Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 371: Ignore! [Please Subscribe! 】

However, Jiang Chen was very curious about who the middle-aged woman gave her face, and she had the nerve to ask herself for help.

It should be known that before, Jiang Chen was talking to the middle-aged woman, and even persuaded the middle-aged woman to let the middle-aged woman come down, but Jiang Chen still remembers the face of the middle-aged woman until now.

At that time, Jiang Chen specifically asked middle-aged women, "Aren't you afraid of falling if you do this?"

However, what about the middle-aged woman's answer? It was very obvious, very rampant, and she looked up to the sky with a long smile and said, "Hahaha! What are you afraid of? I am the one who wants to live until the end, even if all of you die I won’t die, and besides, so what if I fall? I don’t need you to save me!”.

Moreover, Jiang Chen still clearly remembered that after saying this, the middle-aged woman showed a provocative look towards herself, and deliberately jumped up on the sofa to provoke herself!

It should be known that all of this just happened three minutes ago. The middle-aged woman laughed wildly at Jiang Chen and showed a provocative look. The most important thing is to tell Jiang Chen that if she falls If it goes down, there is no need for Jiang Chen to rescue it!

However, I never expected that three minutes later, the middle-aged woman seemed to have no memory of what she said before, the person she provoked, and the person she had been rampant laughed loudly, and she slapped herself resoundingly , I slapped myself in the face!

It was agreed that there was no need for rescue? In the end, he begged Jiang Chen to save him pitifully.

Because, the middle-aged woman clearly knows that she is in a very dangerous situation now, and the surrounding environment is also very dangerous. All the people present, whether tourists or crew members are not professional, even if they want to rescue themselves, I don't have the guts, only Jiang Chen is a professional, and only Jiang Chen has the guts!

After all, Jiang Chen has saved everyone from danger many times before, and has completed various tasks that normal people can't complete, and even made extremely crazy actions. The middle-aged woman is not stupid, she knows very well that Jiang Chen's ability is very powerful, And she is also very courageous, she clearly knows that if there is one person on the scene who can save her, then there is no doubt that this person must be Jiang Chen!

As for what she said before, she had already forgotten all of it at this moment. After all, she was soaking in the water now, and she might die at any time. Under such circumstances, how could she still remember it? What about the things she did before? From her point of view, the most important task and purpose for her at present is to survive. It's completely unimportant to her, none of these things are important to her life!

After all, it is not difficult to see from the behavior and behavior of the middle-aged woman before, that the middle-aged woman is actually a very life-saving person. As long as she can keep her alive, even if she is turned into a dog eating shit, she will Agree without hesitation!

Therefore, from this point of view, it is not a big deal for middle-aged women to still choose to seek help from Jiang Chen under such circumstances. On the contrary, it feels very normal and has an average coefficient. matter!

"Are you asking me for help? But I remember, didn't you say before that you wouldn't ask me for help after falling into the water~"?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"I... I was wrong... I was wrong, please save me, please, if you don't save me, I'm really doomed, please help Help me?" The middle-aged woman begged hoarsely.

At the same time, all the tourists and crew members present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, all fixed their eyes on Jiang Chen, and they were very curious [whether Jiang will leave for the

Middle-aged women!

But Jiang Chen's answer was very decisive. He turned his head away, ignored the middle-aged woman, didn't even look at the middle-aged woman, and directly ignored the middle-aged woman.

Seeing this, even though Jiang Chen didn't speak, no matter the tourists, the crew, or the audience in the live broadcast room, they all knew that Jiang Chen had made a choice, and he chose to refuse!

Of course, no one blamed Jiang Chen, after all, it was very normal for Jiang Chen to make such a choice.

After all, everyone knows what a middle-aged woman is like. If a middle-aged woman is a good person, then everyone may feel a little pity.

However, a middle-aged woman is not a good person, she is more like a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats. Everyone has no sympathy for her falling into the water, and no one even thinks about saving her. Jiang Chen chose Rejection is nothing more than making the same choice as everyone else, who will go back and blame Jiang Chen?

What's more, the cruise ship is overturned and shaking, and danger may occur at any time. If Jiang Chen chooses to save the middle-aged woman, he will undoubtedly send his life to the edge of the cliff, which will become extremely dangerous. Jiang Chen Not to save is completely a normal person's thinking and thinking, and it is completely reasonable. Who would blame Jiang Chen?

Of course, the most important point is that Jiang Chen has no obligation to rescue middle-aged women at all. Jiang Chen is just a tourist on a cruise ship. He is the same as all ordinary tourists. He is neither a rescuer nor a cruise ship. Even if he is waiting to die in the bar with all the tourists, instead of trying to survive or open a way, in principle, there will be no problems or problems.

Therefore, even if Jiang Chen does not save the middle-aged woman, he has nothing to say. Even if some people want to blacken Jiang Chen, there is no way to do it, because everything Jiang Chen has done is actually beyond him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't do things other than instinct.

It’s like a job, Jiang Chen finished his own work ahead of time, to help others finish their work, he can choose to help, or not to help, it’s entirely in his will, (what?) he didn’t There is no obligation, and there is no responsibility, so Jiang Chen has nothing to say when he does this, let alone any black spots!

And whether it was the tourists, the crew, or the audience in the live broadcast room, after learning about Jiang Chen's decision, they did not know why, but they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. He didn't want Jiang Chen to rescue the middle-aged woman, but hoped that the middle-aged woman would die soon.

One can imagine how disgusting and disgusting the middle-aged woman is at the scene!

Whether it was the tourists, the crew, the audience in the live broadcast room, or in front of Jiang Chen, the middle-aged woman did not have any good images. Therefore, when she was in crisis, everyone chose to ignore it, as if it was nothing at all. Didn't see, middle-aged women don't exist at all!

This makes the audience in the live broadcast room feel like a big piece of people's hearts!.

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