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Chapter 280: Stories, Spread Like Legends And Myths! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】


And at this moment, a roar suddenly erupted from the wolf king's mouth!

I saw it baring its teeth, thick crushed milk flowing down from the corner of its mouth, and its eyes fixed on Jiang Chen!

Obviously, he has regarded Jiang Chen as his dinner!

The faces of the audience in the live broadcast room changed instantly, and they realized that something was wrong!

【It's over! The host runs away!】

【It seems that this guy doesn't like the anchor at all!】

【What nonsense you are talking about, Chernobyl is an uninhabited land with a radius of tens of kilometers. No humans have ever entered it. These animals are wild. Their blood is full of ambition. They only know the basics of hunting and predation. In its eyes, the anchor is just a lump of food!]

【Can the anchor outrun this big guy?】

[Who knows? The big guy in the movie can kill even a helicopter. Even if the wolf king in reality is not as terrifying as in the movie, it is not comparable to the speed of ordinary humans, right? Even if the wolf does not mutate, their speed Isn’t it also above humans?]

【It's no wonder, Miss Debi can be chased by it even on a motorcycle!】

【This is not good news for the anchor, let's see how the anchor responds!】

Indeed, as the audience in the live broadcast room said, the wolf king's speed and other advantages were above 26 ordinary humans before the mutation, and even surpassed humans after the mutation. It is easy to kill humans in seconds!

This is indeed not good news for Jiang Chen!

However, even so, Jiang Chen can only face it now!


And at the next moment, the Wolf King suddenly turned into a silver phantom, and attacked Jiang Chen at such a fast speed that it was dizzying, and there was no time to react!

If it was an ordinary person, it would have been swallowed by the wolf king in the instant of the first round!

However, fortunately, Jiang Chen's reaction speed has been improved, it is four or five times faster than ordinary people's tears, and it is comparable to a cat!

Therefore, in Jiang Chen's eyes, the wolf king's attack was obviously much slower!

Looking from outsiders, the wolf king directly turned into a silver phantom!

However, in Jiang Chen's eyes, he could clearly see that the wolf king rushed forward with all four legs, took advantage of the opportunity and opened his bloody mouth full of thick mucus, biting towards him. !

This scene stunned everyone, and they didn't even have time to scream, they could only think in their hearts that it was bad!

With such a fast attack speed, Jiang Chen is sure to die!

However, the next scene, a scene that left everyone dumbfounded, appeared!

I saw that Jiang Chen suddenly squatted down and escaped the wolf king's bite!

The huge wolf head flew past Jiang Chen's head!

Jiang Chen's reaction speed was faster than that of the wolf king, which made everyone amazed!

【Fuck! Am I reading that right?】

[The host's reaction speed is too fast! 】

【This reaction speed actually dodged the wolf king's attack?】

【Anchor Niubi!】


【It is no exaggeration to say that the anchor's reaction ability has completely surpassed that of humans. It is absolutely impossible for humans to react so quickly!】

【Never mind him, life is over!】

【That's right, isn't the anchor's fast reaction ability a good thing? If it wasn't for his fast reaction, he would be dead now!】

[No, this is indeed a good thing, but I think it is too amazing, but it may also have something to do with the anchor's physique. The anchor is a monster with individual abilities. 】

And just after that, an even more eye-popping scene appeared!

I saw that after Jiang Chen squatted down and avoided the wolf king's bite attack, he didn't take this opportunity to escape, but instead showed a familiar smile on the corner of his mouth!

The moment Jiang Chen showed a smile, everyone knew that the matter would not end so easily, and Jiang Chen was about to start messing around again!

Sure enough, the next moment, Jiang Chen threw an uppercut in front of everyone, hitting the Wolf King's jaw hard!

Jiang Chen's strength is already very strong, much more than ordinary people, and he has used the power part of the megalodon gene!

Although the power of the giant tooth shark can only be fully displayed in the water!

However, on land, it can also increase Jiang Chen's strength a lot and play a very important role!


Sure enough, the next moment, the head of the wolf king was violently thrown up, and the whole front half of his body was aching because he couldn't stand firmly, and the two feet behind him supported his whole body, and he staggered back!

After waiting for it to stabilize its body, it kept shaking its head on the spot, and finally let out bursts of mournful screams, and the screams continued!

Obviously, Jiang Chen's punch also caused the wolf king a lot of pain!

This shocked the audience in the live broadcast room again!

【You tell me, am I dreaming?】

【How is this damn possible? The host actually knocked back the wolf king with one punch!】

【Actually, there is nothing impossible, have you guys forgotten? The anchor is the existence that punched and flew over the cave bear!】

【It's too scary. If the anchor goes to fight UFC, no one in UFC will dare to participate!】

【This punch, it is estimated that the tank will be able to work afterward?】

【Invincible! The anchor is already invincible!】

And just when everyone was discussing, Jiang Chen had already started to move. Instead of retreating, he rushed towards the wolf king!

He deeply understands what it means to kill you while you are sick!

So, he exhausted his fastest speed and approached the wolf king!

And the Wolf King was shaking his head crazily because of the pain, too busy to take care of himself, and had no time to pay attention to Jiang Chen!

This just gave Jiang Chen the opportunity to get close to the wolf king. The moment he got close to the wolf king, his feet suddenly exerted force, and the whole person jumped up, grabbing the wolf king's fur like a little flea. In three strokes, he climbed to the wolf king's back and rode directly on the wolf king's neck!

Jiang Chen tightly grasped the wolf king's hair with one hand, and took out an ordinary 423 sharp arrow with the other, with a ruthless look in his eyes, he stabbed down fiercely!


With a crisp sound, the joint pierced directly into the wolf king's head!


The wolf king raised his head and screamed, struggling frantically, trying to throw Jiang Chen off.

However, Jiang Chen grabbed its fur tightly with both hands, like a flea, it hated it, but there was nothing it could do!

The audience in the live broadcast room have been completely dumbfounded!

You have seen people riding horses, people riding bulls, and bullfighting bullfights!

However, this is the first time I have seen a person riding a mutant wolf king and fighting a mutant wolf king!

Jiang Chen, really opened everyone's eyes and left them stunned!

At the same time, Jiang Chen's heroic appearance is fully displayed in front of everyone through Debi's camera!

Shock everyone!

The legend of the warrior fighting the dragon has been circulating in the world!

Thinking about it, thousands of years later, the story of Jiang Chen's brave battle with the Cerberus and the Wolf King will also become a legend and myth, and spread in the world!

On the contrary, it is estimated that no one will believe that one person can really kill a wolf king that is nearly ten meters high!

And Jiang Chen did it!

After the wolf king almost calmed down, Jiang Chen let go of the wolf king's fur, pulled out two ordinary sharp arrows from his backpack with both hands, and held them up high!

"It's over!" A sneer twitched at the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and then he sneered heavily towards the wolf king's eyes!

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