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Chapter 345: He's Back! [Please Subscribe! 】

Even, even Jiang Chen was a little surprised!

Of course, what surprised him wasn't that he punched through the door of the barn, but what surprised him was that he had been fighting for so long and with so much force that he bled from his fists before he punched through the door of the barn!

This was a bit beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, and it also made Jiang Chen realize that the material of the warehouse door should be relatively unusual.

However, Jiang Chen doesn't care about these at all, as long as he can open the door of the warehouse!

At this moment, the seawater is still pouring in from the basement floor, so we must quickly cut off the power to the bar, let everyone in, and close the passage connecting the basement floor and the basement floor to prevent the influx of seawater!

So, Jiang Chen grabbed the damaged part of the warehouse door with both hands, and tore it hard!

Hiss———— hiss

A burst of sound like steel tearing echoed in the air.

The hole, which was originally only the size of a fist tip, was directly torn to the size of a bowl by Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen originally thought of tearing open the door of the barn completely, and then walked in.

However, the material of the warehouse door was beyond Jiang Chen's expectations. It was very difficult to tear open a large opening for people to walk through. Jiang 26chen could do it, but it would take too much time, so there was no way at all. necessary.

Therefore, after Jiang Chen only tore open a hole the size of a bowl, he stretched his entire arm in, touched the handle next to the warehouse door, and pressed down!


A crisp sound echoed in the air.

The warehouse door was directly opened by Jiang Chen from the inside.

In this way, Jiang Chen saved a lot of time.

boom boom

The warehouse door was so heavy that Jiang Chen couldn't help being a little surprised. On the way to push it open, there was a rumbling sound like thunder.

Then, everything inside the warehouse finally caught Jiang Chen's eyes.

I saw that the warehouse is indeed a utility room, which is full of various sundries, including cardboard boxes, discarded tables, chairs, benches, sofas, and various mops and brooms.

Moreover, the items in the warehouse are particularly messy, which should be caused by the overturning of the cruise ship, and all the sundries have been piled up together.

However, Jiang Chen has the ability of [Dark Eyes]. Even if there is no light in the warehouse, even if the warehouse is full of clutter, he can still see every corner and everything clearly with his own eyesight.

In the end, Jiang Chen fixed his gaze on a large iron box hanging on the wall at the end of the warehouse. On the front of the iron box, a lightning symbol was drawn and a warning saying "do not touch if there is electricity" was written on it.

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, isn't that the main gate he was looking for?

As a result, Jiang Chen set off, jumped off the sofa, and walked into the interior of the warehouse.

Because the warehouse is special, and there are electric gates, and the door is also made of special materials, so the outside water did not flow in, and all was blocked by the threshold.

Moreover, there are not too many electronic devices and wires installed in the open in the warehouse, so there is no hidden danger of electric leakage.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was able to go on boldly and unscrupulously.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a pure land on the second floor, it is estimated that there is only the warehouse where the main gate is stored!

After Jiang Chen climbed over the obstacles piled up with debris, he soon came to the front of the main gate.

I saw that the main gate was actually locked by a small iron lock. Obviously, it was to prevent outsiders or crew members from touching the main gate by mistake, causing a large-scale power outage on the second floor, so the regiment locked the electric box up!

However, such a small lock, in front of Jiang Chen, seemed to have nothing at all. Jiang Chen squeezed it lightly with his hand, and directly broke the iron lock!


Jiang Chen opened the electrical box, and there was indeed a master switch inside!

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen grabbed the handle of the main gate and pushed it in the opposite direction!


Immediately afterwards, bursts of noise came from all directions.

Jiang Chen frowned, and turned to look at the corridor outside the warehouse.

It should be known that before the main gate is closed, there are still some lights flashing on the corridor outside the warehouse, which proves that it has been energized!

And at this moment, after Jiang Chen turned off the main gate, the lights that were still shining were instantly extinguished!

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, knowing that he had succeeded!

Hence, Jiang Chen strode out of the barn without any hesitation.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen touched the floor of the corridor with water, and was not electrocuted, nothing happened, the power supply has been completely turned off!

This time, Jiang Chen was completely relieved.

However, he did not leave quickly. The three women who were in the box earlier reminded him that maybe there are still many survivors in the box at the bar!

So, when Jiang Chen left, he pushed the boxes one by one to check to see if there were any survivors.

Among them, the scenes in most of the private rooms are very horrific and miserable, with corpses lying all over one another, which is extremely infiltrating.

It is estimated that even adults will not dare to sleep after watching it, and even if they dare to sleep, they will definitely be frightened and have nightmares!

However, Jiang Chen was still in a box and found a survivor, also a woman.

However, different from the previous three women, this woman is even more strange, she has been lying on top of the stereo in the box, relying on the impact of the insulation material, she escaped a catastrophe, what a fate!

So, Jiang Chen took the woman and the three women he had discovered before, and walked outside.

A total of four survivors were shocked, especially when they saw the horrors of the entire cruise ship and the horrors in other boxes, they were even more frightened and trembling, followed closely behind Jiang Chen, and beat him to death. nor leave.

Captain Jack, Zhou Zhiyao and others who were waiting outside the bar also became anxious. 377

It has been half an hour since Jiang Chen entered the bar to close the main gate. No one knows whether he succeeded or not!

After all, after Jiang Chen enters the corner of the corridor, everyone can no longer see Jiang Chen, and the sound insulation effect of the bar is very good, and everyone can't hear anything!

Therefore, everyone is worried about Jiang Chen, is there any accident, or is Jiang Chen already successful?

After all, the bar was pitch dark, and everyone couldn't tell whether the main gate was closed, unless someone was asked to test it out. If he was electrocuted to death, it meant that Jiang Chen had failed or hadn't reached the warehouse. Being electrocuted proves that Jiang Chen succeeded!

This is the most stupid, but also the most effective way!

But, who is willing to try? Risking their lives? It is impossible for anyone to try!

At the same time, at this time, the crew who had been observing the situation on the negative floor came back to report the news, saying: "Now the negative floor has been submerged for half a meter, and the sea water is rising faster and faster. It is estimated that in less than an hour, The sea is about to flood!"

Hearing this, for a moment, everyone panicked and stared at the inside of the bar with burning eyes!

Everyone is looking forward to Jiang Chen's return!


"He is back!"

But at this moment, someone suddenly screamed, attracting everyone's attention!.

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