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Chapter 276: The Situation Is Not Optimistic! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

After Jiang Chen and others did a simple cleanup, they entered the safe house and found that someone had already arrived in the safe house ahead of time, and they were four men!

These four people looked pale, as if they had just received quite a shock!

They are none other than the four teammates of Debbie's team!

This shows that Debi's team has arrived at the safe house one step ahead of Jiang Chen and the others.

However, after the four of them arrived at the safe house, they didn't relax at all. Instead, they looked even more anxious, walking back and forth in the safe house!

After Jiang Chen looked around the safe house, he didn't find Debi's figure. He was a little puzzled, thinking that Debi's team arrived at the safe house first, but where did the Daimu people go?

Moreover, looking at the safe house, the teammates led by Debi all looked flustered. Even in the safe house, they couldn't calm down. Could it be that something happened?

Jiang Chen, who was extremely observant, sensed a trace of a different aura, so he asked, "Where's Debi?"

Hearing this, the four men in Debi's team shuddered one after another, their eyes were full of fear, and they immediately exclaimed.

"It's a monster! There's a monster!"

"We met a lot of monsters in the forest! It was scary!"

"Debbie got separated from... us!"

"No, Debbie attracted the monster to protect us, let's go back to the safe house first!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that something really happened!

Not enough, Jiang Chen didn't panic at all, but instead asked: "How long have you been apart?"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen opened up a map that he was carrying with him, and asked, "Where did you separate? Where did she run towards? Tell me!"

The four men looked at each other and began to study the map.

Through the location of the safe house, they roughly pointed out where they were when they separated from Debi!

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. There was a dense forest, and there were many mutant creatures living in it. It was very close to Pripyat. There were indeed many monsters, and it was very dangerous!

"We separated in the early hours of yesterday 々]].

Said one of the male players.

Jiang Chen nodded, and then contacted the program group through the walkie-talkie.

He knew that the program team installed a tracking system and cameras on both himself and Debi, so that he could easily know Debi's current situation and her location.

"Director, how is Debi? Tell me her exact location!" Jiang Chen said.

The director of the program group immediately said: "Debi's situation is not very good, she is being chased by some mysterious creature, and she seems to have no supplies on her body. "We will send her location to your mobile phone through the calendar!"


Jiang Chen agreed, and soon received a confirmation from the director.

Debi's location is still thirty to forty kilometers away from the safe house where Jiang Chen and the others are!

And this distance is considered a straight-line distance, not a difficult and steep path, and you have to avoid monsters!

If you rely on walking, it will take at least one day to get there!

Jiang Chen knows that Debi's situation is not optimistic, and he must arrive as quickly as possible!

So, with a thought in mind, Jiang Chen contacted the director of the program group through the walkie-talkie, and said decisively: "Prepare me an off-road vehicle, weapons and supplies!"

"Jiang, what are you going to do?" the director asked.

"Can't you see? I'm going to bring Debbie back." Jiang Chen said.

"But, if you are alone, can you do it?" the director questioned.

"What do you think? When will your rescue team arrive?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"It will take another day." The director replied.

"There's not enough time. Prepare something for me within half an hour, and I'm going." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Okay, be careful!" the director instructed, and then went to make arrangements.

At this time, Katyusha and the others realized that Jiang Chen had already come out, but he did not expect to return to this death zone, to the Devil Forest.

"Jiang, be careful!"

Katyusha said with a worried face: "If there is danger, please ensure your own safety!"

Mousse and the others also said with concern.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and he said, "Don't worry, even the Cerberus can't do anything to me, what other monsters are my opponents?"

Hearing this, Katyusha and the others looked at each other and smiled, thinking about it, the Cerberus was killed by Jiang Chen, so what else could stop Jiang Chen's footsteps? No!

Half an hour is gone in a flash!


After a while, there was a rush of horns sounding outside the safe house, the car has arrived!

When Jiang Chen walked out of the safe house, a program staff member in protective clothing came over, handed the car keys to Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang, please come back very safely and bring Debbie with you. More than anything!"

"Thank you! Don't worry, we will come back safe and sound." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, took the car keys, and came to the off-road vehicle!

This off-road vehicle is an old military green jeep. It should be the last off-road vehicle that the program group can find nearby. It looks very nostalgic, as if returning to the war period decades ago!

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from the above painting that it should be a retired military jeep!

However, even though the Jeep is very old and retired, its off-road performance has been recognized in the trenches!

The Jeep brand became popular because it produced superior off-road vehicles during the war, and later became a representative of hard-core off-road vehicles!

At this time, Jiang Chen checked the weapons and supplies stored in the back row, nodded in satisfaction, then closed the door with a "bang" and sat in the driver's seat!

The location of the cab is also extremely simple, Jiang Chen is used to driving luxury cars!

In today's luxury cars, apart from supercars for the pursuit of performance, which one is not a variety of radar functions, various electronic gear levers, various large screens and fancy atmosphere lights!

And this car has completely restored the essence of the vehicle!

Huge steering wheel, two display instrument panels, no radio in the central control position, and the front (Nuoqian's) seats are not separated. The functions of the co-pilot and the main driver are connected together, like a big sofa Same!

The gear lever is directly connected to the vehicle's chassis with a long pole, similar to some old passenger cars and trucks!

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched. It was his first time driving a car of this style, not to mention that he was a little excited to drive it.

The next moment, Jiang Chen successfully ignited the ignition, put on the gear, released the clutch, stepped on the accelerator, and immediately headed towards the dense forest, screaming and fainting!

He is galloping towards Debi's position at the fastest speed!

Because, at this time, he suddenly discovered another piece of bad news!

That is, the signal of Debi's GPS has been staying in one place without moving.

He contacted the director team and asked the director team to contact Debi, but there was no response!

Obviously something went wrong!

Suddenly, the situation became extremely urgent!

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