Live: Exploring The World

Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety Fifth: No One Is Optimistic! [2 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Debi, couldn't help sighing.

[Such a beautiful place, if there is no nuclear radiation, it would be perfect! 】

【Yes, it is completely a paradise!】

【However, having said that, if there were no nuclear radiation, this place would have been overcrowded long ago, and there would be no living space for plants and animals, let alone such a beautiful scenery!】

【It’s true, in the final analysis, it’s still human destruction. A place without human destruction will always be the most beautiful place!】

[Yes, no matter how beautiful a place is, such as major tourist attractions, whether it is a domestic beach landscape, a famous mountain scenic spot, or a place such as the Maldives abroad, because of overcrowding, human trampling and lack of love, it will no longer be the same Beautiful, but after the crowd play, it is disgusting like a garbage dump, disgusting!】

【If possible, I hope that human beings will never step into this area, and let this area become the last piece of pure land on earth and a beautiful new world!】

[Yes 26, leave a little living space for plants and animals! 】

Debi also said: "Without human trampling, in twenty or thirty years, any place can be turned into a beautiful scenery, a paradise for animals. I really hope that this place can be maintained forever. Even if the nuclear radiation is harmful, but given ample freedom and space for animals and plants.”

Jiang Chen shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. What can human beings do for their own benefit? The Ukrainian government is testing the radioactive material in the periphery of Pripyat. When radioactive material After the content reaches the standard, they plan to open the periphery of Pripyat and turn it into a tourist attraction [for people to visit! "

Hearing this, Debi's mouth twitched, and she said with an ugly face: "Isn't this harmful? The radioactive substances here, no matter how peripheral they are, are far higher than the normal value. If people come to visit, wouldn't they be sent to death?" ?Furthermore, what is there to see in the periphery? On the contrary, after the arrival of human beings on a large scale, it will take more than 30 years for the local area to

The restored ecological balance is disrupted again! There is no benefit at all, why do you want to do this?"

"Who said there is no harm and no benefit? It is indeed no harm to animals and plants, and it is no harm to tourists who are stupid enough to come to absorb nuclear radiation. But for the official, But it is a huge profit, an abandoned forbidden land, which cannot be developed, lived in, or built a factory. As long as it is a little publicized and packaged, there will be a large number of stupid Bs who will come to give money and make a lot of money for the government. How could they not be willing to do it?" Jiang Chen laughed mockingly.

"But.....doing this will not benefit the whole thing at all!" Debi retorted.

"Overall? Who cares about the so-called overall in front of money? Do you care about the health of others, the life and death of animals and plants? In front of money, these things are worthless. These disasters do not happen to themselves. They I can't feel any harm." Jiang Chen explained with a smile.

Until the end, Jiang Chen added: "Of course, these are my own opinions. If you want to travel, don't plan to have children and don't want to die, and want to spend money to buy people who suffer

If I didn't tell you, just come!"

As soon as this remark came out, the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

[Fuck! Developing Pripyat into a tourist attraction? This is really murderous for money!]

【Will anyone really go here? Isn’t he good to be alive? Do you have to go to death?】

【As the anchor said, only silly B will go back here to visit, I want to live for decades, I don't want to get all kinds of strange diseases early, and then die!】

【Didn’t the experts say it? It will take at least hundreds of years for the radioactive substances here to return to normal. Now it’s only been more than 30 years, and it’s ready to open? Is it a tourist attraction? It’s just courting death!】

[I have to admire that the Western world is indeed leading the world in terms of population control! 】

At this time, Jiang Chen had already taken Debi and started walking towards the safe house.

Here, not far from the safe house, Jiang Chen and Debi abandoned their motorcycles on the road because the motorcycles were out of gas, unable to move forward!

Waiting until noon, Jiang Chen and Debi finally saw the safe house from a distance, which is also the end of this expedition!

I saw that Katyusha and the others were already outside the safe house, waiting anxiously.

When they saw Jiang Chen and Debi coming back together, they all jumped up excitedly!

For Katyusha and others, Jiang Chen not only showed his superpower along the way, but also saved their lives several times and became their savior!

Of course, the most important thing is that during this expedition, Jiang Chen took them to fully understand the dangers that accompany the expedition. It is not as easy as it seems on the surface. For ordinary people, it is more like a nightmare!

Of course, for the four members of Debi's team, they are also full of gratitude to Debi in their hearts.

After all, if Debi hadn't led the wolf king away alone in the end, Debi probably wouldn't be in crisis!

Of course, if this is the case, the other four people will all die tragically at the mouth of the wolf king!

When they saw Jiang Chen and Debi coming back smoothly, they couldn't help but shed tears of excitement!

At the same time, all members of the program team, including the director and others, have called an ambulance and rushed to the safe house!

The medical staff first cleaned up Katyusha and others, and then sent them directly to the hospital for examination.

After Jiang Chen and Debi returned, they were also the first to be quarantined to clean up the radioactive materials. All the things they brought had to be replaced and destroyed by professionals. People cause 763 hazards!

Of course, the key person to be cleared and inspected is undoubtedly Jiang Chen!

Because, after Jiang Chen entered the range of Pripyat, he took off his clothes directly, without wearing any protective clothing, completed this expedition, and ate a poisonous apple on the way!

This is an extremely crazy and incredible action for the medical staff!

Therefore, after Jiang Chen was cleaned up, he was picked up in an ambulance immediately, and a plane was sent directly to send him to the best hospital in Russia for ten comprehensive physical examinations!

The same is true for Debi. After all, she hasn't worn protective clothing and a protective mask for a while, so naturally she also needs to undergo a full-body inspection!

Ever since, the two were directly taken to the best hospital in Russia for examination.

At the same time, because they are also the focus of attention of reporters from major media!

If something happens to them, the impact on the show will definitely be huge, and it will be big news!

Therefore, the program team also followed!

For a moment, at the entrance of the hospital, when Jiang Chen and Debi were still checking, the reporters and program staff surrounded the hospital!

Of course, whether it's the staff of the program team, the media, or the doctors in the hospital, they are not very optimistic about Jiang Chen's situation!

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