Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 331: Survivors, Save Lives! [Please Subscribe! 】

The oxygen supply valve, in fact, can be opened or not. It is similar to a ventilation valve. When the cruise ship is turned over, it will ventilate the interior through the vent at the bottom of the cruise ship!

However, if the waiting time for rescue is too long, it is still necessary to open it. Otherwise, there will be too many people in the boat and insufficient oxygen.

Therefore, Jiang Chen opened the valve unhurriedly after waiting for the seawater to be exhausted!

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room erupted in joy!

[Fuck! The anchor is smart, in fact, as long as the pumping valve is opened, the last valve does not have to worry about drowning. After the sea water is almost pumped, open it slowly! 】

[Anchor Niubi, in such a crisis situation, you can still think calmly, don't waste time opening the gates that are of no use, but open the gates in a planned way!]

【If it were us, we might be in a hurry and don’t know what to do. If we operate in a panic, we won’t even think about what to drive first and what to drive later!】

【This must be the case, so the anchor is awesome!】

At the same time, the seawater that had overflowed the casino also began to recede gradually, disappearing from the stairs and the elevator shaft at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Whether it was Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao, or other tourists and crew members, they all jumped up excitedly.

All of them know that Jiang Chen has succeeded!

Not only did the seawater not flood into the cabin anymore, it was pumped out instead!

This is undoubtedly a good sign, and it is also a reassurance for everyone, so that everyone can finally feel completely at ease!

And everyone clearly remembers who the person who completed this arduous task was Jiang Chen!

So, instead of celebrating, everyone kept their eyes on the stairs and the elevator shaft, waiting for Jiang Chen and their hero to return!

But at this time, after Jiang Chen opened the last valve for oxygen supply and ventilation, he did not choose to continue going back through the ventilation duct!

After all, now that the sea has completely receded, the stairs are fine!

Moreover, if he continues to walk through the pipeline, he will not be able to swim out of the pipeline at that time, and Jiang Chen can only go out in the elevator shaft on his stomach, which is thankless.

Therefore, Jiang Chen chose the route directly along the stairs, returning to the casino lobby from the stairs!

Class A floor, the compartment leading to the first floor, is extremely dark and narrow!

This location, in normal times, is not developed for tourists, even crew members rarely come in!

Generally, when maintenance is needed in the future, the maintenance rooms will enter this mezzanine!

However, due to the overturning of the cruise ship, large areas of irrigation by sea water, and the fact that the previous watertight doors were not closed, a lot of things rushed in!

The already narrow compartment seemed even more messy, with sundries piled up everywhere, and there was not even a place to step down!

It is worth mentioning that Jiang Chen not only saw a lot of sundries on the way, but also saw some corpses washed in through the waterproof door!

These corpses all look very ferocious, and their movements are also inconsistent. One can tell at a glance that they must have struggled in great pain before they were alive!

It can be concluded that these people should all be tourists on the deck near the waterproof door.

When they escaped, they were washed away by the sea water because they didn't run in time, and rushed into the water release hole.

At the same time, seawater poured into the waterproof hole crazily, and they couldn't get out at all.

After all, as mentioned before, when sea water pours into the water hole, the impact force is so huge that ordinary people can't resist [Jiang Yan can resist because he has the genetic ability of megalodon.

Under the circumstances of being unable to resist, it is very difficult for ordinary people to stand up. In addition, they don't know the structure of the cruise ship, and they don't know which direction to go. After the seawater fills the compartment, they have no choice but to drown Among them!

Jiang Chen sighed and shook his head.

Even though he has seen many big scenes.

However, this was the first time I saw such a cruel scene, and I couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

The audience in the live broadcast room, the group is so!

They were talking and laughing for a second, celebrating Jiang Chen's successful rescue of the cruise ship.

However, when they saw these corpses, they all fell silent!

At this moment, the audience realized that they were not watching a movie, and everything in front of them was real!

In addition to the survivors of the cruise ship, there are actually many people who have died, and they only saw a few!

All of a sudden, everyone realized the horror of the disaster, and how small, how helpless and hopeless human beings are in the face of the disaster!

Jiang Chen couldn't do it either, he could only sigh and continue walking along the route in his mind.

Even if he can't bear it, what can he do if the dead cannot be resurrected?

The only thing he can do now is to let the remaining people live well and wait for the rescue to come, which can be regarded as completing his mission!

After a while, Jiang Chen turned a few corners and entered a straight road!

You can clearly see [Ten half-open iron gates at the end of the heavy road!

According to Jiang Chen's memory, after passing through the iron gate, he can see the stairs after walking a short distance, and he is back to the casino!


And just when Jiang Chen was about to continue walking, he suddenly heard a very faint cry for help!

The sound is very small, no, it should be said that the noise is very loud, because there are various pipes running in the compartment, so the noise is very loud. If it is a normal person, under such a loud noise, it may be difficult to hear this small call Voice.

But, fortunately, Jiang Chen's hearing has been modified, and his hearing is five or six times that of a normal person, and the sound he hears is also very delicate and clear, so he can quickly distinguish someone screaming

And hear where the sound is coming from!

So, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and didn't choose to continue to leave. Instead, he turned around, walked into the fork in the road, and followed the direction where the voice came from!

On the contrary, the audience in the live broadcast room became puzzled!

It should be known that the audience can't actually hear the sound of someone calling for help (very good).

Therefore, the audience couldn't understand, Jiang Chen just said that he could return to the casino after passing the iron gate, why did he suddenly turn around and walk in another direction?

And as Jiang Chen got closer and closer to the source of the sound, the voice of the cry for help became clearer and clearer, causing the audience in the live broadcast room to gradually hear the call for help.


For a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized that there are still people alive in the compartment, and there are survivors!

All the audience looked at Jiang Chen as if they were looking at a monster, and they were astonishingly handsome!

After all, the sound of calling for help is very weak. Even if it is very close to the source, it is still very weak. Everyone can't imagine how Jiang Chen heard such a weak voice. It's simply amazing!

And the reason why Jiang Chen turned around is self-evident, he is going to save people!

And the next moment, the scene in front of them made everyone gasp!

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