Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 383: The Danger Is Getting Closer! [Please Subscribe! 】

Time fell into silence for a while.

clap clap clap...

However, what followed was applause resounding from the cruise ship!

I saw that no matter whether it was Captain Jack, or the tourists and crew members, they all applauded wildly, offering their own applause for Zhou Zhiyao!

At the same time, cheers rang out from the mouths of the crew and tourists.


"You are our hero!"

"You did it! You did what none of us could do!"

"You saved everyone!~You saved the children!"

"You are - a veritable hero!"

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room, cheering in the live broadcast room one after another.

"What else can I say? Thousands of words can only be gathered into a few short words, my sister Zhou is awesome!"

"Sister Zhou is invincible, these two strokes are so handsome!"

"Sister Zhou is mighty and domineering, Sister Zhou kills evil in name!"

"Sister Zhou is simply too handsome, today is her highlight moment!

"Sister Zhou is invincible, Sister Zhou, I have become a fan of you. From then on, my idol will be you besides the host!"

There is no doubt that Zhou Zhiyao's actions and the death of the middle-aged woman brought everyone endless joy!

It's as if the middle-aged woman is a devil who does all kinds of evil, and she was finally eradicated by the knight. It deserves people's cheers!

And the fact is indeed the case, what the middle-aged woman did, as well as his words and deeds, called her a devil, without the slightest sense of disobedience, she is definitely the devil himself!

After the death of a middle-aged woman, no one will miss her, and no one will feel any pity for her, because her death is so worthless!

Of course, Zhou Zhiyao's actions, her words and deeds, no matter whether she rescued the little Laura from the middle-aged woman when no one could react, or sent the middle-aged woman to hell now, they are all worthy Praise is a performance of a hero level, worthy of the title of a hero, and even more worthy of the applause of all the crew and tourists on the cruise ship at this moment!

After all, after Zhou Zhiyao got rid of the middle-aged woman, she not only made everyone feel angry, but also allowed all the remaining children to live safely, and won enough money for the remaining crew members and tourists. Escape time!

Therefore, it couldn't be more appropriate to directly call Zhou Zhiyao a hero!

Of course, Jiang Chen was also full of admiration for Zhou Zhiyao!

It should be known that when Zhou Zhiyao rescued little Laura before, it was beyond Jiang Chen's expectations. Jiang Chen never imagined that Zhou Zhiyao could make such a decisive judgment at such a critical moment, and in this case When everyone didn't react, they directly rescued little Laura!

But at this moment, Zhou Zhiyao's actions exceeded Jiang Chen's expectations again. Originally, Jiang Chen was ready to do something, so he jumped down by himself, dealt with the middle-aged woman, and then brought Zhou Zhiyao up with him.

However, this requires a considerable price, that is, the sofa will definitely be completely flipped over, and the follow-up personnel will not be able to come again. It will also become extremely difficult for Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao to continue to the negative third floor.

However, Jiang Chen knew that he couldn't afford it anymore, even if he jumped down, it would be helpless!

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhiyao stepped forward and directly killed the middle-aged woman!

This was a situation that Jiang Chen had never thought of. After all, even Jiang Chen hadn't seen Zhou Zhiyao make a move, except that he was fighting against the savages.

However, savages are not human after all, and Jiang Chen has never seen Zhou Zhiyao attack anyone.

However, what Jiang Chen never imagined was that Zhou Zhiyao was so decisive and so ruthless, directly killing the middle-aged woman!

However, this has to make Jiang Chen admire Zhou Zhiyao from the bottom of his heart. It is really not easy for a woman, even a female professor, to be able to do this. May I ask which normal woman can do what Zhou Zhiyao does? Probably not! At least there are quite a few women at the scene who couldn’t do what Zhou Zhiyao did. It is estimated that their legs are already weak just standing on the sofa, let alone running back and forth on the sofa, saving people and solving middle-aged It's impossible for women!

At this moment, Jiang Chen couldn't help but gave Zhou Zhiyao a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Zhiyao seemed to have also noticed Jiang Chen's gaze, and after looking back at Jiang Chen, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly shot up into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the entire cruise ship began to shake violently again, whether it was Jiang Chen or Captain Jack outside the elevator, as well as the crew and tourists, all began to sway left and right with the shaking cruise ship!

Zhou Zhiyao was even more taken aback, and was almost thrown off the sofa in a panic. Fortunately, she reacted extremely quickly, and immediately walked to the end of the sofa, using the reset in her hand as a fulcrum, and barely stabilized her body !

However, at this time, the loud noise is still not over, it is still spreading in the air, and it is getting denser and denser!

And the shaking of the entire cruise ship did not stop, even though it was much smaller than the first one, but it didn't mean to calm down, but it made people feel more and more dangerous.

……ask for flowers…

At the same time, everyone clearly saw that the sea water in the elevator shaft began to pour in violently, and the entire water level began to rise crazily!

There is no doubt that a certain part of the cruise ship must have been damaged again, causing the sea water to flood in again, causing the cruise ship to sink crazily!

This is very bad news for everyone present, whether it is Jiang Chen or Zhou Zhiyao, as well as Captain Jack, the crew and tourists!

They were still happy to solve the middle-aged woman, but now it seems that the whole cruise ship is on the verge of collapse, and everyone is not completely out of danger. It is obviously not the time to be happy.

bang bang bang

At the same time, as the cruise ship shook more and more, things started to fall from the ceiling, and the already unsightly scene became even more embarrassing!


Everyone at the scene knew that now is not the time to be happy, the danger is getting closer and closer, and the danger of the middle-aged woman has finally been lifted. For everyone, the most important thing now is to escape from here and go to a more peaceful place. The safe negative three floors are right!

The viewers in the live broadcast room, as well as the billions of viewers around the world who are watching the live broadcast, were all happy at first, but when they were celebrating to solve the middle-aged woman, they saw the sudden change in the live broadcast room. It froze in an instant, and the eyes were full of horror and solemnity!

All of a sudden, all kinds of bullet screens dominated the screen again!

"Go! The cruise ship is starting to descend rapidly again!"

"According to my judgment, it should be that some of the water outlet systems under the cruise ship were destroyed due to the pressure, causing the seawater to pour in crazily, and this situation will obviously be a series, which will cause the cruise ship to sink faster. And keep the cruise ship in an unstable state, run!"

"Anchor, quickly take everyone and run, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

Jiang Chen naturally knew the danger, and knew that this kind of place couldn't stay longer, so he hurriedly waved his hand and signaled Captain Jack to start making arrangements, let everyone pass the sofa quickly and go to the third floor!

Captain Jack understood what Jiang Chen meant, and without any hesitation, he immediately followed the previous arrangement, got the rest of the children lined up, and began to walk onto the sofa one after another, heading to the end of the sofa where Zhou Zhiyao was, and then Zhou Zhiyao and Jiang Chen relayed the relay. Send people to the negative third floor!

And just when everyone started to leave, the danger is getting closer and closer to everyone!

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