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Chapter 352: Solve The Problem! [Please Subscribe! 】

Jiang Chen and others, looking down through the elevator, can clearly see that the seawater grows higher and higher below the elevator shaft.

And the bottom of the elevator shaft leads to no other place, but the completely submerged negative floor, which is where Jiang Chen and others were before.

The elevator car hangs high above and is located at the bottom of the cruise ship.

Apparently, after the cruise ship turned over, the elevator also began to slide abnormally without any instructions.

However, everyone knows that the elevator has an automatic protection device, which will immediately lock the elevator when it falls or rises abnormally.

Therefore, the elevator at that time should be located at the bottom of the cruise ship. After the cruise ship turned over, the elevator began to slide down abnormally. At the same time, the elevator's protection system was automatically activated.

Locked the elevator in the bottom position.

However, for Jiang Chen and others, the bottom of the cruise ship is now the topmost existence.

Jiang Chen and others looked up and could clearly see a precarious elevator swaying above the elevator shaft!

At this moment, it is even more difficult to go to the third floor through the elevator shaft.

Because, if there is no elevator car, how to get to the third floor?

Due to the design of the negative third floor, the door is designed to be at the obliquely upper position on the opposite side, not only at the top, but 760 is also obliquely above. To get to the negative third floor, you must not only climb up through the elevator shaft, but also span the entire elevator Wang!

However, the current elevator shaft is hollow, and there is endless seawater below, and due to structural reasons, while the seawater in the elevator shaft is constantly rising, there are also whirlpools.

Once a person accidentally falls, let alone whether he can swim or not, the vortex alone will drag him down abruptly. No matter whether he can swim or not, he will only die!

It is no exaggeration to say that if you want to go up to the negative third floor, the elevator shaft has become a natural and dangerous gap in front of Jiang Chen and others!

At this time, a middle-aged woman who looked very eager came out and said: "I can't die here, I can't die if all of you die!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes were fixed on the middle-aged woman. Of course, everyone looked at the middle-aged woman with an extremely unfriendly expression [as if they were looking at a fool for a while.

After all, what the middle-aged woman said was really ugly.

Although at this moment, when facing a major disaster, everyone is self-centered, and the first thing is to think about themselves.

However, even if (cgdh) is so, everyone is not stupid enough to say such a thing, after all, it is too offensive.

However, the middle-aged woman is obviously a person who has a bad temper and is very mean on weekdays, so she can say such unpleasant things at such a time!

"Could it be that we can't wait for the water in the elevator shaft to rise up, and then swim directly to the third floor?"

And at this moment, the middle-aged woman hurriedly said again.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned.

It's a fact that people don't like middle-aged women, but the proposal of middle-aged women is still somewhat reliable in everyone's opinion. It can be regarded as a method, at least compared to the current method of crossing the elevator shaft and climbing up to the third floor It looks so much easier!

"It's a good idea!"

"We can try it!"

"If it really doesn't work, we can only use this method to leave the second floor and go to the third floor!"

At this time, many tourists followed suit and began to talk.

However, Captain Jack and Jiang Chen shook their heads at the same time.

Zhou Zhiyao saw everything in his eyes, and asked curiously: "Brother Jiang, why are you shaking your head? I think Captain Jack is also shaking his head. Could it be that this method won't work?"

"It doesn't work, it's just stupid!" Jiang Chen said bluntly.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Jiang Chen still has a lot of power to speak among the crowd, so Jiang Chen actually said that, everyone will naturally start to wonder why Jiang Chen said that.

Jiang Chen explained lightly: "In fact, the reason is very simple. If we want to rely on the buoyancy of the rising water to swim to the negative third floor, we can only reach the negative third floor after the seawater completely submerges the second floor and rises to the third floor." The third floor, in this way we have been completely submerged by seawater, is there any point of escaping? Only one death, and another important point is that the subsequent seawater will rise faster and faster!"

"If we do this, can we really run out before the sea completely swallows the cruise ship? Can we run faster than the sea? Impossible!"

"Furthermore, as you have seen, there are many whirlpools in the elevator shaft. It doesn't matter whether you can swim or not, whether you are an adult or a child, as long as you are sucked into the whirlpool, there is only one dead end. That's why I said, this method Very stupid!"

Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone finally understood what Jiang Chen meant at this moment.

After what Jiang Chen said, in everyone's opinion, the method of swimming out through the elevator shaft is really very stupid.

After all, if this method is really feasible, everyone on the entire cruise ship can use this method to escape, and no one will die tragically.

"But, if this method doesn't work, what should we do?" Zhou Zhiyao asked.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, a flash of light flashed in them, and said: "Actually, there is only one way, that is to step over the elevator shaft and climb up directly!"

"This is too difficult!" Zhou Zhiyao said.

"Isn't it difficult? Just imagine, as long as we have a bridge, we can do it!" Jiang Chen said, and then there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he already had plans.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the bar. After a while, he actually dragged a sofa and walked back by himself.

This sofa is not another sofa, it is the sofa that Jiang Chen used to pave the way when he closed the bar switch and passed the box corridor.

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't expect that the sofa would still come in handy after that.

"Get out of the way!" Jiang Chen snapped.

The people present didn't dare to hesitate at all, and they didn't dare not listen, they directly gave Jiang Chen a way out.

Jiang Chen erected the sofa at the elevator entrance [and threw it directly into the elevator shaft.


The next moment, a loud noise echoed in the air.

The sofa falls down in the elevator shaft.

It's just that the sofa didn't fall directly, instead, one end was resting on the edge of the elevator shaft, on the safety lock that decelerates the elevator car on the second floor, and the other end was resting on the outside of the elevator.

In this way, the sofa is directly placed in the middle of the elevator shaft, and the crucial problem of crossing the elevator shaft has been solved!

And then, there is only one problem left, which is to climb up to the third floor and open the elevator door!

This problem, among all the people present, can only be solved by Jiang Chen himself!.

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