Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 373: Crisis! [Please Subscribe! 】

At this moment, for Captain Jack, there is no choice at all. Go into the elevator shaft, climb onto the sofa and rescue Little Tom? Shake, accelerate little Tom to fall!

But standing still and watching is not an option. For little Tom, this is equivalent to a slow death. It is impossible to save little Tom and achieve the goal of Captain Jack.

However, this is the predicament and problem that Captain Jack is facing now. He can't do anything but act directly, walk into the elevator shaft, and save Little Tom.

Captain Jack, at this moment, really don't know what to do?

However, immediately afterward, Captain Jack’s eyes lit up, and he thought of a solution, which was the only solution among all possible solutions. No matter whether it was useful or not, Captain Jack would only know if he tried it.

I saw that Captain Jack walked into the elevator shaft, but instead of stepping onto the sofa, he spread out his hands and called to Little Tom gently: "Tom, come, come to Uncle Jack, don't look down, Get up slowly, just crawl over bit by bit, trust Uncle Jack, Uncle Jack will help you here, don’t worry! Come here quickly!”

Little Tom's petite body kept trembling, and he nodded slightly, as a response to Captain Jack, and slowly moved his body.

However, Little Tom still looked very scared, with a very ferocious expression, even his pupils were trembling, lying on the sofa tremblingly, the hands and legs that supported him were trembling, just Even his body was trembling constantly, looking very weak and pitiful.

And it's this kind of little Tom, even if he stays where he is, he gives people a feeling that he is on the verge of falling, and he is about to fall into the elevator shaft at any time, let alone when he crawls up, because of the huge fright , the body is swaying from side to side, as if it is about to fall at any time, the people watching are terrified~ terrified!

At this moment, no matter whether it was Captain Jack, other tourists, crew members, or the audience in the live broadcast room, seeing Tom's precarious appearance, all of them raised their hearts unconsciously, clenched their fists, and became very nervous. I prayed silently in my heart, hoping that nothing would happen to little Tom—things will be fine!

However, after this scene was seen by the middle-aged woman, her eyes lit up, as if she had found a life-saving straw.

She clearly knows that as long as little Tom falls into the water, she can be rescued by him. The tourists, crew members, Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen don't have to save herself, they absolutely can't bear not to save little Tom!

Therefore, at this moment, in the eyes of the middle-aged woman who was originally desperate, little Tang Mu suddenly became her hope of survival, and she clearly knew that as long as little Tom fell, she would be able to survive!

Of course, with the previous lessons learned, the middle-aged woman no longer has all hope. In her opinion, even after Little Tom falls, it doesn't matter if she threatens herself, and it doesn't matter if everyone doesn't come to save her, at least she won't let her go. Everyone is happy, when you are dying, you can drag one person into the water, drag one person to die with you, that is enough!

From the middle-aged woman's point of view, this made everyone feel uncomfortable, and let little Tom be buried with her. Even if she died in the end, it would be regarded as revenge on everyone, and made her feel better in her heart!

Henceforth, the middle-aged woman fixed her vicious eyes on Little Tom's body. Looking at Little Tom's crumbling body, her eyes gradually became crazy, full of anticipation

Expect Little Tom to drop.

However, the middle-aged woman saw Little Tom getting closer and closer to Captain Jack, and knew that it might not be enough for her to just have expectations, so the middle-aged woman showed a fierce expression again, baring her teeth and shouting: "Hey, boy, Are you afraid? Do you still dare to go forward? Is this feeling uncomfortable? Don’t worry, believe me, jump down, everything will be over, you will not feel uncomfortable, you will not feel scared, jump Come down, I'll follow you below!"

Hearing this, Little Tom's body suddenly stopped, and the trembling became more intense, especially when he looked down at the ferocious expression of the middle-aged woman, and met the middle-aged woman's crazy eyes, Little Tom trembled even more Because it was serious, her little face was instantly pale with fright!

What's even more frightening is that the psychological shadow caused by middle-aged women to little Tom is too strong, causing little Tom to feel extremely frightened when he sees middle-aged women. He lost all his strength in an instant, staggered, his hands and legs went limp, and he fell directly on the sofa, fell on the edge of the sofa, and was about to roll down!

This scene shocked all the tourists and crew members present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room. No one thought that at such a time, when little Tom was about to climb in front of Captain Jack to get out of danger, The middle-aged woman actually started to act again, and still blatantly wanted to let little Tom jump off and affect the state of little Tom, it is really disgusting!

………ask for flowers…

The tourists and crew members at the scene couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed directly!

"This bastard, this is such a bastard, he even fell down, and he still didn't let little Tom go, he wanted little Tom to die with her!"

"This kind of bastard is going to die!"

Just cut her into pieces and let her die ten thousand times, even her death is not a pity!"

"I really want to fish her up now and beat her to death!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also hated the middle-aged women.

"Why isn't she dead yet?"

"This old witch's heart is so vicious, it really refreshed my three views!"

"This kind of person really deserves to die!"

"I think death is cheap for her. She should be cut into pieces, and then thrown into the frying pan directly. It's just too abominable!"


Captain Jack's complexion also changed, his eyes widened, and he roared angrily: "Shut up, you are going to die yourself, no one will stop you, don't affect little Tom!"


The middle-aged woman didn't seem to hear it at all, she sneered directly, and continued to say to Little Tom: "Little Tom, right? Come, look into my eyes, jump off, everything is over, you can still see yours Mom and Dad, don’t you miss your mother very much? Jump down, you can see her, believe me, I will definitely take you to see your mother!”

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed again!

Who would have thought that a middle-aged woman would actually move little Tom's mother out. For a seven-year-old child, parents are everything to him. As long as someone says to take him to find his parents, how can he resist it? ?And a seven-year-old child is easy to deceive, especially when it comes to his parents! What's more, in such a crisis environment, he has already been extremely intimidated, and his sense of dependence on his parents has grown. The so-called strong, he wants to find his parents even more!

However, what makes people feel horrified is that both of Tom's parents have passed away, and the middle-aged woman even said that she would take Tom to find them. Doesn't this mean that Tom is going to be killed? It's really disgusting!

Whether it's the tourists, the crew, or the audience in the live broadcast room, they are all beating their chests in anger at this moment, wishing to tear the middle-aged woman's mouth to pieces!

And most importantly, Little Tom was obviously attracted by the words of the middle-aged woman!

This is an extremely dangerous signal!

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