Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 418: Nothing!

Even though Zhou Zhiyao could not think of a solution at this moment, what Zhou Zhiyao knew was that nothing would happen to Captain Jack. If something happened to Captain Jack, everything would be bad. This is absolutely certain.

Therefore, Captain Jack must not have any accidents. No matter what method is used, Captain Jack must be passed on, because Zhou Zhiyao clearly knows that even though her own abilities are very powerful, in the process of calling for help, she still cannot be less. With the help of Captain Jack.

This point is absolutely certain, without the help of Captain Jack, it is absolutely impossible for them to save themselves successfully, because Zhou Zhiyao knows that no matter how powerful he is, he needs someone to help him, and Captain Jack is of course the most suitable But the candidate!

Of course, the most important thing is that all the tourists and crew members, including Zhou Zhiyao, are not at all familiar with the structure of the cruise ship and the following escape routes. Only Captain Jack is the most familiar with these ~ routes.

Therefore, Captain Jack is someone who absolutely cannot be lost. Without Captain Jack, all the tourists, crew members present, and Zhou Zhiyao would lose sight of everything. It would not be an exaggeration to call them blind!

Because they don't know where to go, which routes to take, where to leave the cruise ship smoothly, and where to avoid danger. Just imagine, if there is no guidance from Captain Jack, then no doubt.

Everyone will spend a lot of time just looking for the way. Even if you find the way, you must find the correct way out. Besides the first time, you must also find the correct exit. All the tourists and crew members present They, including Zhou Zhiyao, are not familiar with them at all.

You can only count on Captain Jack!

If there is no Captain Jack, everyone will spend a lot of time looking for these routes and exits. Now for all tourists, crew members and Zhou Zhiyao, time is life and the most precious thing, every minute and every second Neither can be consumed.

Not to mention spending a lot of time in a short time, it is simply impossible. It is estimated that they have not found the exit, and the cruise ship has been completely silent.

After all, the cruise ship is so big that it is not easy to find the route and exit in a short time. For all the tourists, crew members and Zhou Zhiyao who are not familiar with the bottom of the cruise ship, it is completely impossible. It can be seen how great the importance of Captain Jack is!

In fact, besides finding the route and finding the exit requires Captain Jack, otherwise it will consume a lot of time, there is another very important thing, and that is to avoid dangerous places.

This matter also has to rely on Captain Jack.

After all, only Captain Jack knew enough about the bottom of the cruise ship. All the tourists and crew present, including Zhou Zhiyao, had almost no understanding of the bottom of the cruise ship.

Therefore, it is simply impossible for them to avoid some dangerous places smoothly on the way, and now the cruise ship is completely turned over, not only is there a silent danger, it can be said that it is full of danger everywhere!

Just like in the bar before, the floor leaked electricity. In the face of such a danger, if everyone rushes in without Captain Jack's warning, many people will definitely die. This is absolutely certain.

And if there is no reminder from Captain Jack, everyone will have no idea how to get through such a danger, just like in a bar, who knows the exact location of the switch.

Without Captain Jack, no one would know where the electric switch is, so they could only stand there and wait to die, completely unable to enter the interior of the bar, and close the electric switch, so that everyone can continue to move forward and continue to escape!

So for everyone, the importance of Captain Jack is not only to find the route, or to find the exit. Captain Jack also has a crucial importance, which is to lead everyone to avoid some potentially dangerous areas, and to It is also very important to resolve these dangers.

Because if this is not the case, everyone will probably not be drowned by the sea, but will be killed by the danger in the cruise ship, of course, or trapped in danger, they can only wait to die in the cruise ship alive !

It is conceivable how important Captain Jack is to everyone. Zhou Zhiyao knows this. In fact, all tourists and crew members also know this. They cannot do without Captain Jack.

If there is no Captain Jack, their road to survival will be very difficult, or it is not an exaggeration to describe it as difficult.

That's why, even if the surrounding environment is already very dangerous, and time is still passing, and the danger is still increasing, there is still no one who proposes to leave.

Because everyone knows the importance of Captain Jack, whether it is for their own interests, or for the sake of respect and feelings for Captain Jack, they have no reason to go first, they can only think quietly in place. Ways, thinking about how to rescue Captain Jack.

But at this moment, with the passage of time, as the cruise ship continued to shake, the sea water began to rise continuously. Captain Jack could only swim his body desperately in the water to make himself rise.

Otherwise, Captain Jack would have been submerged in sea water, unable to float above the water at all, and would be drowned alive." But in this way, Captain Jack will consume more and more physical strength.

Because Captain Jack not only wants to keep his body floating above the water, he also needs to keep his body away from the sea eddies that are getting closer and closer to him, and he also has to contend with the eddies in the sea.

There is no doubt that if he is involved in the sea vortex, even if he is Jiang Chen, he will not be able to use his own strength to float on the water surface, and he will be directly sucked into it by the vortex and completely swallowed. This is an absolutely unquestionable point, and it is also an absolutely certain point.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that Captain Jack has now reached the most critical moment of life and death. If he cannot think of a way to rescue him at this time, maybe within five minutes, Captain Jack will be exhausted because of his physical strength. Completely swallowed by sea water.

In this way, all the tourists and crew members, as well as Zhou Zhiyao, will lose the leading role of Captain Jack, and the next Lu will become more and more difficult to go. This is absolutely certain.

And at this moment, Zhou Zhiyao gritted her silver teeth, and a flash of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes. She had an idea, which seemed very simple to her, but in fact, everyone present could think of it. , but this method is still too crazy.

In the eyes of everyone, it was something that a lunatic would do, so even though everyone thought of it, no one brought it up. In fact, when Zhou Zhiyao thought of this method, he rejected the whole method immediately.

Because even in Zhou Zhiyao's eyes, this method is very crazy, a very dangerous method, and a method of last resort, but after thinking about it for so long, Zhou Zhiyao saw that no one had thought of a method. The perfect solution.

Moreover, Captain Jack's complexion became more and more ugly, it seemed that he couldn't last long, and the rhythm of the whole person's swimming was out of order, before Zhou Zhiyao made up his mind. He knew clearly that he couldn't wait any longer.

If you continue to wait, then there is no doubt that something will happen to Captain Jack, this is absolutely beyond doubt, so when she thinks about it, even how crazy and dangerous the method she thought of before is , she must try it.

After all, for all the tourists, crew members and Zhou Zhiyao, there is nothing more important than saving Captain Jack. Rescuing Captain Jack is the most urgent and important thing.

So at this time, Zhou Zhiyao had already made a decision in his heart. He decided to use this method that he thought was crazy and dangerous. , anything is easy to say!

Thus, a scene that made all the tourists, crew members and Captain Jack very serious appeared!

I saw that Zhou Zhiyao found a lot of hemp ropes from the kitchen on the third floor, quickly tied these hemp ropes together into a long rope, and then tied a section of the long rope to the table and chairs fixed in the kitchen , and then she wrapped another piece around her waist!

While Zhou Zhiyao was doing this, almost all the tourists, crew members, and Captain Jack's eyes were fixed on Zhou Zhiyao.

When they saw all of Zhou Zhiyao's movements, after they had wrapped the rope around their waists, everyone knew what Zhou Zhiyao was going to do, and everyone's eyes showed a strong look of Jingdong.

...... Seeking flowers 0

Everyone opened their mouths wide, everyone's expressions were extremely shocked, and everyone looked at Zhou Zhiyao as if they were looking at a lunatic.

After all, what Zhou Zhiyao will do next has completely exceeded everyone's expectations. No one thought that Zhou Zhiyao would choose to do this. This is simply incredible, this is simply too fierce, and this is simply too crazy!

Undoubtedly, what Zhou Zhiyao will do next is an extremely crazy and dangerous thing in the eyes of all tourists, crew members and Captain Jack. No one thought that Zhou Zhiyao would actually choose This was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

No one would know what was going on in Zhou Zhiyao's mind at all, she was so crazy that she didn't even care about her own life.

More importantly, no one thought that Zhou Zhiyao, as a woman, would have the courage to stand up at this time, and risk her own life in such a crazy and dangerous way, trying to save Captain Jack , this is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone was surprised, everyone was stunned, everyone was unexpected, everyone couldn't imagine that Zhou Zhiyao would actually do this!

In fact, Zhou Zhiyao had no choice but to do this, she was completely forced to be like this by the situation in front of her!

After all, even Zhou Zhiyao, she is not a lunatic, let alone a fool, how could she go back to do something extremely dangerous, but the current situation is like this, even if Zhou Zhiyao is not willing, but she has to do it.

Because there is no way to save Captain Jack intact, this is absolutely certain, so Zhou Zhiyao was actually forced out by the situation!

Of course, Zhou Zhiyao didn't think about anything now. From Zhou Zhiyao's point of view, he has only one goal now, which is to save Captain Jack. As long as this goal is accomplished, 1 is completely successful in his opinion.

As for the crazy move, as for the matter of risking his own life, Zhou Zhiyao didn't pay attention to it. Zhou Zhiyao also found it strange that the most important thing was originally

The two questions that are most closely related to her are both

I feel very average.

I don't think these two problems are actually problems at all. Obviously these two problems are the biggest problems for Zhou Zhiyao in the future, but Zhou Zhiyao doesn't feel the slightest bit

Facing these two problems seems easy and natural.


In fact, even Zhou Zhiyao herself was a little surprised, she was so free and easy and bold, even able to think up and do such a crazy move, she was a complete lunatic,

In the eyes of outsiders, she is also like this, she is a complete and complete female lunatic!

But these are nothing to Zhou Zhiyao, even he himself feels strange, he seems to have changed, if it was him before, he would never do such a crazy thing.

, Such a bold and amazing move, this is absolutely certain.

She has changed unknowingly. From her point of view, it must have a relationship with Jiang Chen to make up for Ke Feng. From his point of view, it is because he and Jiang Chen are too close, and Jiang Chen originally

It's just a crazy person. Every time he explores, he will make some extremely crazy moves, just like a crazy person.

Every time, hundreds of millions of people around the world will be amazed. In Zhou Zhiyao's opinion, maybe he has been with Jiang Chen for a long time, and he will naturally be infected by Jiang Chen, and he will also like Block A

Some crazy moves now.

In this way, she will naturally not feel the seemingly crazy things of ordinary people, and feel that these things are normal, otherwise, Zhou Zhiyao will face her own madness.

You will definitely be very surprised if you act madly, this is a point that is absolutely certain.

But Zhou Zhiyao didn't feel the slightest surprise or panic now, which shows that he seems to be completely immune to these crazy things.

These are all thanks to Jiang Chen. After all, in Zhou Zhiyao's opinion, comparing the crazy actions he made with the crazy actions made by Jiang Chen, it is completely insignificant.

It's nothing, these crazy actions of my own may not be considered crazy in front of Jiang Chen, and they can only make ordinary people feel crazy.

But in front of Jiang Chen, naturally nothing is ten!.

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