Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 298: Taking Pleasure In Others' Misfortune, Taking Advantage Of The Fire To Loot! [1 Up

Then, Jiang Chen's various inspection reports came out!

Whether it is blood test, muscle test, or internal organ test, etc., all of the test reports above show that Jiang Chen's indicators are all normal, without any deviation!

Even, Jiang Chen's inspection indicators are better than some normal people!

This once again shocked the medical staff and experts~!

In their view, how-how is this possible?

This is simply an impossible thing!

Logically speaking, people who have inhaled too much radiation, even if there is no change on the surface, even if they have no symptoms.

However, if you check, you will definitely be able to find some clues!

However, Jiang Chen's inspection indicators are surprisingly good!

This is completely unreasonable!

The physique and physical fitness are perfect, and all the indicators of the body are recommended!

Medical staff and experts doubted whether Jiang Chen really entered the nuclear radiation area? Did he really not wear any protective clothing and a protective mask? Did he really jump into the area contaminated by nuclear radiation and swim? Did you really eat an apple from Pripyat?

However, the medical staff and experts present also watched Jiang Chen's live broadcast, and they saw what Jiang Chen did with their own eyes!

Therefore, medical staff and experts will be puzzled!

To this end, experts and doctors also held a symposium!

And the content of the symposium is to study Jiang Chen's body content!

According to common sense, Jiang Chen's body should change!

However, Jiang Chen's body did not have any symptoms, which is not in line with common sense!

So, Jiang Chen continued to wait in the waiting room, while the medical staff and experts had a meeting!

And the program crew waiting outside, as well as Debi, have been waiting so hard that they can't wait to rush into the lounge, find doctors and experts, and ask them clearly!

Their hearts are very disturbed!

After all, it has been six hours since Jiang Chen was checked!

It only took Debbie an hour from checking to confirming everything was fine!

And Jiang Chen is directly six times as much as Debi, which makes people even more anxious!

Obviously, in everyone's opinion, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Jiang Chen!

Even Debi and the staff of the program group felt this way, let alone the reporters and media waiting outside!

The reporters and the media saw that Jiang Chen hadn't come out and was still under inspection, and they all went crazy, and started writing news articles again, and sent them to newspapers and websites!

All of a sudden, reports about Jiang Chen once again swept the world!

"As long as 6 hours passed, none of the medical staff and experts in charge of treating Jiang Chen showed up. Obviously, the rescue is still going on!"

"6 hours, just for inspection? This is not in line with common sense! It is concluded that Jiang Chen has entered the emergency room and entered the state of rescue. Currently, the hospital has blocked the news!"

"If there is no problem with the examination, Jiang Chen should have left the hospital long ago, but until now, he still has not shown up, and he may have died!"

"It is reported that Jiang Chen's parents have already chartered a flight to the hospital where Jiang Chen is located in Moscow. They have received a notice of critical illness from the hospital and asked their family members to sign at the scene!"

"Jiang Chen's situation is not optimistic. The previous live broadcast may become an orphan!"

"This tells us that we will not die!"

"Let us pray for Jiang Chen together, and wish him an early victory over the disease!"

Media reporters are completely a group of masters who fear the world will not be chaotic. The news and headlines they publish are very attractive, making people want to click in!

Among them, most of the reporters and media are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and spread some fake news to gain attention!

Of course, there are also some media reporters who expressed concern for Jiang Chen, let everyone pray for Jiang Chen and look forward to a miracle!

However, there are still some media with ulterior motives who actually ridiculed Jiang Chen at this time and gloated about his misfortune. Behind them, we can find that there are many capitals that Jiang Chen rejected, who are pushing!

Even some media reporters started publishing some extremely controversial articles under the fuel of capital.

"Jiang Chen has passed away, what will happen to his discovery and his exhibition hall?"

"After Jiang Chen passed away, who should take over his treasured creatures and cultural relics, as well as the discovery of vegetation all his life?"

"According to sources, Jiang Chen's exhibition halls, laboratories, and projects are very expensive. Few individuals and capital in the East can get involved in it. Only a few major capitals in the West can maintain it!"

"It is reported that Western Capital and the family are very willing to support the normal operation of the pavilion after Jiang Chen's death, and to continue the research projects and development of Jiang Chen's lifetime!"

"Several major groups in the West have said that Jiang Chen, as the greatest explorer in human history, his discoveries and research should not be buried. After Jiang Chen passed away, they are willing to include it in funding Jiang Chen's legacy [provided that the exhibition will Pavilion Headquarters transfer car to the European region!"

This is the face of capitalists. On the surface, they say that they are righteous and merciful, but in fact, they don't know what small tricks they will do behind the scenes, and how many small thoughts they have!

For a while, Jiang Chen didn't show up, but the outside world has set off a bloodbath!

Obviously, Jiang Chen's discovery, as well as research, as well as the entire exhibition hall and research laboratory, have aroused the envy of everyone, especially some western capital groups!

The benefits brought about by this are infinitely huge. Just a ticket to the exhibition hall can make people excited, let alone other things in the exhibition hall. Any species that is taken out is worthless

……… Ask for flowers………

Before the official opening of the exhibition hall, countless capitalists saw that Jiang Chen was just a young man with no courage, so they wanted to take the opportunity to intervene in it, operate it, and collect most of the benefits!

However, what they didn't expect was that Jiang Chen, a young man who they thought had no courage, rejected all of them with very sharp words!

This already made them very dissatisfied, and made many capitalists in the western world dislike Jiang Chen, hoping that Jiang Chen would die soon!

But this time, Jiang Chen is finally in crisis, how could they miss this opportunity, they will definitely increase their efforts and start planning!

Because, in the eyes of normal people, Jiang Chen is doomed this time, he must die!


The capitalists were secretly happy, and hurriedly started to prepare fishing boats in advance, ready to intervene in Jiang Chen's exhibition hall!

However, all of them guessed wrong, Jiang Chen not only will not die, but is still alive and better than before!

At this time, the meeting of the doctors and experts in the hospital finally came to an end!

After the end, they conducted a comprehensive inspection on Jiang Chen's body again, and still found no problems!

Ever since, experts and physicians have come to two conclusions!

The first conclusion is that Jiang Chen still inhaled a large amount of nuclear radiation, but the symptoms and side effects have not yet appeared. They will definitely appear in the future. As for when it will appear, it is hard to say!

The second conclusion is that Jiang Chen's physique is too strong, so the nuclear radiation did not have much impact on his body!

The second conclusion sounds nonsense, but it is also based on facts. For example, among the hundreds of thousands of people affected by the Chernobyl accident, some of them did not have any symptoms, nor did they experience any changes in their bodies. Diseased lotus.

Therefore, experts concluded that Jiang Chen's good health may be due to these two reasons!

However, no matter what the reason is, Jiang Chen's body should not have any problems in the short term!

This also made all doctors and experts breathe a sigh of relief!

And at this time, Jiang Chen can finally leave!

During the inspection period, he also read a lot of news about himself!

In particular, when Jiang Chen saw some media controlled by capitalists publish the news that he was dead and how to intervene in his inheritance, he was very upset!

"I go out now and stand in front of the major media. I guess the capitalists behind these media reporters will cry to death!"

Jiang Chen sneered.

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