is not talking nonsense. What he said is well-founded. After thinking about it, you will find that it is very similar to what Jiang Chen said. Human beings are really like cancer cells on the earth.

Constantly consuming the earth!

As various experts and scientists wish, the earth will be consumed sooner or later, and there will be more and more natural disasters!

At that time, human beings will destroy themselves!

This is also the same reason, but Jiang Chen's description is more appropriate and more vivid, so that everyone can understand it!

At the same time, people are more able to feel the harm brought by it, and feel shocked!

"What should we do?" Katyusha asked cutely.

Everyone also fixed their eyes on Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and continued:

"It's actually very simple. I personally think that we should change, not really turn into cancer cells. Cancer cells can only bring about destruction. I think we should turn into parasitic viruses!"

"Everyone knows that there are many viruses in the world, and people can also be infected with viruses. A smart virus will have a characteristic, that is, after infecting the host, the host will simply have a runny nose, or even no response at all, and slowly let the host The host adapts to itself, so as to achieve the ten powers of symbiosis with the host!"

"You need to know that this kind of virus must rely on the host to live, so they are very smart and will not make the host have a greater feeling, and will not even make the host feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, some will enhance the host's immunity, so that The host adapts to itself, because only in this way can the virus survive, otherwise if the host is killed, the virus will also perish, thus forming a symbiotic form!"

"Isn't this relationship like the relationship between us and the earth? We hurt the earth, but we can't do without the earth, so we can only maintain the earth and achieve a symbiosis with the earth in order to avoid being cleaned up. Or the fate of being destroyed along with the earth!"

"So, if the earth is regarded as a host, we will become a virus that lives and dies with the host!"

"In this way, the earth can accept us and coexist with it, otherwise we will only be destroyed!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Jiang Chen's analogy really shocked everyone!

However, after everyone thinks about it, it seems that Jiang Chen's analogy seems to be very reasonable!

I can't find any refutation points at all, and it's completely fluent if I follow Jiang Chen's train of thought!

This is a bit like a parasite, which cannot be separated from the host, and after leaving the host, it will perish!

And what humans are doing now to find planets similar to the earth in outer space, and to complete interstellar migration, is a bit like a parasite looking for the next host!

In this way, Jiang Chen's words are extremely vivid, and everyone can understand them and understand the meaning they want to express! 0.0 At the same time, everyone is also fully aware of the harm this will bring to mankind !

All of a sudden, hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast were moved by Jiang Chen's words!

Even countless environmentalists, as well as scientists, have come out to support Jiang Chen's statement, calling for the protection of the earth!

Otherwise, mankind will usher in only the end!

And you want to know what the end will look like? It's what Pripyat is like now, the town is completely destroyed, the humans are gone, but the plants and animals will still grow and maybe multiply more than before. sharp!

It can be seen that human beings can't change anything at all. For the earth, human beings are too small, and all they can do is to seek the principle of symbiosis with the earth!

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