Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 413: Forever!

However, it is worth mentioning that even the remaining tourists and crew members were very uncomfortable, and the feeling lasted like a year.

Both physically and mentally are being tortured, but they still dare not relax at all, they are still very tense, their attention is very focused, they are staring at the sofa in front of them, not daring to relax at all. distracted.

The reason is that they also know very clearly that this is the most dangerous time, not only the surrounding environment becomes more dangerous, but also the shaking cruise ship and the unstable sofa.

There is also the sea water that is about to touch everyone's calves. These are very dangerous existences. Any factor can kill them. The consequences are very terrible. No one is willing to bear it. The dangerous thing is our spirit.

Everyone clearly knows that in such a dangerous and terrifying environment as mentioned before, everyone's spirit will be tortured to a certain extent.

Under this kind of torture, everyone is likely to be distracted, or unable to notice what is happening around them, and unable to focus their attention. These ten points are completely certain.

Therefore, this time is actually the most dangerous time, whether it is a shaking cruise ship, rising sea water, a shaking sofa, or an elevator shaft already hidden under the sea water.

These are actually dangers that can be avoided as long as you concentrate a little bit, or if you focus a little bit, but if at this time, if you have the slightest problem in your spirit.

Then there is no doubt that the surrounding dangers will be magnified countless times at this time.

For example, if you take one step carefully and fail to gain a firm foothold in the swaying cruise ship, you may not necessarily be drowned if you fall directly into the sea and get hit by something.

Or it may be that you are distracted and fall directly from the sofa into the elevator shaft, or you just step on the ground without paying attention, step into the elevator shaft, and then be swallowed by the vortex in it. uncertain!

As long as you are focused enough and your attention is enough to hit, these things are actually completely avoidable things, and these dangers are also preventable dangers, and the first condition to prevent these dangers is to concentrate.

If there are mental problems, there is no doubt that these dangers will be magnified countless times, and these dangers will become more dangerous, and their own risk coefficient will also increase crazily in an instant.

This point is absolutely certain, and the rest of the tourists and crew, as well as Captain Jack, are also very aware of this news.

So even if they feel that their spirit and body are being tortured now, even if they count the seconds like years, even if they are very painful and uncomfortable in their hearts, they still keep telling themselves in their hearts to concentrate and persevere, To be strong, to have tenacious willpower.

If these words are said to myself in normal times, they may seem very secondary.

But in this extreme and dangerous environment, it is actually a very good way of self-motivation, not only to encourage yourself, but also to give yourself a hope of living, so that you can concentrate more Do the next thing, go escape!

Obviously, people who have climbed to the third floor also naturally know this, Zhou Zhiyao's eyes lit up, she understands these feelings very well.

After following Jiang Chen, she also followed Jiang Chen to learn to observe some subtle things, or to observe something from the subtle things.

At this time, she was the first to notice the state of the tourists and crew members who had not come up below, as well as Captain Jack. She also knew clearly that the mental state of these people must not collapse.

If their mental states are all broken, then there is no doubt that the danger they will face will greatly increase. This is absolutely impossible to deny, and there is absolutely no suspense. Also very clear!

However, regarding spiritual matters, it is actually very difficult to give substantial help.

After all, this world is originally a material world, and the spiritual level is more like something that has risen to another dimension. It is actually not easy for Zhou Zhiyao to give the tourists, crew members and Captain Jack moderator below the spiritual level. .

This is a point that is absolutely certain, not that Zhou Zhiyao does not want to help them, in fact Zhou Zhiyao wants to help them more than anyone else, this is a point that is absolutely certain, and it is also a point that everyone fully agrees with, no one can deny it!

Because, in fact, apart from Zhou Zhiyao, he first realized how difficult the situation of the tourists and crew members who had not yet come up, as well as Captain Jack, were.

How painful the torture they endured, how huge the danger they faced, and how much their spiritual level was being impacted.

And if their spiritual level suffers a huge blow, it will cause extremely terrifying consequences, causing an irreversible consequence, and putting them in an extremely dangerous situation.

In fact, many people at the scene began to realize this one after another. Many people also noticed how difficult the environment they were in, especially the tourists and crew members who had not come up below, as well as Captain Jack. Aware of how terrifying the dangers that accompany them are.

Moreover, the risk factor is still increasing, and many people have noticed that the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack are suffering a lot of mental blows, which is simply a kind of torture for them.

Everyone is also very clear that if the spirits of the tourists, the crew, and Captain Jack start to break down, the consequences must be very unimaginable, and this is a certainty.

Whether it was Zhou Zhiyao or everyone in the third floor, they all felt this way, and it was something that everyone was sure would happen.

Even all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack who haven’t come up yet, are in danger, are being tortured, are suffering mental blows, are comforting themselves, and are passing by like a second, think the same way One thing, so this thing is a thing that can be completely sure!

However, what can be done like this?

Even though everyone is aware that all the tourists and crew members below, as well as Captain Jack, are in dire straits, their spirits are suffering, and they clearly know that

The spirits of these tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack must not collapse, otherwise the danger will be greatly increased and the consequences will be disastrous.

But what if everyone knows this?

……ask for flowers…

They fell into the same problem as Zhou Zhiyao encountered, and Zhou Zhiyao was the same. He was the first to know the situation of all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack below, but so what?

She can't do anything, if all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack need substantial help, maybe Zhou Zhiyao will still have some solutions.

But what all the tourists, the crew, and Captain Jack need now are not the real things, but the spiritual things they need, so this is the place that stumps Zhou Zhiyao, and it is also a place that Zhou Zhiyao is extremely difficult to deal with!

Of course, everyone present also clearly knew what all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack needed. They needed spiritual comfort and support.

But they are the same as Zhou Zhiyao, they don't know what to do. If all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack need are real things, maybe they can still find a way.

It's a pity that they clearly know that what all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack need is something spiritual, and they have absolutely nothing to do!


After all, things on the spiritual level, no matter who they sound, feel like a very mysterious thing, completely devoid of substance, everyone's judgment is different, and everyone's ideas are also different, so no one can Come up with an accurate plan.

In other words, no one knows how to help all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack.

This is the most difficult point. Everyone knows what all the tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack, lack most now. What they lack is a kind of spiritual help, because all the tourists and crew members now, and There is too much danger around Captain Jack.

But as long as they focus a little bit, as long as they don't get distracted, there is still a great possibility that they can safely pass through the sofa and directly reach the safety zone on the third floor. , The biggest problem facing them now is that they don't know how to overcome the spiritual problems they face.

At this time, if all the tourists and crew members, as well as Captain Jack, once their spirits are broken, they are doomed to be unable to concentrate.

If you can't concentrate, you will actively get distracted. As long as you are distracted, you will definitely make mistakes. This is absolutely certain. This is a chain reaction, no matter who it is, even if you let Zhou Zhiyao come.

If she makes a mistake, or does a certain wrong thing, if she does not correct it in time or corrects it in time, it will definitely cause a series of chain reactions, affecting more people and committing more crimes. wrong.

In the end, if you want to make corrections or go back on your word, you can’t do it. This is absolutely certain, so for all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack’s people, they must not make a single mistake.

After all, in such a dangerous environment, even if they make a mistake now, it is very likely that they will be lost forever. This is an absolutely certain point, and it must not be ignored!

But, how can we help them? At this time, Zhou Zhiyao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he came up with a method six!.

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