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Chapter 368: Mood Change! [Please Subscribe! 】

As for the reason, it is very simple, that is, the severe pain from her leg made her unable to laugh, she didn't know where she was injured, and there was a huge severe pain from the whole leg It felt like the whole leg was torn apart, so the middle-aged woman couldn't make any adjustments at the moment of falling, and the consequences for her could be described as disastrous!

For example, if a person falls from a high place after spraining his ankle, he will clearly know that his ankle is sprained, and he will know what adjustments and postures he needs to make in order to be able to land steadily, and he will know how to make his sprain The pain is minimized, and the most important thing is that they clearly know where their pain is, and they have made a psychological preparation in advance, which is what people often call a prediction. There is a prediction, so when the time comes Sometimes, nothing too big will happen, let alone things beyond our control.

However, the middle-aged woman is completely different this time. Since she doesn't know where her pain is, she can't make any adjustments at all, and she can't pose any posture that makes her feel comfortable. She couldn't achieve the goal of landing steadily, and she couldn't reduce her own pain to the minimum. The point is that she hasn't been able to have an accurate psychological preparation, so she can't form a certain degree of prediction. It was a completely unknown situation, completely out of her control.

This kind of fear brought about by the unknown, before she landed on the ground, had already begun to erode every cell in her body, making her feel infinite~fear!

Although it may only be a short second from jumping up to falling, this second seems extremely long to middle-aged women, as if a year or two has passed - as long.

This, for her, is a kind of torture.

However, if outsiders know the current psychological situation of middle-aged women, they will definitely clap their hands and applaud. Instead, they don't think this is a kind of torture for middle-aged women, but more like a punishment. This is nothing more than a punishment, no one will sympathize with and pity the middle-aged woman, but will think that everything the middle-aged woman is suffering now is something she should bear, and she deserves it!

But in fact, for middle-aged women, the real fear and torture are yet to come!

In the next second, when the middle-aged woman landed on the ground and the unknown fear for her was finally coming to an end, the real fear began to hit her face, and she was completely caught off guard, not knowing how to deal with it!

Before the middle-aged woman had time to catch her breath, in the next moment, her knee felt a tearing pain that was tens of times worse than the pain in her whole leg before, and it hit her head, sweeping every cell and every cell in her body. Her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably in an instant.


An extremely ferocious and miserable scream also soared into the sky in an instant!

It should be known that the broken glass shot by Jiang Chen was directly embedded in the middle-aged woman's knee after piercing it. The pain and pain caused were only the moment when the flesh and blood were pierced, and then the glass was inlaid. In the flesh and blood, a balance is maintained!

This is like a person stepping on a nail. The moment when the nail pierces the flesh and blood is a moment of guilt and pain. On the contrary, when the nail is in a static state after the nail penetrates the flesh, there is pain. On the contrary, it is not as violent as before, and it is maintained at a relatively balanced level, which can be accepted reluctantly.

However, if at this time, someone suddenly starts rubbing your nail-punctured sole, or someone holds a nail and rubs it in your wound, or someone starts touching your wound, rubbing your wound is, Then the pain, which is bigger than ever before, will explode in an instant!

There are actually two reasons for this. The first is that when the wound and the nail are in a static state, the wound and the nail fit together without causing more damage, so the pain is reduced.

However, if the nail moves, or when the flesh tissue starts to move, the wound will rub against it, causing more serious secondary injuries, and the wound will of course be more painful!

Another point is the pain nerve. When the pain is transmitted to the brain, the brain will carry out a self-protection mechanism, which will produce a certain paralysis effect, making people ignore the wound.

Reduce pain transmission.

However, if the wound is worn all the time, the pain level will be stimulated all the time, and the brain cannot deceive the transmission of so many pain sensations, so people will feel more and more pain.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman is at this stage. The moment when the glass shards pierced her knee was the most painful time for her knee, and since she didn't touch her leg afterwards, the glass shards in it were also gone. I haven't been moved by anything, so the pain is relieved, and the brain's self-protection function is also turned on.

……ask for flowers…

Even though this kind of pain is still in a very painful state for a middle-aged woman, this state is already a state she can bear!

However, when she fell from the sky, the result was completely different. The wound was located at the knee, and the glass shards were also in it. The moment she fell, the muscles of the entire leg would contract, and the contraction of the muscles would shock The wound will even compress the muscles in the wound, causing it to rub against the glass shards.

At the same time, the glass shards in the wound will also tremble due to the vibration, causing secondary damage to the surrounding area of ​​the wound!


More importantly, when a person jumps and falls, his knees will be very accustomed to bending to a certain extent.

It should be known that the wound of a middle-aged woman is at the knee, and the glass shards are officially embedded in the knee. As long as the middle-aged woman completes the knee, the wound will be torn to the wound, and the wound will be torn apart directly. The broken glass shards will also be squeezed deeper and deeper by the muscles due to the bending of the knee, causing the glass shards to sink deeper and deeper, and the wound will become more and more serious and deeper!

The pain also began to spread to the middle-aged woman's mind continuously. The pain that she could barely bear at first became tens of times larger, stimulating her nerves and every cell in her body!

This can't help but cause the middle-aged woman to tremble after falling down!

Moreover, due to lack of anticipation and mental preparation, her injured leg limped instinctively and lost all consciousness!

And because of the leg problem, her entire body lost all balance in an instant, and the moment she fell onto the sofa, she swayed left and right, looking like she was about to fall [well, she will fall straight down in a second] half!

It seemed like a long time had passed, but from when Jiang Chen hit the shards of glass to when the middle-aged woman fell to the ground and lost her balance and was on the verge of falling, there was actually not even one minute.

Who would have imagined that within this minute, so many things would happen, the mood of the middle-aged woman would undergo so many changes, and her situation would undergo earth-shaking changes.

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