Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 337: The Reason For The Formation Of Purgatory! [Please Subscribe! 】

I saw that after the door was opened, the bar was very dark, with only one or two cremation beams, and some safety warning lights, in the dark space of the bar, there were bits and pieces of light shining

It should be noted that bars and nightclubs are originally a place that needs to be quiet and dim, so when designing, the design is very closed, and the lighting is also designed with very few lights. Most of them are some lamps such as laser lights!

Therefore, the negative second floor of the cruise ship was originally a very dark room. The already dark room had undergone an overturn without much lighting equipment, and almost all the lighting systems had been paralyzed!

However, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that even after opening the door of the bar, there is still no sound, not even the sound of a person talking!

And everyone, even through the flashing electric lights, couldn't even see any ghosts in the bar!

How is this possible?

It should be known that according to common sense, the bar has always been the busiest and most popular place for young people. No matter what time of day it is, it is almost always full!

However, after the accident, how could there be no one there?

This is a bit strange!

However, Jiang Chen saw something that everyone couldn't see at all!

It should be known that Jiang Chen has level 5 [Dark Eye], he can see almost anything in the dark clearly, hurry up! 257 So, Jiang Chen can clearly see that it is not that there is no one in the bar today, on the contrary, there are a lot of people in the bar today!

The reason why there is no sound, the reason why there is no figure moving, is because everyone is dead!

Jiang Chen clearly saw that corpses were all lying on the ground, layer upon layer!

Countless men and women, no one was spared, all lay on the ground without making a sound!

However, this scene was too shocking, even Jiang Chen was stunned after seeing everything, and couldn't help but gasp!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this place is hell!

After all, for ordinary people living in a peaceful country, even in a war-torn country, it is difficult for anyone to see such a terrifying scene!

"Go, go in and have a look!"

And at this moment, Captain Jack really couldn't see the situation inside the bar clearly, and was about to take the lead in going in!

However, Jiang Chen grabbed Captain Jack and said: "Everyone, it's better not to go in, there are weird things inside!"

"What did you find?" Captain Jack asked suspiciously.

All the tourists and crew members present, including Zhou Zhiyao, cast doubtful eyes on Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked, "Who has a flashlight?"

"I don't have a flashlight. I have a light stick. I just found it in the emergency kit."

At this time, a crew member said, handing over an emergency kit.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "It's better to have this thing!"

As he said that, Jiang Chen opened the emergency kit, took out five lighting sticks, and after turning on all the sticks, the sticks began to emit brilliant white light!

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen went straight to the inside of the bar and threw five light sticks in five different directions!

At this time, the light finally dispelled most of the darkness in the bar!

However, when Captain Jack, tourists and crew, including Zhou Zhiyao, saw everything in the bar, they were so scared that they almost collapsed to the ground!

In the purgatory in front of you, corpses are piled up like a mountain!

At this moment, they finally understood why the bar was so quiet and why there was no one there!

Because everyone in the bar is dead!

For a while, many tourists and crew members couldn't help their stomachs rolling and began to vomit!

Most of the tourists and crew members, after taking a look at it, dare not continue to look at it to see "It's too scary!

Zhou Zhiyao also turned around, her pretty face looked a little pale!

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they also exclaimed!

【Fuck! All of them are dead!】

【Isn't it scary? When you open the door, there are corpses inside. There are at least hundreds of corpses here, right?】

[Hundreds? It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of places where the light did not shine, and there should be many places! 】

【This is hell! Hell on earth!】

【Who would have thought that traveling on a cruise ship would actually lead to death here? Damn, the old (cgca) son will have a shadow on cruise ships in the future, and he will never be a cruise ship for the rest of his life!】

【Who will wake up the old man upstairs, he still wants to travel on a cruise ship, he has no money to be a fart!】

【Let me come, I've been on fire lately, my urine is yellow!】

【However, what I'm more curious about is how they all died? If the cruise ship simply flipped over, at least there would be survivors, right? It's impossible for all of them to die, right?】

【That’s right, what’s going on?】

This question also gradually surfaced in the minds of Jiang Chen and others. Everyone was also curious about what happened to the people in the bar, and why did they all die?

At this time, the sharp-eyed Jiang Chen discovered the problem and said, "Electric shock!"

"Electric shock?"

Everyone was shocked and fixed their eyes on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen pointed to the ground and said: "The bar has been remodeled, and the circuits have also been remodeled. Almost all the circuits are attached to the surface, and there are various plugs and lines. In order to facilitate the installation of various laser spotlights and audio equipment Wait, they are all installed in the open, and no additional waterproof treatment has been done!"

"Actually, if this is the case, there shouldn't be any safety hazards. After all, all the lines go through the ceiling. Who would climb up the ceiling without incident? No one went back to water the ceiling, right? But when the cruise ship flipped over, After that, it's not necessarily the case, the ceiling becomes the ground!" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions darkened, and they understood what Jiang Chen wanted to express!

"The cruise ship flipped over, which would have caused some damage to the cruise ship itself, and the circuit would also be short-circuited. At this time, all the tourists in the bar were dropped and stepped on the ceiling full of wires! "

"Actually, it's not a big deal for tourists to fall down, but it's completely different when they step on the ceiling full of short circuits. Tourists will be like ants on a hot pot. Was instantly electrocuted!" Jiang Chen continued.

"Of course, this will not kill all the people in the bar. There must be exceptions, but more importantly, have you noticed that the ceiling inside the bar is covered with water stains! These water stains are actually the bar There are wine and drinks inside, as well as ice cubes!" Jiang Chen continued: "There is not much in the bar, but there is a lot of water. After the cruise ship turned over, all the liquids were poured on the ceiling. At this time Water and electricity conduct another contact conduction, and the whole bar becomes a battery, instantly killing almost everyone in the bar!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen turned his attention to the bar and said, "I think the electricity has not been completely disconnected yet!"


As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a broken wire in the bar burst out a series of sparks, as if responding to what Jiang Chen said!

At the same time, it also proved that Jiang Chen's statement was completed correctly, and the reason for the formation of purgatory has been found!.

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