Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 284: What Is Cruelty? This Is Cruelty! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

As soon as this statement came out, everyone, including Debi, was shocked!

Jiang Chen's answer is too simple and rude!

Kill it directly!

These are all mutated creatures, each of them is huge, powerful, ferocious and unpredictable!

Just kill it like this, is it really okay?

If it were someone else, it would be something that I would not even dare to think about. After being surrounded by so many wolf kings, the only thing left is despair. How dare I think about killing it!

However, it can be seen from this how calm Jiang Chen is in the face of a crisis. He is actually able to make a calm choice under the current situation!

Even if Debi, who has already performed very well, were to make a choice, she probably wouldn't be able to do it!

Even now, Debi can't calm down completely, there are too many wolf kings, it's too shocking, her mind is blank, how can she think about so many things!

This is completely different from the "640" situation when facing a wolf king, it is not at the same level at all!

However, after a short period of shock, everyone thought about it again, Jiang Chen's decision is indeed not a problem!

Jiang Chen and Debi are surrounded by dozens of wolf kings, what can they do? Nothing!

And next, the pack of wolf kings will launch an attack, and Jiang Chen and Debi will only die at that time!

Instead of waiting for the wolf kings to attack, Jiang Chen and Debi might as well seize the opportunity and take the lead in attacking the wolf kings and fight their way out. It is estimated that there is still a chance of survival!

Besides, Debbie and Jiang Chen really have no way out!

For a while, the audience in the live broadcast room began to discuss.

[The anchor and Miss Debi are now in a desperate situation, and there is really no other way to go. 】

【That's right, they have only one choice now, which is to kill them out!】

【Only by killing them can we have a chance of survival. We can't let the wolves attack first. If the wolves attack first, the host and Miss Debi will be completely passive!】

【The host and Miss Debi must take the lead, and kill the wolves by surprise!】


And Jiang Chen naturally understood this, so after he gave Debi a wink, he began to back up little by little, moving closer to the jeep!

All the weapons and equipment are placed on the jeep. If you want to kill the wolves, you must get on the jeep!

Moreover, if you want to rush out from the pack of wolves, Jiang Chen and Debi will definitely not be able to run, and you must rely on the jeep to rush out!

In order not to annoy the wolves, Jiang Chen and Debi backed up a little bit, getting closer to the jeep!

The distance between them and the jeep is also constantly shortening.

ten meters

eight meters

five meters

three meters

one meter

At the last meter distance, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "Get in the car!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen had already taken the lead and rushed to the driver's seat!


With a loud noise, Jiang Chen slammed the car door shut.

Debi's reaction was not slow either. She rushed up to the co-pilot in an instant, locked the car door with a "bang", then climbed to the back row, picked up an M4 rifle, and closed the car window. !

The two have tried their best to live too much life and death, and they have long formed a tacit understanding that can be expressed without words. If Jiang Chen often looks at what he wants to do, Debi can understand it!

So, from the moment Jiang Chen shouted "get in the car" to the moment when both of them got on the jeep, it took less than a second, and the movements were very smooth!

Of course, the two of them didn't have any communication after getting in the car, but the division of labor was very clear and clear.

Jiang Chen is responsible for starting the car, and Debi is familiar with firearms, so she goes to the back row to use firearms, ready to slaughter the wolves!

It took Debi and Jiang Chen a total of one second for this series of actions, and even the audience in the live broadcast room didn't react, and were stunned by the tacit understanding between the two!

It seems that the two have undergone professional training for a long time, or that the two can communicate with each other and know what the other is going to do. It's not too amazing!

In fact, this is the tacit understanding that the two have accumulated after they have cooperated for a long time and experienced life and death crises together!

Under such a tacit understanding, even the wolves failed to react.

After the wolves reacted, all the wolves stopped watching. They were attracted by Debi and Jiang Chen, and rushed towards the jeep from all directions, as if they wanted to swallow the jeep directly!

"Fuck! What kind of broken car is this!"

At this time, Debbie's complaints sounded!

I saw that Debbie wanted to put down the car window and launch a counterattack.

But who knows, the style of the jeep is too old, there are no electric windows, only manual windows, so Debi had to hold the handle and turn it, and manually roll down the windows.

However, the more surprising thing is still behind, because the jeep is too old, the handle of the jeep broke before Debi shook the handle twice!

The corner of Debbie's mouth twitched, "The whole person's complexion is ugly!

And at this time, the wolves have already rushed over, and if you delay for a second, there will be more danger!

"This car is very old and everything is broken..." Jiang Chen said.

"Well, in this case, everything is broken, which is good news!" said Debbie.

However, this sentence made the audience in the live broadcast room very confused!

good news?

What kind of good news is this?

And at the next moment, everyone was relieved!

I saw that Debi couldn't roll down the car window, so she directly used the butt of the rifle to slam it towards the car window!

Simple, brutal!


The next moment, the car window was torn apart and completely shattered.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Debi said that the shocking cars were broken, which is good news for now.

Doesn't this mean that the car windows are also broken and can be easily smashed open?

Now it seems that it is indeed the case, the window of the car was easily broken by Debi, revealing the blood of the fighting nation.

However, it really brought a lot of viewers to the live broadcast room!

I saw that Debi ignored the shards of glass, carried the M4 directly on the window, pointed at the wolves rushing in front of the jeep, and pulled the trigger!

bang bang bang

Deafening gunshots soared into the sky!

Many wolf kings howled in pain after being hit by bullets.

The wolf king is not as rough and thick as a hellhound!

However, bullets are not a must kill for the wolf king, unless they are aimed at the head!

However, the wolf king is moving very fast, how difficult it is to aim at the head!

Therefore, even after the wolf king was shot, he only moved a little slower, or paused for a while, and then howled in pain again after 2.5, and rushed up!

However, Debi is not stupid, she does not scatter the bullets, and feeds all the bullets in a magazine to a wolf king, and she does not believe that the wolf king can resist it!

Sure enough, more than 30 bullets in the M4 were fired, and all of them hit the wolf king who was rushing forward.

Sure enough, the wolf king couldn't bear it anymore, and fell to the ground, but he was not dead yet.

And at this time, Jiang Chen finally started this too old-fashioned jeep, and stepped on it to the end!

Like a waking beast, the jeep rushed towards the wolf kings, and ran over the wolf king's head by the way!


Blood blossoms!

Netizens watching this scene were stunned!

Their familiar male and female twins are back!

What is ferocity? This is ferocity!

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