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Chapter 300: Some Happy And Some Sad! [3 Updates, Please Subscribe! 】

Hearing this, all the media reporters present twitched their mouths, and their expressions became weird!

They all thought that Jiang Chen was dead, who knew that Jiang Chen could appear in front of everyone intact!

The point is, they have already started to report and speculate that Jiang Chen is critically ill and is being rescued!

Even some media reporters controlled by the capital have already released the news that Jiang Chen's body has been cremated!

After all, in their view, Jiang Chen crosses Pripyat, enters the core area of ​​Chernobyl, swims in the radiation river, eats radiation apples, and is already certain to die!

Therefore, they believe that these remarks they made are actually not wrong!

But who knew, Jiang Chen appeared in front of everyone again intact, and judging from Jiang Chen's mental outlook, Jiang Chen is very healthy, completely different from what they guessed to be critical illness and so on!

Among them, the most ugly faces are those media reporters who are controlled by capital!

They work for the capital, so they naturally know what kind of results the capitalists want!

However, what is happening now is completely different from what the capitalists want!

Ever since, they immediately reported the news here to their bosses!

At the same time, after a short period of stupefaction, all the media reporters also rushed towards Jiang Chen! 26 Although these media reporters felt guilty, they had already reported Jiang Chen as dead before Jiang Chen came forward!

However, these bad media are characterized by thick skins, they don't care about other things, they don't care about anything, they only care about traffic and topics.

Therefore, now they put everything behind them, rushed directly in front of Jiang Chen, and started interviewing again.

The American CNN reporter took the lead in putting the microphone in front of Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, why did you check for so long?"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and explained: "Because the doctors and experts have done a more comprehensive examination for me, and have checked many times to ensure that every examination is accurate!"

The reporter then asked: "Since this is the case, what symptoms have already appeared in your body? To what extent has it reached? What do the doctors and experts say, is there any special treatment plan?"

Obviously, the reporters still felt that Jiang Chen had absorbed a large amount of nuclear radiation, and something would happen to his body.

And the doctors and experts conducted such a detailed examination on Jiang Chen, it must be to formulate a more detailed and special treatment plan!

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said: "There is no treatment plan, because my body is normal and there is no reaction, so there is no need for any messy treatment furnace!"

Hearing this, all the media reporters present were slightly surprised, they did not expect Jiang Chen to answer like this!

At this time, a CBC reporter also stepped forward and asked, "Jiang, what do you mean, have you given up?"

"Give up? Are you just looking forward to my death? As I said, my body is very healthy and my physique is also very good. The reason why it took me so long to undergo the examination is because the doctors and experts did not detect any abnormalities. "

Hearing this, the media reporters present still did not believe what Jiang Chen said!

Still, it's no wonder they didn't trust Jiang Chen.

After all, everyone is very aware of the dangers of nuclear radiation, so how can it not cause any harm to the body?

Moreover, judging from the way Jiang Chen died in Pripyat, the harm he suffered will only get bigger and bigger.

Therefore, all media reporters think that Jiang Chen is just pretending to be strong, or lying!

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't care, he just had to explain.

However, the interview did not end here. Jiang Chen, who has never been very fond of interviews, did not choose to end the interviews with the reporters early this time. Instead, he stood on the steps of the hospital and looked down at the reporters with a cold expression on his face. said:

"I know that during the time I entered the hospital, there were many capitalists who were behind the scenes and let the unscrupulous media spread rumors in order to obtain my research and discoveries. I am here, in front of all reporters and media around the world. On the face of it, I solemnly say that as long as I am here for a day, any of my discoveries and research results will not allow foreign capital to intervene, nor will it be possible for personal income. Anyone who pays attention to the exhibition hall is daydreaming!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen paused for a moment, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Of course, if some capitalists don't listen to the warning and continue to make small moves, don't blame me for being ruthless and letting a person or a group disappear , is not a difficult task!"

Threat, Chiguoguo's threat!

Hearing this, the reporters and media present were all taken aback by Jiang Chen!

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would not dare to warn and threaten capitalists from all walks of life at such a time.

This is a big deal!

All of a sudden, journalists from the media began to write articles and start releasing them!

CNN: "Capitalists look forward to Jiang Chen's early death, but Jiang Chen responds proactively!"

BBC: "Jiang Chen's frankness is tough and domineering, giving all capitalists a warning, don't spy on the exhibition hall!"

CBC: "Jiang Chen bluntly said that with him one day, any capital would never want to get involved in the exhibition hall!"

"Global Times": "Jiang Chen is fighting against the world's capital with his own strength. He is the first person in the century, but how long can he survive the radiation erosion?"

All of a sudden, the latest report about Jiang Chen once again became overwhelmingly publicized.

The world is shaking!

No one expected that Jiang Chen would personally come forward at this time and use the power of the media to issue a warning to capitalists all over the world!

It is amazing to fight against the capital of the world alone!

What's more, in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Chen is still a dying person!

In this way, Jiang Chen's response undoubtedly became a slap in the face, a severe slap in the face to the media reporters who spread rumors before!

It even slapped all the previous capitalists who couldn't help but speak in the face!

At this moment, Jiangniao has become a thorn in the side of all capitalists!

Originally, they hoped that Jiang Chen would die!

Now, they hope that Jiang Chen will get sick immediately and die sooner!

Unfortunately, they are doomed to fail!

After Jiang Chen finished the warning, he ended the interview with the reporters.

At the same time, a team of doctors and experts came in and out of the 493 hospital.

All of a sudden, all the media reporters turned their attention to the doctors and expert team again!

"Doctor, may I ask how far Jiang Chen's condition has reached?"

"Excuse me, how long will Jiang Chen live?"

"Is he already terminally ill, seeing if he left the hospital, is there no need for treatment?"

All of a sudden, reporters flocked to the hospital, throwing various questions at the doctors and expert team.

The doctors and members of the expert team all laughed wryly. One of the experts was selected as a representative and came out to speak: "I can use our careers and personalities as a guarantee. Jiang Chen has no physical problems at all, so he is not There is no need for treatment, he is very healthy, even healthier than normal, his health is a miracle, we have repeatedly checked for him, so you don’t need to worry, Jiang Chen will be fine!”

As soon as this remark came out, the reporters present were stunned. No one thought that the doctor’s answer would be like this. No one thought that Jiang Chen’s previous statement that he was fine and not lying to comfort himself was actually true!

Domestic audiences, experts and scholars, Zhou Zhiyao and other people who knew Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and were overjoyed!

Of course, some families are happy and some are sad. Many foreign capitalists who have just been slapped and humiliated by Jiang Chen are looking forward to Jiang Chen's early death.

Never thought that Jiang Chen is actually very healthy!

For a moment, these capitalists were so angry that they almost vomited blood, secretly hating this great opportunity, and it just disappeared!.

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