Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 410: Obsession!

If Jiang Chen is still alive now, if Jiang Chen is still present, he definitely doesn't want to see her do this, that's for sure.

Zhou Zhiyao herself understands very well, and she also understands and realizes that there is only one thing she has to do now, which is to complete what Jiang Chen has not done, and to help Jiang Chen and all the people present escape from life. sky.

This is what she should do now, and what Jiang Chen wants her to do, and what makes Jiang Chen satisfied with her performance. Zhou Zhiyao actually fully understood this at this time!

So no matter it's for her, for everyone present, or for Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao is very clear that she must be strong, and she must complete the task conveyed by Jiang Chen!

Of course, deep down in Zhou Zhiyao's heart, there is still a little longing.

She hopes that Jiang Chen can survive, she hopes that Jiang Chen can survive, and she also thinks that Jiang Chen can survive.

After all, she has been in contact with Jiang Chen for a very long time, and the two of them have also gone out on adventures together. She knows very well how powerful Jiang Chen is.

She also clearly knows that Jiang Chen can create huge miracles every time he is in crisis.

So in her opinion, she also hopes that Jiang Chen can create a miracle this time, and she also believes that Jiang Chen can definitely create a miracle and survive, even if the current situation is already inevitable for people, just avoid it.

Even many people have given up any hope that Jiang Chen is still alive, but Zhou Zhiyao has no intention of giving up, her idea is actually very simple, if she wants to come, Jiang Chen must still be alive!

In fact, Zhou Zhiyao's idea is a very positive idea, and it is also a self-hypnosis that Zhou Zhiyao performed on himself.

The thought that Jiang Chen is still alive, Zhou Zhiyao kept saying to herself in her heart.

And in this way, Zhou Zhiyao actually forced herself to live on, to lead everyone to go on, and not to be able to kill herself.

Only in this way can I see Jiang Chen again in the future, and when I see Jiang Chen again, I can give this satisfactory answer sheet to Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen can be satisfied.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhou Zhiyao rekindled her fighting spirit. She kept hypnotizing herself and put herself into a state where she had to live.

For her at present, this state is actually more like an obsession. This obsession has appeared in many people. Some people are negative, while others are positive.

As for Zhou Zhiyao's obsession, it's not negative or positive, it's like a goal Zhou Zhiyao set for herself, and the goal is that Jiang Chen is still alive!

If, in the end, Zhou Zhiyao really saw Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was really still alive, then there is no doubt that Zhou Zhiyao's obsession is absolutely positive.

Because of this kind of obsession, she also survived, and it prevented her from ending herself easily, and it also enabled him to face everything bravely and complete the task given by Jiang Chen!

However, one thing worth mentioning is that if Jiang Chen did not survive in the end, and Zhou Zhiyao never saw Jiang Chen, this obsession would change dramatically.

Become an absolutely negative obsession.

This kind of obsession will lead Zhou Zhiyao into an extremely crazy state.

It's not even necessary to become a neuropathy.

After all, this obsession is too deep, and the only person who can unravel this obsession is Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen is dead, no one can undo this obsession, no one can undo this obsession.

This kind of obsession will continue to deepen in Zhou Zhiyao's mind, and eventually cause immeasurable consequences, which are actually very terrifying!

However, for the current Zhou Zhiyao, she doesn't care anymore.

She at least feels that her current state is very good, and she also likes her current state very much.

For himself, this state is also helpful for him to survive and lead everyone to the fire department.

So no matter what will happen to Zhou Zhiyao in the future, but for the current Zhou Zhiyao, the effect brought about by such obsession is very significant, and it has revived Zhou Zhiyao, rekindled Zhou Zhiyao's fighting spirit, and given Zhou Zhiyao a longing target.

So for now, the effect of this obsession is very friendly!

For Zhou Zhiyao, being able to bring her a lot of help is already a very good thing, and it can be said that it is completely unexpected.

Even Zhou Zhiyao herself was surprised that she was actually full of hope for the future, and her heart was full of the moment when she saw Jiang Chen in the future.

She can always feel that she will be able to spend time with Jiang Chen in the near future, as if she will be able to meet Jiang Chen, so this makes her full of hope for her future!

Of course, the other people present, whether they were tourists, crew members, or Captain Jack, didn't know what Zhou Zhiyao was thinking.

They could only see Zhou Zhiyao's expression. They watched Zhou Zhiyao relax a little bit more than before and return to a normal state little by little.

Everyone, including Captain Jack, secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts!

After all, in their opinion, Jiang Chen's persuasion before falling into the elevator shaft should have worked. They didn't know that in Zhou Zhiyao's heart, some kind of obsession had already been formed.

And this kind of obsession is actually more terrifying than Zhou Zhiyao's previous state. If the final result does not meet Zhou Zhiyao's expectations, there is no doubt that Zhou Zhiyao's situation will be worse than before!

This point is completely unknown to everyone present, including even Captain Jack.

After all, they are not roundworms in Zhou Zhiyao's stomach, and they are not very familiar with Zhou Zhiyao, let alone know Zhou Zhiyao's inner changes and inner thoughts.

060 So in everyone's opinion, Zhou Zhiyao has calmed down now, so Zhou Zhiyao's heart must have nothing serious. I think so!

After all, with the passage of time, Zhou Zhiyao became more and more obsessed with her, and her expression became more and more calm, and her eyes shone even brighter, as if she had returned to the previous radiance that shocked everyone. Get rid of the appearance of middle-aged women.

Becoming a familiar goddess in everyone's hearts, this is the meaning of Zhou Zhiyao's most normal state in everyone's opinion!

So everyone thinks that Zhou Zhiyao has nothing wrong with her.

Even Zhou Zhiyao herself thought that there was nothing wrong with her.

After all, Zhou Zhiyao doesn't know about Zhou Zhiyao's own obsession. This is actually a kind of sickness. In Zhou Zhiyao's own opinion, he is just thinking about something to distract himself. There is nothing at all, and he doesn't know at all. In fact, I have already developed some kind of obsession.

And once this kind of obsession is not well controlled, and if the result is not good, it will bring very serious consequences. Zhou Zhiyao doesn't know about it. In her opinion, she just has one to survive and complete the task. goal!

Having said that, she couldn't even see her own problem, let alone the outsiders present, and even less so, in the eyes of everyone present, Zhou Zhiyao had completely recovered to a normal state!.

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